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更新时间:2022-01-27 浏览次数:171 类型:期中考试
一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Which language does the man want to learn?
      A . French. B . Japanese. C . German.
    2. (2) Where does the man live?
      A . In France. B . In England. C . In Germany.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does the man dislike that dog?
      A . It has long hair.    B . It looks unfriendly.    C . It is too expensive.
    2. (2) What will the speakers buy in the end?
      A . A snake. B . A fish. C . A cat.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) When does the conversation probably take place?
      A . On Friday afternoon.  B . On Saturday morning.  C . On Saturday evening.
    2. (2) What is Cathy going to do this Sunday evening?
      A . Attend a party. B . Practise the piano. C . Go to the cinema.
    3. (3) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Classmates. B . Workmates. C . Teacher and student.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What will the woman do on Friday afternoon?
      A . Watch a movie. B . Take an exam. C . See a dentist.
    2. (2) What does the woman think of Dr. Bill's service?
      A . Good but expensive. B . Good and cheap. C . Bad but cheap.
    3. (3) When will the speakers probably meet?
      A . At 6 p.m. B . At 6:30 p.m. C . At 7 p.m.
    4. (4) Who will take some snacks?
      A . Bob. B . Alice. C . David.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) How old was the speaker when his cat died?
      A . Six. B . Seven. C . Eight.
    2. (2) What did Tabby do with the speaker?
      A . It slept on his legs. B . It watched TV with him. C . It gave him hugs.
    3. (3) Where did the father hide the cat?
      A . In his car. B . In his bag. C . Inside his jacket.
    4. (4) What did the father give the speaker at last?
      A . A black cat. B . A white cat. C . A brown cat.
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Wonder Plates

    A unique, personalized gift!

    Wonder Plates offers you a unique gift opportunity- a personalized ceramic(陶瓷的)plate! Each plate contains a special message from you to your best friend or loved one. All you have to do is follow these three steps:

    Step 1

    On an A4 sheet of paper write a personal message. Write it exactly as you want it to appear on the plate. We recommend a typewritten printout. The message should not be more than 50 words.

    Step 2

    Select one of our 10 plate colour options and a design from one of our 12 design patterns.

    Step 3

       Sign the attached form, enclose your personal message, and send these to us together with your payment. Please send only money orders or cheques. Do not send cash.


    The charge for a standard-sized plate is $ 20 regardless of the colour you choose. A fixed charge of $100 per plate for the design and printing of the message is also payable. For orders of two to four plates, customers may get a 15% discount. For orders of five to ten plates, the cost of per plate is reduced to $12 and the design and printing of the message is just $75 per plate.


    Once we receive your order and payment your plate(s) will be sent via regular mail. Delivery can be expected within 14 business days. If you require a faster delivery time, please fill in the Urgent Form and send an additional $30 (guaranteed 3-day delivery). We guarantee your satisfaction, but if for some reason you are not satisfied with our product or service, please fill in the Consumer Feedback Form and send it to our Customer Service department. Alternatively, you may call one of our friendly Customer Service Officers at 122523.

    1. (1) What are you expected to do if you want such a plate?
      A . Pay in the form of cheque or cash. B . Type your message and send it by e-mail. C . Choose your favorite colour from 12 options. D . Write at most 50 words on an A4 sheet of paper.
    2. (2) How much should you pay for six ceramic plates?
      A . $480. B . $522. C . $612. D . $720.
    3. (3) What can be learned about the faster delivery?
      A . You need to call 122523. B . You should pay an extra fee of $14. C . You have to buy two or more plates. D . You can receive your order within 3 days. 
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    In 1990, Hal Donaldson was 23 years old, fresh out of college and found himself in Calcutta, India, where he was asked to interview Mother Teresa.

    Donaldson says about the great woman famed for feeding the hungry," She wasn't wearing shoes and her ankles were swollen. She sat down with me and was very polite." After the interview, Mother Teresa asked him," What are you doing to help the poor?" Donaldson admitted that he was young and wasn't focused on helping others. With a smile on her face, Mother Teresa said," Everyone can do something."  

    Those words deeply struck Donaldson and forced him to face some hard truths about himself.

