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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册Unit 4 I have...

更新时间:2021-11-23 浏览次数:142 类型:单元试卷
  • 12. 听录音,圈出正确的选项。

    Something about Martin

    Name: Martin

    Age: 12

    Job: a pupil

    1. (1) Country:
      A . England B . America C . Canada
    2. (2) Hobby:
      A . singing and dancing B . reading stories C . playing football
    3. (3) Favourite food:
      A . Chinese food B . hamburgers C . pizza
    4. (4) Activity:
      A . cook B . study Chinese C . go hiking(weekend)
    5. (5) Want to do:
      A . cook Chinese food B . study Chinese C . study English
  • 31. 补全对话。

      A. Do you have a pen pal?

      B. No, she doesn't.

      C. Does she teach English?

      D. Where does he live?

      E. What are your pen pal's hobbies?

    A: I have a new pen pal. Her name is Lucy.

    B: Yes, I do. His name is Bob.


    B: He lives in the USA. He likes swimming.

    A: She likes singing and dancing. She is a teacher.


    A: She teaches maths.

    B: Good. I like maths.

  • 32. 选择正确的选项补全Sue的邮件。

    Dear Dad and Mum,

    How are you? I am very happy in China. Don't worry about me. My pen pal Lin shows me around Foshan. She is a good girl. Her father1in a university. He likes 2to music. His hobby is 3the erhu. Her mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a primary school. Her hobbies4singing and reading. Lin can cook chicken and fish well. She is 5to cook chicken for us. I enjoy the time here. I will be back home next Friday.


    A . work B . working C . works
    A . listening B . listen C . listens
    A . playing B . plays C . play
    A . are B . is C . am
    A . go B . going C . goes
  • 33. Lily, Lucy与Danny 想参加学校的校园俱乐部活动,请根据以下信息完成三位同学的信息表。

    Hi, I'm Lily. I'm helpful and shy. I like singing and dancing. I want to be a singer.

    Hi, I'm Lucy. I'm polite and quiet. I like drawing pictures. I often draw pictures on the weekend. I want to be a designer.

    Hi, I'm Danny. I am active and funny. I like sports. I like playing football. I want to be a sports player.

    This is the timetable(时间表) of our clubs at school.







    music club

    swimming club

    sports club

    reading club

    art club

    English club

      Name: Lily

      Character: helpful and shy

      Hobbies: singing and    dancing

      Club: club


      Name: Lucy

      Character: polite and quiet


      Club: art club

      Time: Fridays

      Name: Danny

      Character: active and  

      Hobby: playing football

      Club: club

      Time: Wednesdays

  • 34. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

    Mr. Turner likes fishing. It is his favorite sport. He often fishes for hours without catching anything. But this doesn't worry him. Some fishermen can't catch fish. Sometimes they catch old boots or rubbish. Mr. Turner is even worse than the fishermen. He never catches anything—not even old boots. After he spends the whole morning on the river, he always goes home with an empty bag.

    "You must give up fishing!" his friends say. "It's a waste of time."

    "But they don't realize one important thing. I'm not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all. It can make me forget the noise of the city and live quietly for some time," he always says to himself.

    1. (1) Mr. Turner always goes fishing because ________.
      A . he can sell the fish and get some money  B . he thinks it is a good sport
    2. (2) Mr. Turner likes to fish ________.
      A . by the river  B . in a boat on the river
    3. (3) He always goes home with an empty bag because ________.
      A . he can't fish at all B . he doesn't pay attention to fishing at all
    4. (4) His friends ask him ________ when they know he can't catch anything.
      A . not to fish any more  B . to change the way of fishing
    5. (5) From the story we know Mr. Turner________.
      A . is interested in fishing   B . dislikes the noise of the city
  • 35. 在Pen Pal World网站上有来自世界各地的笔友,请根据网上的信息表,将文章补充完整。
    1. (1) 在Pen Pal World网站上有来自世界各地的笔友,请根据网上的信息表,将文章补充完整。
      Hello! I'm Anna. I'm 12 years old. I am from. I often go to school . I usually listen toon the weekend. I like very much. Write to me or chat with me! Let's be friends!

    2. (2) 根据表格完成作文
      Hi! My name is Xiao Ming_________________________________________________

