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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册Unit 4...

更新时间:2021-07-22 浏览次数:137 类型:同步测试
  • 21. 完形填空

        This is my bedroom. You can see 1 pictures on the wall, There is a desk lamp (台灯)2 the desk. My football is3 the chair, 4is the bed? It's near the door.

        My father and 5 bedroom is next to my 6. Some flowers and a nice big bed7in their room. Some photos are on the8. A brown window is in the wall, 9. My room is small, but10 room is big. They are both nice.

    A . a B . am C . one D . some
    A . under B . on C . in D . behind
    A . under B . in C . to D . for
    A . Who B . Where C . How D . What
    A . brother B . mother C . mother's D . brother's
    A . home B . desk C . schoolbag D . bedroom
    A . is B . are C . there are D . there is
    A . room B . bedroom C . wall D . flowers
    A . too B . here C . there D . of
    A . their B . there C . them D . theirs
  • 22. 阅读理解

        Tom, Bill and Dave lost their backpacks. They are at the Lost and Found. The backpacks are the same, but the things in them are different. Can you help them find the right backpack?

    Tom: I have a math book and a pencil box in my backpack. There are three pencils, a pen and an eraser in the pencil box.

    Bill: I have a Chinese dictionary, a math book and two notebooks in my backpack.

    Dave: There are two CDs and three picture books in my backpack. My English book is also in it.

    1. (1) The three boys lost their ______.
      A . pens B . backpacks C . keys D . dictionaries
    2. (2) There is a(n) ______ in Tom's backpack.
      A . pencil box B . dictionary C . notebook D . English book
    3. (3) Bill doesn't have ______ in his backpack.
      A . a math book B . a pencil C . two notebooks D . a Chinese dictionary
    4. (4) ______ is/are not in Dave s backpack.
      A . Two CDs B . Three pencils C . Three picture books D . An English book
    5. (5) ______ has an eraser.
      A . Tom B . Bill C . Dave D . Nobody

