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牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语四年级上学期Module 3 U...

更新时间:2021-08-21 浏览次数:46 类型:同步测试
  • 10. 根据问句选出相应的答语。

    ⑴What's this?           A. It's a book.

    ⑵What colour do you like?  B. My name's Guo Yang.

    ⑶How are you?        C. I'm fine, thank you.

    ⑷What colour is it?       D. It's red, blue and white.

    ⑸What's your name?      E. I like green.

  • 16. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        Tomorrow is the sports day. I can jump high. So I will do the high jump. Daming is a good football player. And he will play football on the sports day. Lingling can run fast. So she will run the 100 metres and 200 metres. Sam can jump far, so he can do the long jump. Hope we will have a happy day.

    1. (1) Today is sports day.
    2. (2) I will do the long jump.
    3. (3) Daming will play football on the sports day.
    4. (4) Lingling will play basketball.
    5. (5) Sam can do the long jump.

