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更新时间:2021-11-29 浏览次数:157 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Boss and clerk. B . Doctor and patient. C . Teacher and student.
    2. (2) Why was the man late last month?
      A . His clock stopped by accident. B . He sent his grandpa to the hospital. C . He left his house later than usual.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) When will the woman go back to New York?
      A . In two days. B . In three days. C . In five days.
    2. (2) What are the speakers going to do tomorrow evening?
      A . Have dinner. B . Meet their friends. C . Prepare for the conference.
    3. (3) What is the man willing to do for the woman?
      A . See her off. B . Buy her some flowers. C . Close his store early.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) Which car was going in the middle?
      A . The man's car. B . The police car. C . The ambulance.
    2. (2) What did the man think of the officer?
      A . He was kind. B . He was careful. C . He was mad.
    3. (3) What did the man get in the end?
      A . A ticket. B . A warning. C . A fine record.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) What is the man doing?
      A . Making an invitation. B . Giving some information. C . Asking for permission.
    2. (2) What will the woman do on Saturday morning?
      A . Watch a movie. B . Go to the gym. C . Do some cleaning.
    3. (3) Why will the woman meet Jim at his house rather than at her house?
      A . Her house isn't available. B . It's close to the dentist's. C . Jim asked her to do that.
    4. (4) What is the man's attitude towards the woman's busy schedule?
      A . Concerned. B . Confused. C . Disappointed.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) Who sent the message?
      A . Jimmy. B . Jackie. C . Jason.
    2. (2) Where will the listener go first if he drives?
      A . Exit 13A B . The motorway. C . Forest Road.
    3. (3) Which bus seems to be the most convenient?
      A . Bus 18. B . Bus 57. C . Bus 717.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    The Board of Education of the Islip Union Free School District is accepting applications for this key leadership role, director of Schools, in the 2,788 student K-12 school district located on the south shore of Islip Town approximately 50 miles from Manhattan. The Board is seeking an experienced educational leader who has the following characteristics:

    •Knowledge of K-12 curriculum and instruction, technology, the budget process, finances, labor relations, and community engagement.

    •Experience as a successful classroom teacher and an effective educational leader in New York State.

    •A strong commitment to academic excellence, and with outstanding communication and leadership skills.

    New York State SDA or SDL certification required.

    The Board is prepared to offer a regionally competitive salary package. An application and a brochure describing the position and the school district can be found at: www. esboces. org.

    Application deadline: December 18, 2020. Send letter of intent and resume to: Islip UFSD. Director Search passes them on to Dr. Julie Davis Lutz, Chief Operating Officer, Eastern Suffolk BOCES, PO Box 454, Medford, NY 11763. Or directly email: suptsearch@esboces. org.

    1. (1) What is the advertised position you can apply for?
      A . A teacher. B . An assistant. C . An educational leader. D . An operating officer.
    2. (2) Which of the following is not necessary for your qualification?
      A . Financial support. B . Rich experience. C . Extraordinary skills. D . Adequate knowledge.
    3. (3) When and where do you have to send your application papers?
      A . Beyond December 18, 2020; www. esboces. org. B . By December 18, 2020; www. esboces. org. C . Beyond December 18, 2020; suptsearch@esboces. or D . By December 18, 2020; suptsearch@esboces. org.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Argentina soccer legend Diego Maradona has died aged 60 of heart failure on Wednesday. Heart failure is a chronic condition that gradually damages the heart's ability to pump blood. Fluid can build up in the lungs as a result — a condition known as pulmonary edema. It is an increasingly common problem that can be fatal.

    Regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of the game, Maradona became a household name after inspiring his country to World Cup glory in 1986. He took center stage at the tournament with a memorable performance against England where he scored a symbolic goal that he later described as the "Hand of God".

    The small forward out-jumped legendary keeper Peter Shilton and knocked the ball into the net. The goal was allowed to stand, though it was claimed to be a handball. Later in the very game he scored one of the best goals in history after weaving his way past seven English defenders.

    His impressive career was also marked by numerous controversies and his notorious lifestyle led to alcoholism and addiction.

    Argentina's President Alberto Fernandez announced three days of national mourning for the passing of the superstar, and posted a tribute to Maradona on Twitter. "You took us to the top of the world. You made us feel incredibly happy. You were the greatest of all. Thank you for having existed," it read.

    Maradona will lie in honor for public viewing at Argentina's presidential palace. Fans headed to the streets across Argentina and in Naples on Wednesday to pay tribute to

    (悼念) their hero. Meanwhile, a minute's silence would be observed ahead of all European matches this week in honor of the Argentine.

    "He will go down in history as someone who set football alight and thrilled global fans young and old with his brilliance and skill."

    1. (1) Why did the famous football player Maradona die?
      A . Old age. B . Heart illness. C . Loss of blood. D . Lung cancer.
    2. (2) What do paragraphs 2 and 3 mainly talk about?
      A . His achievements in life. B . His "Hand of God". C . His great performance in 1986. D . His legendary life.
    3. (3) What does the underlined phrase "notorious" in paragraph 4 probably mean?
      A . good B . bad C . common D . healthy
    4. (4) What can we know from the paragraph 6 about the attitude towards Maradona?
      A . Respectful. B . Unkind. C . Impolite. D . Friendly.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Mother's Day is a holiday that celebrates and honors mothers in the United States. It is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It became an official holiday in the country at the start of the 20th century as a way to honor mothers whose sons had died in war.

