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更新时间:2022-01-29 浏览次数:73 类型:月考试卷
一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A. B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What language is the woman learning?
      A . Chinese. B . Japanese. C . English.
    2. (2) What does the woman offer to do?
      A . Bring some of her records. B . Tell the teachers about the party. C . Invite Bob and Jane to the party.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman want the man to do?
      A . Keep warm. B . Come home for lunch. C . Drive Fred to work.
    2. (2) What's the weather like now, according to the woman?
      A . Rainy. B . Snowy. C . Partly cloudy.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why is the woman making the call?
      A . To ask where the man is. B . To inform the man about a meeting. C . To tell the man to do something for her.
    2. (2) When will the man be back from London?
      A . This evening. B . Tomorrow morning. C . In three days.
    3. (3) What is the report about?
      A . How to be a good headmaster. B . What to do in the new school year. C . How to help foreigners learn English.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the relationship between the speakers?
      A . Teacher and student. B . Interviewer and interviewee. C . Saleswoman and customer.
    2. (2) Why does the woman only give the man eight seconds?
      A . She is very busy. B . She doesn't like the man. C . She has decided on another person.
    3. (3) What shows that the man is careful?
      A . The way he took off his hat when he came in. B . The way he cleaned his feet at the door. C . The way he cleaned his hair.
    4. (4) When can the man start?
      A . Right now. B . Tomorrow morning. C . Next Monday.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who was from the farm?
      A . The duck. B . The fish. C . The dog.
    2. (2) Why did the little rabbit try swimming in the water?
      A . Other animals liked doing it. B . He wanted to leave the farm. C . He wanted to prove he was the best.
    3. (3) How did the rabbit feel after being in the water?
      A . He felt cold. B . He felt frightened. C . He felt excited.
    4. (4) What did the rabbit say at the end?
      A . He liked to be outside the farm. B . He didn't like swimming. C . He wanted to stay home.
  • 11. (2018高一上·葫芦岛月考) 阅读理解


        Lincoln College of English

        Classes for foreign students at all levels.

        3 months, 6 months, 9 months and one year course.

        Open all year.

        Small class (at most 12 students).

        Library, language laboratory and listening center.

        Accommodation (住宿) with selected families.

        25 minutes from London.

        Course fees for English for one year are £ 1,380 with reduction for shorter periods of study.

    1. (1) This passage is probably taken from _______.
      A . an advertisement B . a notice C . a poster D . a piece of news
    2. (2) Who will be accepted by this college?
      A . Both foreign and native students. B . Only foreign beginners and the advanced. C . Foreign students from beginners to the advanced. D . Only foreign students advanced.
    3. (3) While you stay there, who will take care of you?
      A . Your parents. B . Your classmates. C . The school where you study. D . The family you have chosen.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Age has never been a problem for 16-year-old Thessalonika Arzu-Embry. After all, she's already got her master's degree.

    The North Chicago-area teen started homeschooling at the age of 4. She began having an influence on others soon after. When she was 6 years old, she was an inspirational speaker at an organization called Tabitha House Community Service, which is for people who were forced to leave their homes because of earthquake, flood and other natural disasters.

    At the age of 11, she graduated from high school and then earned her bachelor's degree in psychology in 2013. She completed those classes online as she was traveling for church events and leadership meetings.

    She doesn't stop there, though. The teen plans to focus on aviation psychology (航空心理学) for her further study, a decision inspired by her father who is a pilot. She grew up around airplanes and took fights all the time. Her goal is to use it to help pilots deal with problems that could have deadly results once the plane takes off — a topic that has been in the news lately. For her, it's a mix of two of her interests.

    In her free time, Thessalonika enjoys playing tennis, swimming and being active in her youth group at church. She also has three self-published books, which are on her site. Jump the Education Barrier is written to help students finish college, and in the future aims to help business owners with trends. Her third book The Genius Race is designed to help people to be talents in various areas of life.