    Hal Donaldson grew up in the San Francisco Bay area. When he was 12 years old, his parents were hit by a drunk driver; his father died, and his mother was seriously injured. To make ends meet, they went on welfare. Donaldson says ," I had holes in my shoes and clothes, When you're teased at school for that, you just want to escape."

    He managed to do just that. Donaldson got into college and turned his focus to making money for himself. He says ," I was just trying to find my way out of insignificance. However, it's easy to overlook others along the way. I was the guy that would see a homeless person and cross the street, so I didn't have to confront him. My focus was on climbing to the lop instead of helping those trying to climb with me."

    Donaldson returned home from India with a different thought. He traveled to eight cities in America and stayed on the streets and listened to stories of the homeless. " My heart broke ," he says," I knew I could no longer just live for myself."

    Inspired by Mother Teresa's words and the stories he'd heard across America, Donaldson loaded a pick—up truck with $300 worth of groceries and handed them out to anyone who needed help. In 1994, Donaldson created the nonprofit organization, Convoy for Hope, which works with communities across America and around the world. Their work focuses on feeding children, women's empowerment, helping farmers and disaster services.

    1. (1) What did 23-year- old Hal Donaldson do in India?
      A . He attended an interview for a college.  B . He fed the hungry with Mother Teresa. C . He interviewed Mother Teresa. D . He did something to help the poor.
    2. (2) What can we learn about Hal Donaldson from paragraph4?
      A . He was born with disability. B . He led a hard life as a child.  C . He was well treated at school. D . He survived as a parentless boy.
    3. (3) How does Hal Donaldson describe himself in college?
      A . Self-centered B . Sympathetic C . Popular D . Casual
    4. (4) How did Hal Donaldson change after he returned home from India?
      A . He preferred traveling to volunteering. B . He suddenly fell in love with journalism. C . He turned his focus to living for himself. D . He gradually devoted himself to helping others.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Imagine a world without insects. It might sound good at first without creepy-crawly bugs and annoying flies in your apartment. However, the consequences would be disastrous.

    The number of insects has dropped by more than half in the past decades, according to British biologist Dave Goulson, author of Silent Earth: Averting the Insect Apocalypse. As insects make up most of the known species on this planet, this data is not good news, The Guardian reported on July 25.

    Insects are indeed on the path to extinction, according to the first global scientific review of insect population decline, which was published in the journal Biological Conservation in January 2019. The researchers say intensive agriculture has been the main cause of the decline. Pesticides, in particular, destroy insect habitats. Urbanization and climate change are also significant factors.

    "Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades," the researchers wrote in the review. "The repercussions(影响) this will have for the planet's ecosystems are catastrophic to say the least."

    What would happen to Earth without insects? It's almost impossible to predict, but the consequences would be far-reaching. We need insects to pollinate(授粉) crops, recycle plant and animal material, keep the soil healthy and much more. Without insects, many animals would have nothing to eat, and the predators of those animals would go hungry as well. The ecosystem would be thrown off balance.

    "If insect species losses cannot be halted, this will have catastrophic consequences for both the planet's ecosystems and for the survival of mankind," said Francisco Sanchez-Bayo at the University of Sydney, Australia, one of the authors of the review.

    The first step to halting this process is "to engender a society that values the natural world, both for what it does for us and for its own sake", Goulson suggests. "The obvious place to start is with our children, encouraging environmental awareness from an early age."

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "disastrous" in paragraph 1 probably mean?
      A . Highly helpful. B . Very interesting.  C . Extremely terrible. D . Impossible to predict.
    2. (2) What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
      A . Problems with intensive agriculture. B . Causes of the decline in the insect population. C . Factors causing insect habitat loss. D . Influence of urbanization on insects.
    3. (3) Why are insects so important to Earth?
      A . They help slow down climate change. B . They reduce the number of predators. C . They have a great impact on the ecosystem. D . They keep the soil dry and healthy.
    4. (4) What does Goulson believe is key to preventing insect species losses?
      A . Exploring the natural world often. B . Providing insects with enough food. C . Taking children to watch insects closely. D . Raising public awareness of natural protection.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    With low temperatures, radiation and high-energy particles, the vacuum of space is nothing but harsh(严酷的). Can you imagine spending six hour walking in space? Chinese astronauts did just that on their latest spacewalk.

