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更新时间:2021-11-29 浏览次数:116 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    If you like traveling, these less known places in New York City (NYC) are sure to create good memories that last a lifetime.

    The High Line Park

    The High Line Park has been only recently developed, so it is one of NYC's most beautiful places and one of the most unique (独特的) places you could ever hope to find. It is nothing like your city park. Instead of being a park of trees, grass, and benches, it is built entirely on the top of an old above ground railway line.

    The Cloisters

    The Cloister is a branch (分支) of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which is located in northern Manhattan's Fort Tryon Park. It is filled with gardens and medieval (中世纪的) art and buildings. If you're looking for a memorable experience, it is sure to be a good choice.

    The Dream House

    If you don't like art museums or concert halls, you can choose the Dream House on Tribeca's Church Street. It was created in 1993 by a married couple La Monte Young, a musician, and his wife Marian Zazeela. In the Dream House, every move that visitors make in the Dream House creates a different series of sounds. Meanwhile, fantastic pink lighting guides them through their journey.

    Greenacre Park

    If you have ever wished you could sit next to a surprising waterfall, you can go Greenacre Park. Located in the heart of midtown Manhattan on 5lst Street, this "pocket park" has a 25-foot waterfall, quiet greenery and benches.

    1. (1) What do we know about the High Line Park?
      A . It is full of tall trees. B . It hasn't been finished. C . It has so many works of art. D . It is built on the top of a railway line.
    2. (2) What can you most possibly find in the Cloisters?
      A . An old train. B . Light of different colors. C . The Middle Ages' art. D . A surprising waterfall.
    3. (3) Which place should you visit if you want to experience sound and light?
      A . The High Line Park. B . The Dream House. C . The Cloisters. D . Greenacre Park.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    One day about eight years ago in the departure lounge (休息室) of a flight from New York's LaGuardia airport to O'Hare in Chicago, I found a young boy in tears and his mother at his side also appeared upset, I walked to them and invited them to our VIP lounge.

    As it turned out, the boy, Miles and his mom were returning to their home in Kansas City. Miles has had some health problems. Though he had received more than thirty operations in a Jewish Hospital in New York, he would be back for more.

    Miles enjoyed spending his time in our VIP lounge looking at the entire wall filled with the pictures of many celebrities (名人) who often came to our office. We soon added Miles' picture to the wall among those celebrities.

    Among the celebrities, Miles like the country singer Garth Brooks best. Miles would just sit and stare at Garth's picture,

    One day, Mr. Brooks was waiting in the lounge for his flight. As he looked at the collection of photographs, Garth asked about the youngster with the big smile. We told him about Miles. We also told him how much Miles loved and respected (尊重) him. He nodded and left.

    About six months later, Garth was going to be performing in Kansas City and he asked our workers to help him get in touch with the family. He wanted Miles to be his guest. That evening, not only did Miles sit in the front row, but he and Garth also had a private meeting after the performance.

    Although Miles would receive many more treatments after that special evening, his smile greeted us with every following visit. The face of a sick boy was changed by the joy of a stranger.

    1. (1) What does the author probably do?
      A . A worker at an airport. B . A killed photographer. C . A country music singer. D . A doctor in a Jewish hospital.
    2. (2) What did Miles enjoy doing in the VIP lounge?
      A . Interviewing celebrities he saw there. B . Seeing pictures of celebrities on the wall. C . Drawing pictures of the celebrities there. D . Singing together with his favorite singer.
    3. (3) Which words can best describe Garth Brooks?
      A . Determined and generous. B . Proud and selfish. C . Kind and helpful. D . Powerful and rich.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . Importance of Good Service B . Kindness from Strangers C . A Serious Health Problem D . A Helpless Mother
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Teaching is not an easy career (职业) to go into, yet it's one of the most important careers in a culture. The future of a country depends on the quality of education that its next generation (代) receives and the character that the children develop. Even though educators are the most important part of our schools, the structure (结构) of the education system in the United States is not set up to fully support them. In fact, it often puts them in difficult situations.

