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更新时间:2021-05-14 浏览次数:244 类型:二轮复习
  • 1. (2020·自贡) 语法填空

        You're probably used to getting takeaway (外卖) delivered (递送) to your home these days. But e first pizza delivery in history took place nearly 150 years in Italy.

        In 1878, Margherita became the first queen of Italy. Gradually, the queen got tired eating "fancy" meals and wanted to eat "common" "food. Esposito, the most famous pizza chef at that time, was asked to deliver a pizza to the queen. He (quick) prepared a pizza with red tomatoes, white cheese and green basil, which stood for the colors of Italy's new (nation) flag. As soon as the pizza was out of the oven, he delivered it to the queen (him). The queen had never eaten pizza before and said it was one of the (good) things she'd ever eaten. Esposito named the pizza after the queen, and it has been served in nearly every pizza restaurant in the world ever since.

        Today, pizza is still popular with people around the world. In 1973, US Domino's Pizza company promised (take) pizzas to customers in 30 minutes or less". If the pizza was late, it would be free. Another US pizza company offers a "Hot-N-Ready" pizza at all its (store). These pizzas (cook) around the clock so that there are always fresh pizzas available. Go to the store, paying $6 you'll walk out with a fresh pizza with no waiting time.

  • 2. (2020·临沂) 根据短文内容,用括号内所给动词的适当形式真空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。

    In Pontevedra, a city in Spain, people don't shout. Since cars are banned (明令禁止) in the city, there are no noises from cars. People don't have to try hard to make themselves heard. What you hear in the street, instead, is the singing of birds.

    Miguel Lures, the mayor (市长) opens the windows of his office, and the sound of human voices (rise) from the street below. Lures says, "More than 14,000 cars used to pass along this street every day. There (be) more cars passing through the city in a day than people living here."

    Lores became mayor in 1999. He spent months(walk) around the city. "The historical city is dead," he said one day. "It is full of cars. It(pollute) heavily. There are a lot of traffic accidents. The elderly and children aren't able to use the streets because of cars. People who had a chance to leave have done so."

    At first, Lores thought of improving traffic conditions. However, he couldn't come up with a good plan. After lots of discussions, the government finally decided( take ) action to ban cats.

    The change(bring ) Pontevedra many advantages since then. Traffic accidents seldom happen. CO2 emissions (排放物) are down 70 percent. Many people are moving to the city, making it lively again. Most local people in the city like the change. Ramiro Armesto, a mother of two young children, said, "in the past, the first thing to see in the morning was traffic jams. Now, the city is cleaner, quieter and safer." Raquel Garcia, another parent, said she had stayed in many cities around the world. However, she had never lived in a city as "easy to live in" as Pontevedra. "Even while it(rain). I walk everywhere. The feeling is wonderful," she added. "Pontevedra is paradise(天堂)”

  • 3. (2020·深圳) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        One day, a man was walking by the corner of a street. Here he met. little boy holding a bird cage and selling the birds inside. He(stop) and looked very sadly at the birds without freedom in front of him. The birds were screaming in the cage, trying to fly away.

        After standinga moment, he said to the boy," How much does (you) bird cost? I want.

        "One fifty cents, sir," the boy answered quickly.

        "I am afraid that you are mistaken. I am not asking how much it is. "The man said, "I would like(buy) all of them. What I ask is how much you want for them."

        Hearing this, the boy(happy) counted the number of the birds in the cage.

        "They cost five dollars."

    "Here(be) the money! "The man passed the money. The boy counted excitedly. However, he then was(surprise) to find all the birds had flown away.

        "OH, my god, for what reason did you do that, sir? You don't even get a bird!" The boy asked the man who set the birds free.

        "My boy, let me tell youI did this." The man said, "I have no right to get them. Every life should be free and they are our(friend).So we should give them freedom."

  • 4. (2020·宜宾) 根据下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Every day brings new stories and information about COVID-19. Some stories (be) encouraging, while others bring bad news. How can you know who to turn to? Can you trust (they)?

    It's important (stay) informed in times like these. But while your (friend) and family might share information on social media in hopes of helping others, it's common for rumors (谣言) to spread in this way. You might have read stories sound too good to be true. What do you think about them? Would you consider that they might not be quite right?

        If you can, try to get news all kinds of sources (来源). Read articles from government news platforms which (usual) give timely fact checks. When dealing with such a serious issue, it's important to make your news "diet" just as much and (health) as your real diet. Last but not least, think twice before (share) information online!

  • 5. (2020·莆田) 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给的单词提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,要求所填的单词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。

        Climate emergency has been picked as the word of the year for 2019 by Oxford Dictionaries. It was (report) that the expression was used 10,796% more in 2019 than in 2018, and the dictionary company said reflected (反映) the mood and concerns felt by people this year. Though it's made up of two (word), climate emergency is treated as a single word, in same way as heart attack.

        Many people have started to use climate emergency to describe the /hju:dʒ/ challenge facing the planet, in place of the term climate change.