    On Aug 20, Chinese astronauts Liu Boming and Nie Haisheng went out on the second spacewalk of the Shenzhou XII mission, according to the China Manned Space Agency. The pair set up and adjusted equipment, showed their spacesuits and tested the large robotic arm and other spacewalk-related devices.

    Despite the astronauts' skill, spacewalking is a challenging task. Luckily, their bulky(臃肿的) spacesuits protect them. A spacesuit is like a small space station. It has everything astronauts need when they carry out a spacewalk.

    China's Feitian spacesuits have six layers. The innermost layer collects astronauts' urine(尿液). There are also four layers that help control the temperature and air pressure inside the suit. Spacesuits are filled with air, so they look like they're puffed up(膨胀). The sixth layer is made of special fibers that cover astronauts from radiation, according to The Paper.

    Astronauts are connected to the space station with safety ropes. The suit has headphones and speakers for astronauts to communicate. There is also a mirror on the wrist that astronauts can use to check their suits.

    The first Feitian suit was made in 2008. Zhai Zhigang wore it to carry out China's first spacewalk, which lasted about 19 minutes.

    The suits Chinese astronauts wear today are the second generation of Feitian. They can support longer walks lasting up to eight hours and can be used more often. The first generation could only be used five times within two years, while the second generation can be used 15 times within three years. Each suit costs around 30 million yuan, and it takes four months to make just one according to Ifeng News.

    1. (1) What can we learn about the Chinese astronauts' latest spacewalk from the text?
      A . It was China's first spacewalk. B . It lasted a total of six hours. C . It was carried out this spring. D . It was completed by three astronauts.
    2. (2) How were China's Feitian spacesuits designed to protect astronauts?
      A . They include five layers with different functions. B . The innermost layer adjusts the temperature. C . Three other layers control air pressure inside the suit. D . The outermost layer protects astronauts from radiation.
    3. (3) According to the text, what do Chinese astronauts need when carrying out spacewalks?

      a. headphones          b. speakers          c. mirror

      d. radar               e. compass          f. safety ropes

      A . acdf. B . abef. C . abcf. D . cdef.
    4. (4) What do the last two paragraphs mainly talk about?
      A . Disadvantages of the first Feitian suit. B . The process of making the second Feitian suit. C . New technology applied to the second Feitian suit. D . Distinctions between the two generations of Feitian suits
四、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5 分) 
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Feeling embarrassed is something that no one really likes.If you're worried about embarrassing situations and you have trouble dealing with feelings of embarrassment, take a look at the following tips to make things better.

    When learning to deal with embarrassment, the first big thing that will help you is to realize that embarrassing moments are in the past. These things have already occurred and there is nothing that you can do to change them. It might have been tough to get through those moments, but you're here now and everything is okay.

    ●Talk to someone about how you're feeling.

    If you're struggling with feelings of embarrassment, then you should try to talk to people that you trust.You'll likely find that these people will put things into perspective and you'll feel much better.


    Embarrassment might feel tough to get over. However, normal embarrassing moments might become things that you can just shrug off and laugh at eventually. When you think about things from the right perspective, you might be able to laugh at yourself for making a silly mistake or falling down.

    ●Get out there and try again.

    The fear of embarrassment should not hold you back from getting out there to try again. If you want to move past embarrassment for good, then the best way to do that is not to let it stop you from living your life. This could mean doing the same thing that embarrassed you in the past. You might be worried about reliving embarrassing moments from the past, but it doesn't have to be this way.

    A. Learn to laugh at the situation.

    B. Understand that embarrassments are in the past.

    C. Don't worry so much about things and be ready to go out there and give it your all.

    D. Know that you don't need to apologize for feeling embarrassed.

    E. Of course, this might depend on the level of embarrassment that you experienced.

    F. Tell them how you're feeling and what happened if you're comfortable doing that.

    G. It's generally something that most people want to avoid.

  • 16. 完形填空

    My 12-year-old niece was staying with us for a little while. One night we stayed up talking about how we used to 1and take part in random acts of kindness. We talked about how so much had2, and how difficult it would be to do so many of those things now, 3 when it came to helping out strangers.

    The next day, I 4 something from downtown and took her to shop. We were walking around 5we heard a beautiful male voice singing. We turned around to see a middle-aged man sitting on a corner with his guitar. A couple was sitting on a bench nearby and listening to his 6.