    1. (1) Which of the following is TRUE about Thessalonika?
      A . When she was 6 years old, she started homeschooling. B . She gained her master's degree at the age of 11. C . She majored in science and technology. D . In 2013 she got her bachelor's degree through completing courses online.
    2. (2) What is her next plan according to the passage?
      A . Major in aviation psychology. B . Deliver inspiring speeches for church events and leadership meetings. C . Be active in her youth group at church. D . Write another book to help people to be talents.
    3. (3) Why does she write the book Jump the Education Barrier?
      A . It aims to help people to be geniuses. B . It is intended to give students a hand to complete college. C . It is designed to arouse people's awareness of psychology. D . The author hope to share her own experience with others.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
      A . The Story of Thessalonika B . To be a talent C . Three Published Books D . Homeschooling
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Alaska—The American city Anchorage is recovering from a powerful earthquake Friday that damaged public buildings, homes and roads.

    The 7.0 earthquake caused buildings to slake. But there have been no reports of deaths, serious injuries or damage. Officials say the quake has not affected transportation of food and her supplies. "The ships are coming in on schedule, the supply lines are at this point working well," the government told reporters Sunday.

    The Glenn Highway was probably the road hit hardest by the earthquake. It connects the state's largest city to other parts in the north. Traffic has been heavy and slow—moving since the quake. Drivers are being guided. Groups of workers are trying to rebuild areas where the quake left large holes in the road.

    People who are still nervous after the major quake have been more upset by more than 1, 700 aftershocks. "Anything that moves, you feel terrified" said David, whose home suffered structural(结构)damage, including a sunken foundation(地基). Actually, Alaska came up with strict building rules after a 9. 2 earthquake in 1964. That was the second most powerful earthquake on record.

    Government officials said a public health center promises that money for medical treatment will continue to come. Mental healthy service(心理健康服务)is also available for people hurt by the disaster.

    Earthquake experts say there is a 4 percent chance of another 7. 0 earthquake or greater in the following week. "The chance is very small, but its not impossible, " said the expert, Paul Caruso.

    1. (1) What was the result of the earthquake?
      A . Buildings were damaged. B . Food supply was cut off. C . Many people were killed D . The ships could not come in.
    2. (2) Why is the traffic slow on the Glenn Highway?
      A . Because small quakes hit the city. B . Because falling rocks are a danger. C . Because the highway is badly damaged. D . Because drivers are misled.
    3. (3) What can you learn from Paul Caruso?
      A . Another greater earthquake is on the way. B . Chances still exists of another earthquake. C . It will be safe in the 1th week after the quake. D . There is no possibility for more quakes.
    4. (4) Where can your possibly read the passage?
      A . Ina story book. B . In a travel journal. C . In a poster. D . In a newspaper.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    I started out in life with few advantages. I didn't graduate from high school. I worked at menial (不体面 ) jobs. I had limited education, limited skills and a limited future.

    And then I began asking, "Why are some people more successful than others?" This question changed my life.

    Over the years, I have read thousands of books and articles on the subjects of success and achievement(成就). It seems that the reasons have been discussed and written about for more than two thousand years, in every possible way. One quality that most philosophers, teachers and experts agree on is the importance of self-discipline (自律). As Al Tomsik summarized it years ago, "Success is tons of discipline."

    Some years ago, I attended a conference in Washington. It was the lunch break and I was eating at a nearby food fair. The area was crowded and I sat down at the last open table by myself, even though it was a table for four. A few minutes later, an older gentleman and a younger woman who was his assistant came along carrying trays of food, obviously looking for a place to sit. With plenty of room at my table, I immediately invited the older gentleman to join me. He was hesitant (犹豫), but I insisted. Finally, thanking me as he sat down, we began to chat over lunch.

    It turned out that his name was Kop Kopmeyer. As it happened, I immediately knew who he was. He was a legend in the field of success and achievement. Kop Kopmeyer had written four large books, each of which contained 250 success principles that he had obtained from more than fifty years of research and study. I had read all four books from cover to cover, more than once.

    After we had chatted for a while, I asked him the question that many people in this situation would ask, "Of all the one thousand success principles that you have discovered, which do you think is the most important?"

    He smiled at me, as if he had been asked this question many times, and replied, without hesitating, "The most important success principle of all was stated by Thomas Huxley many years ago.  He said, 'Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.'"

    He went on to say, "There are 999 other success principles that I have found in my reading and experience, but without self-discipline, none of them work."