        Climate change refers to long-term changes in the world's / 'weðə(r)/ patterns (模式).They are mostly caused by activities such as (burn) oil and farming. Climate emergency means a "situation in which urgent (紧急的) action is required to reduce or stop climate change".

        According to the dictionary company, climate became the most common word used with emergency in 2019, the two were used together three times more often than the (two) most common word, which was health. /'djuəriŋ/ the year, Canada, France and the UK all announced climate emergencies.

  • 6. (2020·嘉兴) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        My brother Claudio is one of the people I love most. He is wise and always helpful, taking care of me and  (we) young sister, Sarah. The day when he left home to go to college, I (teach) the importance of being a man.

        It was a  (rain) Saturday morning in August. We were woken up by the sound of Sarah playing the piano as usual. In the kitchen, there was  surprise for Claudio——his favorite pancakes.

        Mom gave us a big smile and told us  (sit)down for the breakfast. This was an important day for all of us!

        While we  (eat) breakfast, Claudio went upstairs to collect his things. I suddenly heard him calling my name. When I walked  the room we shared, I found Claudio sitting at my bedside. "It's time, brother," he said. I thought he was saying that it was time for him to leave the house, in fact he told me that I should take on a bigger role in the family from then on. He said I should do  (many) for Mom than before after he was gone.

        I thought about his words very  (careful) and then understood everything. That day I learned about family, love and duty.

  • 7. (2019·绵阳) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        The topic of this programme is environmental protection. We human beings (do) a lot of things at the cost of the environment to develop economy quickly in the past few years. I do think it is time for us to understand the (important) of protecting the environment and do something about it. And today I would like (introduce) some simple but useful ways that we can follow (easy) in our daily life. Firstly, turn lights if it is unnecessary. Then, go out in environment﹣friendly ways such as by bus, by subway or by bike. We can even walk to work when possible,it is really helpful for both of our budget and health. Thirdly, try best to (use)things like books, paper, magazines and so on. And we can also take a cloth bag when we go (shop). Please don't use plastic ones. Of course the public should raise environmental awareness and realize it is (everyone) duty to protect the environment. Last but not least, the government should make laws to guide people's (behave).

  • 8. (2019·黄冈) 阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(提示:每空不超过三个单词)

    Dear Laura,

        Thanks for your message. Yes, I'm having a great time on my exchange program in France. I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be. My host family is really nice.

        They go out of their way(make) me feel at home. The grandmother has a teenage granddaughter about my age  is really kind. She always talks to me in French to help me practice. And you wouldn't believe how quickly my French has(improve)! I'm very comfortable speaking French now. I still make lots of mistakes, it doesn't worry me as it used to.

        My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. you can imagine, things are really different from the way they are at home. For example, you shouldn't put your bread on your plate. You (suppose) to put it on the table! I thought that was pretty strange at first, but now I'm used to it. You shouldn't eat(something) with your hands except bread, not even fruit. You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork. Another thing is that it is very(polite) to say you're full. If you don't want any more food, you should just say, "It was delicious." Also, you shouldn't put your elbows on the table. I have to say that I find it difficult to remember everything, but I'm(gradual) getting used to it. I don't find French customs so strange any more.

        Dear Laura, I'll write again soon and tell you more about my life in France. Hope you are havinggood school year.


    Lin Yue

  • 9. (2019·河北) 根据短文内容所给提示,在文中的横线上填写一个正确的单词。

        I have a photo album (相册). It's a present from my classmate—David.

        I got to know David on the (two) day of middle school. We both liked playing basketball and collecting stamps, s we always had a lot of things to talk about. Once I traveled with him to his hometown in the countryside. He showed me a and I saw many interesting things. We had a (wonder) time. It is really nice to have such good classmate.

        However, last summer, David (go) to another city because of his father's job. Before leaving, he gave (I) a photo album. “It has the memorable events we have experienced together. I have also written some (note) under each of these photos," he said. I was (deep) moved.

        I always look at the album when I think David. I really miss him.

  • 10. (2019·滨州) 阅读下面短文,用括号内地词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。

        Have you ever read the book A brief History of Times? It (write) by Stephen Hawking in 2013.

        Stephen Hawking was born on January 8th, 1942, exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo in Oxford, England. At the age of eleven, Stephen went to Oxford University, his father's old college. After three years, he won a first class honour degree in (nature) science.

        In October 1962, Stephen arrived at the University of Cambridge (do) research. He (real) enjoyed his time there. Unluckily, Stephen had a bad (ill) shortly after his 21st birthday in 1963 and was given two years to live. Yet he went on (work) hard to become an excellent scientist. Stephen didn't live by (he), he fell in love with Jane Wilde and they got (marry) in 1965, then they had three (child).

        Hawking liked China very much, he had visited China several times. On November 24th, 2017, Hawking (reply) Wang Junkai on his Weibo. He said he was pleased to answer the excellent question from Mr. Wang Junkai.

        He once said, "My goal is simple, it is complete understanding of the universe(宇宙)." Stephen Hawking is regarded as one of the most famous scientists since Einstein. Hawking died on March 14th, 2018.

