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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册Unit 1 How ca...

更新时间:2021-11-24 浏览次数:138 类型:单元试卷
  • 12. 听录音,补全短文。

    My new watch has . So I can find the way. It's twelve o'clock. We are hungry. We want to have lunch. My friend Lily likes . She knows that there is an Italian restaurant on the Fifth Street. GPS tells us it's near the . We follow GPS. We go straight first. Then we turn . We are in front of the hospital again. Finally, we get to the restaurant. It's so . We are so hungry!

  • 28. 补全对话。

    Sarah: Robin,

    Robin: They are in the post office.

    Sarah: What are they doing there?

    Robin: Thanksgiving Day is coming. 


    Robin: Yes, there are.


    Robin: No, he isn't. He's in the bookstore.

    He wants to buy some books.

    Sarah: Where is the bookstore?


    Sarah: Thanks.

    A. It's next to the post office.

    B. where are my parents?

    C. Is Sam there?

    D. Are there many postcards there?

    E. They are buying some postcards.

  • 29. 阅读图片,根据图片信息判断下列句子正误。

    1. (1) The school is between the library and the hotel.
    2. (2) The library is in front of the restaurant.
    3. (3) The bookstore is next to the park.
    4. (4) Go straight and turn right at the cinema. And then go straight. You can see a post office.
    5. (5) If you want to go to the bookstore,you can go straight and turn left at the library.
  • 30. Mike想要去图书馆,他正在问路,请你根据以下对话内容画出路线图。

    Mike: Excuse me, how can I get to the library?

    Sales Clerk: Are you going there on foot?

    Mike: Yes, I am.

    Sales Clerk: Turn right at the bookstore. That's the 1st Street. Go straight to the traffic lights. Do not turn. Go straight again. Turn right at the park. That's the 5th Street.

    Mike: OK. Then what?

    Sales Clerk: Go straight for 10 minutes. The library is on the left. You can see it.

    Mike: OK. Thank you very much.

    Sales Clerk: You are welcome.

  • 31. 阅读理解

    Our town is not big. My school is in the center of the town. On the left side of my school there is a science museum. The bookstore is on the right side of my school. There is a post office opposite(在……对面) the bookstore. The cinema is next to the post office. There is a shopping mall on the left side of the cinema. I often go shopping with my parents at the weekend. Welcome to our town.

    1. (1) 阅读短文,在地图上标出相应的地名(填序号)。

      A. science museum         B. shopping mall

      C. bookstore             D. cinema

    2. (2) John is new here. Help him find the way. (请你帮John找路。)

      John: Excuse me,where is the train station?

      You: and at the bookstore. Then and you can see the your.

      John: Thank you.

  • 32. 周日Jim和Tom想去科学博物馆,请你根据提示写出他们行走的路线。


    提示词:go straight;turn left; turn right

    Jim and Tom want to go to the science museum on Sunday.