    1. (1) Why did the writer ask the question in Paragraph 2?
      A . Because he wasn't satisfied with himself. B . Because he was a person of self-discipline. C . Because he dislike those successful people. D . Because he wanted to share his idea on success.
    2. (2) What made the writer invite the older gentleman to join him?
      A . His great kindness. B . The gentleman's fame. C . His eagerness for success. D . The gentleman's habit.
    3. (3) What are the four large books about?
      A . Personal changes B . The secret of success C . Sayings of wisdom D . The gentleman's manners.
    4. (4) What's the best title for the text?
      A . The Magic of Reading B . An Unexpected Conversation C . A Question that Changed My Life D . The Power of Self-discipline
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中两项为多余选项。

    Do you want to create more successful writings? Perhaps you can benefit from the following suggestions on excellent writing.

    You need time. A lot of smart people lie to themselves like, "I finish my task best at the last minute." In fact, it's not true. Sure, you are smart, but you still need to have some pressure. For example, if you are working on an important topic, why do you think that you can write well at midnight just before the conference? Writing can be a miracle if you are given enough time.

    Writing requires practice. Would you do nothing before running a marathon? No you would practice running gradually to make your body stronger. In order to become a writer, you need to write.

    Write at the best time. I happen to be a morning person, so I write early in the day. Then I spend the rest of my day teaching or having meetings.

    Or, at least, they are not correct to some extent. Nearly all of the best scholars are changed by their experiences in doing research and writing about it. They learn by doing, and sometimes what they learn is that they were wrong.

    Revise your writing again and again. Have other people look at it. You need to overcome a fear of refusal. The difference between a successful scholar and a failed one is about who is better at writing and revising.

    A. Not all of your thoughts are influential.

    B. No one works better with time running out.

    C. You get better and faster through exercise.

    D. Exchange papers with peers or an instructor.

    E. Your first thoughts are often wrong.

    F. Make sure you save your most productive time for writing.

    G. Nobody's first drafts (草稿) are good.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入的空白处的最佳选项。

    I was a person who always felt desperate (绝望) before. Months ago my mom1 from a serious disease and had an operation on her brain. I felt the whole world falling down and I had no 2 what I could do to help her to reduce her 3. Whenever I was alone, tears welled up in my eyes.

    Last month I 4 a valuable watch, which was an 18-year-old birthday gift from my dad. I couldn't sleep for several nights for the reason that I felt 5about the loss.

    There have been many 6 like these in my life. I could never know what to do with such tough matters 7 I read If You Have A Lemon, Make A Lemonade by American author Dale Carnegie.

    "When the wise man is handed a lemon, he says, ‘What 8 can I get from this? How can I 9 my situation? How can I turn this lemon into a lemonade?' " he wrote.

    I suddenly 10 that life is full of ups and downs, so I need to stay 11all the time. Now when I think of my past, I wish I could have handled things 12. When my mom was fighting for 13, I should have held her hands in mine, telling her things would get better instead of 14 and crying.

    Several weeks ago, I participated in a campus singing competition. I didn't 15a prize. If I had not 16 this article, I would definitely (当然) have felt 17again. But instead, I smiled after the competition. I was pleased that in the end I had got some stage 18 

    Life is not just a bed of roses. There are thorns (刺) as well, but these thorns help us become 19 and strong. When life 20 us a lemon, let's try to make a lemonade.

    A . suffered B . changed C . escaped D . resulted
    A . surprise B . hope C . doubt D . idea
    A . pressure B . pain C . anxiety D . fear
    A . lost B . received C . sold D . fixed
    A . angry B . terrible C . unbelievable D . shameful
    A . memories B . difficulties C . diseases D . incidents
    A . though B . since C . until D . when
    A . challenge B . decision C . lemonade D . lesson
    A . take B . improve C . control D . accept
    A . thought B . expected C . realized D . discovered
    A . independent B . healthy C . positive D . serious
    A . exactly B . easily C . differently D . practically
    A . life B . freedom C . happiness D . recovery
    A . quarreling B . shouting C . regretting D . hiding
    A . win B . miss C . expect D . refuse
    A . come across B . put up C . written down D . found out
    A . excited B . concerned C . discouraged D . careful
    A . experience B . progress C . effect D . performance
    A . calm B . brave C . clever D . great
    A . makes B . gives C . sends D . shows
七、单句语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
八、翻译 (共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分) 
九、书面表达 (满分25分)
  • 42. 假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Ann发来邮件说她在新学校与朋友相处方面遇到了一些问题。请你根据以下提示给她回一封邮件。







    Dear Ann,

    I am sorry to hear that you're having trouble in getting along with your friends in your new school.


    Yours truly,

    Li Hua