    In most careers, salaries (工资) are based on education, experience, and performance. Not so with teaching. In many schools, teachers aren't paid based on their level of education or experience. Though many go into the career because of their love of teaching and working with children, being fairly rewarded for their work is a problem.

    Add to the fact that many teachers have to spend their summers making enough money to support their family, so many teachers are leaving the field. A 2019 study reported that about 8% of teachers gave up the career each year. The result will soon be that there won't be enough educators.

    One of the reasons why teachers are leaving the field is that they don't get respect in the classroom. Disrespect, in my view, is the biggest problem that our teachers face and it has got worse in recent years.

    How to improve this situation? Schools should take care of teachers in them, and our teachers need more of us to support them. They need us to raise our voices for a stronger education system that supports them. They should be offered better salaries and more chances of career improvement. These will encourage more people to be teachers.

    1. (1) How does the author like the structure of the American education system?
      A . It is unsatisfying. B . It is full of risks. C . It fully supports teachers. D . It puts teachers in good situations.
    2. (2) Why do many teachers fail to relax in summer vacations?
      A . They need some training in teaching. B . They have to visit students' parents. C . They have to look after students. D . They need to make extra money.
    3. (3) What do the teachers need most in the author's opinion?
      A . Enough respect. B . Increase in salaries. C . Rights to control students. D . Teaching methods.
    4. (4) What does the author advise in the last paragraph?
      A . Requiring kids to work hard at school. B . Calling for a better education system. C . Encouraging more people to be teachers. D . Having a better understanding of books.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    A study shows exposure (暴露) to more light during the day and less light at night is important for people to get healthy sleep because it helps to keep the right body clock. The results suggest that in the office environment, being exposed to either sunlight or electric lights that are rich in short wave blue light may be important for the health of workers.

    To see whether the office workers get enough light to regulate (调节) their sleep wake cycle, researchers found the participants (参与者) in five government office buildings across the United States. A total of 109 people working at the offices wore light-measuring devices (仪器) for one week to do an experiment in summer, and 81 of these participants reduplicated the experiment in winter once again. The office workers wrote down their sleep and wake time. They also answered questions of their mood and sleep quality at the end of each study period.

    Researchers found that people who were exposed to lots of sunlight during the morning hours, between 8 am and noon, fell asleep more quickly at night compared to those exposed to low light in the morning. Office workers who were exposed to high levels of light all day, from 8 am to 5 pm, also fell asleep more quickly.

    Poor-quality sleep has been linked to health problems. Researchers say there are many easy things we can do during the day to increase our exposure to sunlight, such as looking out of the window and walking out for light during the day, especially during the morning and lunch time.

    1. (1) Where did the participants of the experiment work for?
      A . The government. B . The car factory. C . The local school. D . The airline company.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "reduplicated" in paragraph 2 mean?
      A . Reused. B . Released. C . Repeated. D . Requested.
    3. (3) What can people do to make themselves fall asleep more easily?
      A . Eat much food. B . Drink lots of water at night. C . Talk with friends before sleeping. D . Expose themselves to sunlight during the day.
    4. (4) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . Looking outside at night is helpful in falling asleep. B . Staying outside all day is bad for people's health. C . The quality of sleep influences people's health. D . The sunlight makes people hungry during the day.
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    The U.K. has lots of strange traditions.This racing is on Pancake Day which falls on the last Tuesday of February. On this day, people across the U.K. make and eat pancakes.

    As they run, they have to throw the pancake in the air so that it flips and lands back in the pan. The winner is the first to reach the finish line.

    One of the most famous pancake races is the Rehab Parliamentary Pancake Race. This takes place on the morning of Pancake Day in London, outside the Houses of Parliament. One team is made up of members of parliament, and the other is made up of journalists. The race is shown on the news and is reported on TV.It raises money for the charity Rehab, which works with people with disabilities in the UK.

    Another important aspect of the race is the official starter. The starter is seen as a respectable role and is usually given to a British news host.

