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冀教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 3 Lesson 18 F...

更新时间:2021-06-29 浏览次数:100 类型:同步测试
  • 6. The story ________ everyone's heart here.
    A . kept B . touched C . changed D . moved
  • 7. Look at the sign "No swimming"; it warns us ________ in the lake.
    A . to swim B . not to swim C . swimming D . not swimming
  • 8. —My father ________ to his workplace by bus, but now he ________ there by bike.

    —Really? You have an environmentally friendly father.

    A . used to go; is used to go B . used to going; is used to go C . is used to go; is used to going D . used to go; is used to going
  • 9. A break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talk with their classmates. So it ________ helps with students' health, ________ improves their social skills.
    A . either; or B . neither; nor C . not only; but also D . because; so
  • 10. 将所给词语连成句子,要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。句末标点已给出。
    1. (1) hippo, do, know, you, the, about(?)
    2. (2) heard, has, about, Lynn, story, this(?)
    3. (3) have, they, what, relationship, a, nice(!)
    4. (4) me, father, about, warned, my, danger, coming(.)
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Dogs are very sociable(合群的) animals. When owners go out and leave their dogs alone, the dogs get worried and upset. Dogs should be trained(训练) to be on their own while still young instead of when they are older and set in their ways. When owners are not around, they should provide some toys for their dogs to play with. Leaving the radio or television on might also provide relaxing background noise.

    Howling(嚎叫) is a form of communication. Dogs do it to tell one another where they are. Some dogs howl when they are lonely, while others do it when greeting strangers whom they are seeing for the first time. Some even howl to music and do this because it is fun.

    When it comes to training dogs, giving rewards is a far better way than using punishment. Food makes an excellent reward, and if they do not respond(反应) to this, owners should try touching. Dogs like being touched by owners very much. Words of praise work well too, but not as well as food or touch. It helps if owners spend more time with their dogs.

    1. (1) When should dogs be trained to be on their own?
      A . When they are born. B . When they are young. C . When they are worried. D . When they are older.
    2. (2) What is the second paragraph of the passage mainly about?
      A . Dogs howl to music. B . Dogs howl to tell where they are. C . Dogs howl to communicate. D . Dogs howl to show they are lonely.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "rewards" mean in the passage?
      A . 抽打 B . 责骂 C . 猛击 D . 奖赏
    4. (4) According to this passage, which of the following isn't a good way to train dogs?
      A . Punishing the dogs. B . Spending more time with the dogs. C . Giving rewards to the dogs. D . Giving words of praise to the dogs.

