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牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级下册期中模拟试卷( 1 )

更新时间:2021-04-18 浏览次数:148 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音是否相同

    here      there       where

    hair       pair        chair

    dear      wear        hear

    our       four        tour

  • 2. 判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音是否相同

    want          baby         water

    tiger          like           white

    show          grow          how

    hole           ago           close

  • 21. 选出适当的词语,完成句子。

    better and better,   grow a plant,   have a picnic,   a piece of

    1. (1) —The weather will be fine tomorrow. Let's in the park.

      —Good idea! I like having a picnic in the park.

    2. (2) —Tomorrow is Saturday. What will you do, Dad?

      —I will in the garden.

    3. (3) I need paper. I want to draw a picture.
    4. (4) My new home is bigger than before. I hope life will get .
  • 22. 给下列句子配对

    A. Of course. That's fantastic.

    B. How exciting!

    C. Yes. He weighs 60 kilos.

    D. Yes. He loves the beach.

    E. Me too! The air is so fresh!

    1. (1) Does your father like going to the beach?
    2. (2) There's a football game between 5A and 5B.
    3. (3) Do you want to go to the Wendy's Restaurant?
    4. (4) I often spend my holiday in the countryside.
    5. (5) Your son is too heavy, Mrs. Lee.
  • 26. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        Dan lives in the city with his parents, because his parents work in the city. But Dan likes to go to the countryside very much. His grandparents live there. There is a hill near his grandfather's home. Dan always goes to climb the hill with his grandfather when he goes there. There is a lake near his grandfather's house too. Dan likes to go fishing too!

        Summer holiday is coming. Dan is going to stay there for a month. He will pick apples with his grandmother. He will climb the hill and go fishing. He is going to help his grandfather plant vegetables too!

    1. (1) Dan's parents work in the city.
    2. (2) Dan's grandparents live with them.
    3. (3) There is a hill and a lake near Dan's house.
    4. (4) Dan is going to his grandparents' home this summer holiday.
    5. (5) Dan doesn't like fishing.
  • 27. 阅读理解

        As long as people live on Earth, we will never stop looking up at bright stars in the night sky.

        We are always trying to understand the universe. Astronauts know that not all stars are the same. Some are almost as old as the universe itself, and others may be born just now. They are in different colours, blue, white, yellow and red. Some shine brightly in the sky, while others are Visible only with special tools. You can't see them with your eyes. Some stars run through space in pairs or groups, while others move alone.

        One of the most important ways that scientists group stars is by size. In the early 20th century, just World War I, astronauts began to put stars into two main size groups.

    1. (1) Underlined word Visible means __________________ in Chinese.
      A . 宇宙的 B . 外星的 C . 可见的
    2. (2) According to the passage, people use the special tools to ________________.
      A . make star groups B . check when the stars were born C . protect their eyes when watching stars
    3. (3) According to the passage, there are __________________ different colours of stars in the sky.
      A . three B . four C . five
    4. (4) Stars may be first put into two groups __________________.
      A . before 1914 B . after 1944 C . in 1955
    5. (5) The best title of the passage may be __________________.
      A . How to watch stars B . Stars in the sky C . The sun and the stars