    The holiday is celebrated in a number of ways. People give mothers gifts like flowers, cards, and jewelry to thank them for all their hard work. A popular symbol of the holiday is the flower called carnation. This is because when the holiday first began in the U. S. people were encouraged to wear a red carnation if their mother was alive or a white carnation if their mother was dead. Many people take their mothers out for a special meal. In fact, Mother's Day is the most popular date in the U. S. for people to go out and eat and it is estimated that people spend billions on meals and gifts. Mother's Day is also the most popular day to make long distance calls in the U. S. It is the second most popular gift-giving day after Christmas.

    Since its establishment, Mother's Day has been criticized for becoming highly financial. In fact, the founder of the U. S. holiday, Anna Jarvis, began protesting the holiday and was even arrested for disturbing the peace for a public march. Jarvis's own mother started the campaign to establish a mother's holiday during the American Civil War.

    Mothers are not the only people celebrated on this day. All mother figures including grandmothers, great-grandmothers, stepmothers, and foster mothers are honored on the holiday. In schools many students make special gifts, including handmade cards. While widely recognized, Mother's Day is not a federal holiday. Many other countries around the world have their own version of Mother's Day.

    1. (1) Who was the holiday intended for at the beginning?
      A . All mothers. B . The sons giving lives in war. C . All sons. D . The mothers losing sons in war.
    2. (2) What can you infer from paragraphs 2 and 3 about Mother's Day?
      A . People give their mothers carnation flowers as gifts. B . People prepare a special meal for their own mothers. C . People spend too much on celebration of the holiday. D . People telephone to their mothers anywhere anytime.
    3. (3) Why was its founder Anna Jarvis arrested?
      A . She criticized Mother's Day for high expenses. B . She organized a public march and broke the peace. C . She was strongly against her mother for the campaign. D . She spent too much in celebrating the first Mother's Day.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The ways of observing Mother's Day. B . The origin of Mother's Day. C . Different opinions on Mother's Day. D . The holiday of Mother's Day.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Giant pandas could be left hungry and struggling to survive by global warming, scientists have warned. A new study predicts that climate change is certain to wipe out much of the bamboo on which the bears rely for food. Prime panda habitat in China could be completely lost by the end of the century. Human development adds to the threat by blocking the bears' access to places where bamboo is less affected by rising temperatures.

    The research focused on the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi province, which is home to around 275 wild pandas. The animals make up around 17% of the entire wild giant panda population. Qinling pandas have been isolated for thousands of years due to a long history of human habitation around the mountain range. Their limited range makes them particularly sensitive to the loss of food resources.

    Bamboo, which carpets the forest floor where the pandas live, is the single item in the bears' diet and also provides essential food and shelter for other animals. The plant's unusual reproductive cycle limits its ability to adapt to climate change. One species studied by the scientists only flowers and reproduces every 30-35 years. Tuanmu's team pointed out that three main bamboo species were likely to disappear in the Qinling Mountains as the climate warmed.

    "We will need advance actions to protect the current giant panda habitats," said leading researcher Mao-Ning Tuanmu, from Yale University in the US. "We need time to look for areas that might become panda habitat in the future, and to think now about connection between good panda habitats and habitats for other species."

    Conservation efforts should now aim to protect areas that have a better chance of supplying pandas with food, despite climate change. Natural "bridges" could also be created to help the pandas escape from a bamboo shortage. Looking at the climate impact on the bamboo can help us prepare for the challenges that the panda will likely face in the future.

    1. (1) What does the author want to tell us in paragraph 1?
      A . Human activities prevent giant pandas travelling for food. B . Giant pandas could be short of food for two reasons. C . Giant pandas are faced with the danger of starvation. D . Global warming will ruin the bamboo in China.
    2. (2) Why does climate change seriously affect the bamboo?
      A . It is hard for this bamboo to get used to climate change. B . It takes decades to flower and produce once again. C . Three main bamboo species have disappeared. D . Giant pandas live on a single food resource.
    3. (3) What does Mao-Ning Tuanmu agree with according to paragraph 4?
      A . We should get giant pandas away from present habitats. B . We should help giant pandas remove other species. C . We should set up a nature reserve for giant pandas. D . We should plant more bamboos for giant pandas.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Threat to the survival of Giant Pandas B . Effect of Climate Change on Giant Pandas C . Research on Disappearance of Bamboo D . Measures to Protect Giant Pandas
  • 15. 任务型阅读

    Now and then, you'll meet someone and instantly feel like you've known each other forever. Your personalities and sense of humor attract the other.  But most friendships take some time to get going. If there is someone in your circle of friends that you'd like to be friends with, then you can take a chance and reach out to this person and possibly even make a new friend.