    After I ran my errand(杂事), we7to sit at an outdoor restaurant across from him on the other side of the street. My niece kept8and saying how wonderful his singing was. Seeing how moved she was by his music, at the end of our9, I gave her a $10 bill and asked her to put it in his bowl.

    She was 10, and headed over. As she 11, the man was just finishing a song, and they had a conversation. She told him how 12 she was by his music, and he told her she13his day. As she was excitedly talking about the 14with me, she mentioned, "He didn't even know how much it was. He just15that someone was enjoying his music."

    A . volunteer B . exercise C . communicate D . research
    A . remained B . changed C . reached D . improved
    A . probably B . luckily C . usually D . especially
    A . bought B . found C . needed D . chose
    A . as B . then C . when D . before
    A . speech B . music C . stories D . performances
    A . failed B . expected C . agreed D . chanced
    A . asking B . arguing C . smiling D . joking
    A . visit B . talk C . shopping D . meal
    A . surprised B . tired C . worried D . excited
    A . appeared B . approached C . left D . passed
    A . astonished B . touched C . relaxed D . encouraged
    A . took B . set C . fill D . made
    A . conversation B . situation C . event D . accident
    A . considered B . remembered C . valued D . unnoticed
六、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满 分15分)
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Chinese TV drama Awakening Age, which narrates(叙述) the story of how the Communist Party of China(CPC) (found) in 1921, ended several months ago, but it remains a hot topic on social media,the discussion shows that it has played a positive role in educating young people about China's revolutionary history.

    The TV series  (celebrate) this year's 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC has won high praise online. The stories of the young people in the drama—who devoted everything, even their lives, the revolution— have touched a large number of viewers. The storytelling in the show has also been praised by viewers for successfully showing the (deep) of the CPC's history and spirit, as well as the warmth of China and every family in the country.

    Many audiences were inspired to find background information about the series and commented that this was their first time(learn) the history about the founding of the Party and the country. "I read many of Lu Xun's novels such as A Madman's Diary when I was in elementary school,  I couldn't understand why he wrote them or the angry feelings hiding in the characters. After watching the drama, I read (they) again and found that I could understand they wanted to convey to readers," said Li Lin,  18-year-old viewer.

  • 18. 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom看到你在微信上分享了学校最近举行的主题为"建造绿色家园"的植树活动,发邮件向你询问有关情况。请你用英语回复邮件,内容包括:





    Dear Tom,


    Li Hua

  • 19. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

    Sally had trouble speaking in social situations. I'm a registered nurse and I love kids and dogs. I wanted to use Bella to bring her joy, comfort and confidence the way only a dog can.

    That morning in January, her teacher led us to a room by the school office. "Sally hasn't spoken outside her home in two years," she told me. "Her parents have taken her to doctors, but nothing has worked." A little girl stood shyly just inside the doorway. Her eyes brightened when noticing my dog.

    "This is Isabella Rose. I call her Bella," I said. "Would you like to pet her? She doesn't know anyone here and she'd like to meet you. She does tricks. Would you like to see?"

    Sally nodded. I motioned with my hand. Bella lay down and then rolled over. Sally's eyes cheered up. "She'll do it for you too," I said. "I can teach you."

    I showed Sally the hand signals for various commands. She was a natural with Bella. Soon Sally was able to take Bella at her pace all on her own. I could see her standing taller, more sure of herself each time we met.

    One morning, when she was working with Bella, I heard a tiny voice, barely a whisper: "Good dog." Sally didn't take her eyes off Bella, but I wanted to jump for joy. Sally spoke a little more each week, only to Bella at first, but then to me. Later, she started giving voice commands with her hand signals and her confidence rose. Still, she hadn't spoken in her classroom.

    "Could you bring Bella to my class and show the other kids her tricks?" Sally asked me one day. An idea struck me. "Why don't you do it?" I said. "I know you can. You're as good with Bella as I am." Now, Sally stood nervously in front of her kindergarten class, with Bella sitting calmly by her side. Her classmates focused on Sally, waiting for her to speak.


    Paragraph 1:

    But not a word came out.

    Paragraph 2:

    The next week, she told me she wanted to try again, looking up at me with determination.