    A. One of those is pancake racing.

    B. The race is a competition between two teams.

    C. But the starter usually has a hard time controlling the race.

    D. Besides a bit of fun, the race is also held for a good cause.

    E. Some schools or businesses hold special Pancake Day events.

    F. The racers have to run holding a frying pan with a pancake in it.

    G. Pancakes in the UK are large and thin and can be topped with juice.

  • 6. 完形填空

    It was a great shock to me to discover that I had a serious disease. I had never been very well coordinated (协调)physically when I was1. But things seemed to change when I went to university, at the age of 17, I started to 2 some sports.

    In my third year at university, however, I noticed that it seemed to be difficult for me, and I fell over once or twice for no obvious 3 My father took me to the family doctor who led me to a good 4. Two days later, I went into hospital for examinations. I stayed in the 5 for two weeks, during which I had a wide variety of tests. But after all the 6, they didn't tell me what I had, except that I was a special case. However, they 7 it to continue to get worse. The doctor felt sorry because he could do 8 except giving me vitamins (维生素), I could see that he didn't 9 the vitamins to have much effect on my disease. I didn't feel like asking for more details, because the disease was obviously 10.

    I realized that I had a(n) 11 disease. It was a bit of a shock. However, while I had been in hospital, I had seen a boy who had leukemia (白血病) and he 12 died of that kind of disease. Clearly there were people who were 13 than me. At least my condition didn't make me feel sick, so whenever I felt 14, I remembered that boy.

    The doctors told me to go back to university. I 15 doing the research I had started before going to hospital. My dreams at that time were rather hard to 16 Before my condition had been diagnosed (诊断), I had been very bored with life. But shortly after I came out of hospital, I 17 realized that there were a lot of worthy things I could 18. I began to make progress in my 19 and I got married to a girl called Jane, whom I had met just about the time my condition was diagnosed. That marriage 20 my life. It gave me something to live for.

    A . strong B . young C . old D . calm
    A . try B . watch C . record D . destroy
    A . result B . notice C . reason D . excuse
    A . doctor B . teacher C . engineer D . patient
    A . house B . hospital C . park D . street
    A . discoveries B . examples C . examinations D . inventions
    A . required B . forecasted C . asked D . wished
    A . everything B . something C . anything D . nothing
    A . know B . realize C . fear D . expect
    A . good B . terrible C . entire D . fantastic
    A . common B . serious C . incorrect D . important
    A . finally B . selflessly C . sincerely D . uselessly
    A . richer B . better C . worse D . luckier
    A . confident B . cheerful C . discouraged D . satisfied
    A . turned up B . dug out C . gave up D . went on
    A . achieve B . ruin C . cancel D . create
    A . wrongly B . simply C . suddenly D . possibly
    A . rescue B . attack C . suffer D . do
    A . research B . mistakes C . preparations D . violence
    A . bothered B . doubted C . trapped D . changed
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    There were twenty-two children in Wilma Rudolph's family, and she was the(twenty) child. As a little girl, Wilma had many illnesses.fact, she spent most of her early childhood(lie) in bed. When she was four years old, she was diagnosed (诊断) with a diseasecan affect the muscles. Doctor said that Wilma would never walk. However, Wilma's large, caring family helped and encouraged her. Every week, her mother(take) her on a long trip to a hospital for medical treatment. Suffering from the disease, Wilma herself was determined and never gave up. And(final) one day she removed her wheelchair and started walking.

    Wilma not only learned to walk, she also learned to run-and to run fast. She ran so fast that at the 1960 Rome Olympics Games, she became the(fast) woman in the world and the first American woman(win) three gold medals at one Olympics.

    Wilma said that it was most important to be(you) and believe in what you can do. And it is not what happens to you that matters,how you respond to what happens.

  • 18. 每句中仅有一处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





    Nowadays, many students like studying on Internet.

    Only by practicing more can we learn English good.

    When I woke up, I found me staying in the hospital.

    He was so worried about the exam much he couldn't fall asleep.

    I want to find a book interested to me.

    There is nobody here another than the teacher.

    One of the best player in the team has been out of the game.

    The old sometimes helps the young enrich their social experience.

    The film what I saw last night was nothing exciting.

    Please tell me the reason that you were late this morning.

  • 19. 假定你是李华,上周五你校举办了英语书法比赛。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括