    Make eye contact

    While you don't need to stare directly into someone's eyes when you first meet, making natural occasional eye contact can show that you are attracted and interested. This is especially important when you are having a conversation with someone.

    Smile at people

    Smiling can boost your mood and make the people around you feel happier as well. Smiling can even cause your brain to release endorphins, a chemical that acts like natural pain killers.  For example, you could smile at someone you pass on the sidewalk or in a grocery store.

    Try to find something you genuinely like about this person so that your compliment doesn't sound fake or forced. Obviously, there is something you like about this person, or you wouldn't want to become friends. Complimenting a person on their shoes, bag, or necklace is a safe bet.

    Show your interest

     If you find yourself stuck in a conversation that you can't contribute to, see if you can change the topic. Try not to interrupt, but when your friend gets to a stopping point, you can bring up something else.

    A. Compliment people

    B. Talk about your likes

    C. Try to smile whenever you meet someone new.

    D. Your communication often benefits a lot from them.

    E. And you're the best of friends soon without much effort.

    F. In conversation, always be polite and listen to what your friend is saying.

    G. If your eyes wander all over the place, it might send a message that you're not interested.

  • 16. 完形填空

    One day during my holiday in Thailand, I was 1a mountain near a river when I heard a(an) 2 crying as if it was quite 3. Turning around and looking down, I immediately recognized that something was 4, and ran down to the edge of the near bank. There I saw Ma Shwe with her three-month-old calf (幼患) 5 in the fast-rising water, and it was a life-and-death struggle. Her calf was floating and 6 with fear. Ma Shwe was getting as near to the far bank as she could, holding her whole body 7 the rushing water, and keeping the calf pressed against her huge body. Every now and then the rushing water would sweep the calf away.

    There was a sudden 8 in the water and the calf was washed over the mother's body and was gone. Ma Shwe turned 9 to reach it and pressed the calf with her head and trunk (象鼻) against the rocky bank. Then with a huge effort, she 10 the calf in her trunk and tried until she was able to 11 it on a narrow shelf of rock.

    Just at this moment she 12 back into the river. If she were 13, it would be certain death. I knew, as well as she did, that there was one 14 where she could get up the bank, but it was on the other side from where she had put her calf.

    While I was 15 what I could do next, I heard the sound of a mother's 16. Ma Shwe had 17 the river and got up the bank and was making her way back as fast as she 18, roaring (吼叫) all the time, 19 to her calf it was 20.

    A . protecting B . climbing C . hiking D . wandering
    A . elephant B . antelope C . insect D . whale
    A . extinct B . determined C . frightened D . grateful
    A . tough B . special C . live D . wrong
    A . struggling B . playing C . hiding D . relaxing
    A . shaking B . speaking C . shouting D . talking
    A . against B . for C . with D . to
    A . decline B . rise C . turn D . end
    A . slowly B . gradually C . finally D . quickly
    A . set up B . picked up C . gave up D . dressed up
    A . follow B . lead C . place D . lift
    A . fell B . headed C . returned D . pretended
    A . run away B . washed away C . given away D . put away
    A . branch B . condition C . continent D . spot
    A . wondering B . wanting C . dealing D . guaranteeing
    A . magic B . love C . quality D . reputation
    A . saved B . monitored C . passed D . crossed
    A . must B . should C . could D . would
    A . and B . but C . while D . though
    A . survival B . victory C . music D . symbol
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    It is discovered that the birds that people value most are endangered  climate change. In the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica, we spent four years identifying and  (count) birds in a range of landscapes and habitats. Then, we  (ask) hundreds of people in all those places — farmers, birdwatchers, people in cities — to rank the birds we had counted.

    The birds that people rank highest are  (general) found in rainforests, with their ecosystems most  (threaten) by climate change. In this particular part of the world, we're seeing the drought period get longer and the rainy season get  (short) in certain years. Climate is becoming more unpredictable. As the forest dries out, the  (condition) for birds are becoming more extreme. For one thing, if trees don't get enough water  (grow) their leaves in the rainy season, then birds and other animals struggle to find enough food and nesting material for their breeding season. In the future, we predict that rainforests will become dry forests,  means we may be seeing less of those birds. That's not only  loss for biodiversity but also for people's history and culture.

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每旬中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。









    Today, carnival in Venice is celebrating for five days in February. People arrive from all over Europe enjoy its fun. Hotels are full booked and the narrow streets are crowded with wonderful costumes. German, French and English seem to be the main language. But the spirit of Venice carnival is not quite the same like the great American carnivals. If the key to Rio are music and movement, then in the Venice it is the mystery of masks. As you wander through the streets, you saw thousands of masks, but you have no idea that the faces behind them look like. Nobody takes it off. If the masks come off, the magic is lost.

  • 19. 假定你是李磊,你的美国笔友James来信说他准备参加马拉松,因而写信征求你的意见。请你给他写封回信,内容包括:

    1)你对 James 的支持;2)你对马拉松运动的理解;3)你对 James 的建议。


    1)词数 100 左右;2)可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;3)参考词汇: 马拉松 marathon.

