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更新时间:2021-12-13 浏览次数:205 类型:期末考试
  • 16. 听音配对。请根据你所听到的内容,把名字和相对应的图片配对。

    ⑴David                       A.

    ⑵Mike                        B.

    ⑶Susan                       C.

    ⑷Betty                        D.

    ⑸Peter                       E.

  • 18. 请根据所给的图片,找出与它相对应的单词。

         A. football

         B. snake

    C. dancing

         D. bicycle

         E. map

  • 19. 请将下列单词按照所给单词的类别分类。

    library  when  collect  Chinese  station  long  how  fly  high  English

    1. (1) strong        
    2. (2) hang         
    3. (3) where        
    4. (4) French       
    5. (5) shop        
  • 35. 句子匹配。请从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的句子。

    A                             B

    ⑴Can you speak English?     A. I'm sending an email to my friend.

    ⑵Let's go and fly my kites.   B. Not very often.

    ⑶What are you doing?       C. It's a train.

    ⑷Do you often clean your room? D. That's a good idea.

    ⑸What is it?                  E. Yes, I can speak some English.

  • 36. 请从方框中选出恰当的句子,补全图片中的对话。

    A. Where do you want to go?

    B. Yes, I do.

    C. Is it beautiful?

    D. What will you do?

    E. It's in the south of China.

  • 37. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符

    Linda and Kate come to the park on Sunday morning. The park is big and beautiful. There are many flowers in it. They are colourful. Kate is very happy. She wants to take some flowers home. But Linda points to the park rules and says, "Don't pick up flowers!” “It doesn't matter." Kate says and she picks up some flowers. Then a guard(警卫) shows Kate a ticket of $10 fine(罚款). He says, "Everyone should protect(保护) the flowers and grass. They are our friends." Kate feels very sorry.

    1. (1) Linda and Kate come to the park on Saturday morning.
    2. (2) There are many flowers in the park.
    3. (3) Linda wants to take some flowers home.
    4. (4) The guard shows a ticket of $1 fine to Kate.
    5. (5) We should protect flowers and grass.
  • 38. 阅读理解

    There are many kinds of horses in the world, but one of them you cannot ride. It does not live on land(陆地), but in the sea. It looks like the head of horse. So people call it "sea horse". In fact(实际上), the sea horse is a kind of small fish. It likes to live in warm water. The sea horse stands up in the water when it swims. Father sea horse carries the eggs in its pouch(育儿袋).When the eggs are hatched(孵化), the baby horses swim away.

    1. (1) The sea horse is ______________.
      A . a small horse B . a small fish C . a big fish
    2. (2) People call it "sea horse" because ______________.
      A . you cannot ride B . it is a kind of small fish C . it lives in the sea and it looks like the head of horse
    3. (3) The sea horse likes to live in ______________ water.
      A . cold B . cool C . warm
    4. (4) The sea horse ______________ in the water when it swims.
      A . stands up B . sits down C . jumps high
    5. (5) The title(标题) of this passage(文章) is "______________".
      A . Horses B . Father Sea Horse C . Sea Horse
  • 39. 请根据短文内容,回答下列问题

    Dear Jack,

    My name is Jim. I'm a boy and I'm twelve years old. I'd like to be your pen friend. I come from the UK, but l live in China now. I study in a school near my home and l always go to school on foot. I make lots of Chinese friends at school. They teach me Chinese and I teach them English. Now I can talk with them in Chinese, but I can't speak very well. I like playing table tennis and I often play with my friends.

    What do you like? Can you be my pen friend? Please write to me.



    1. (1) Where is Jim from?
    2. (2) How does Jim go to school?
    3. (3) Can Jim talk with his friends in Chinese?
    4. (4) What's Jim's hobby?
    5. (5) Who wrote this letter?

