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外研版初中英语七年级上册Module 7 Unit 2 随堂...

更新时间:2021-10-21 浏览次数:62 类型:同步测试
  • 16. 补全对话

    A. I like playing computer games.

    B. Do you play computer games?

    C. How do you do your homework on it?

    D. They check my homework.

    E. But I often chat with them at the weekend.

    F. Yes, I do.

    G. What games do you play?

    Mike: Lucy, do you have a computer?


    Mike: What do you often do on it?

    Lucy: I often visit websites and get some information for my homework.


    Lucy: No, never. I think playing computer games wastes(浪费) too much time. What about you, Mike? Do you have a computer?

    Mike: Yes. I think it's very interesting.

    Lucy: Oh, I usually send emails to my teachers.

    Mike: Do you chat with your friends on the Internet?

    Lucy: Yes.

  • 17. 句型转换

    1. (1) My favourite food is rice. (对划线部分提问)

      favourite food?

    2. (2) Juice and milk are healthy drinks. Cola isn't a healthy drink. (用but连接两个句子)

      Juice and milk are drinks cola a healthy drink.

    3. (3) Hamburgers and cola are healthy food and drink. (改为否定句)

      Hamburgers and cola healthy food drink.

    4. (4) To stay healthy is very important. (改为同义句)

      It's very important healthy.

    5. (5) We have meat, vegetables and rice for lunch. (对划线部分提问)

      do you have ?

  • 18. 完形填空

        Do you have a computer? My father1a computer for me on my birthday. I'm very2. The computer3a keyboard and a mouse. I turn4the computer and then I visit the websites and5with my friends on QQ. Now I can play computer6, listen to music, learn English and do other things on the computer. I like exercise and my favourite fruit is apples. What7you? If you8to be my friend, please9emails to me. My email address10xiaoxue@ 126. com.

    A . buys B . buy C . check D . checks
    A . sad B . interesting C . busy D . happy
    A . have B . has C . is D . are
    A . off B . of C . on D . for
    A . talks B . talk C . take D . takes
    A . game B . gaming C . games D . a game
    A . in B . of C . with D . about
    A . go B . want C . have D . work
    A . make B . let C . send D . do
    A . be B . am C . are D . is

