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更新时间:2022-01-30 浏览次数:74 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Training for Saving First Aid at Work 3 days £279

    Suitable for people aged 16+ who might need to provide first aid by responding to a wide range of accidents, injuries and illnesses that they could encounter in their workplace. Ideal for organizations whose needs assessment has identified a requirement for additional first aid training, especially, having employees with a disability or a medical condition.

    Lunch break. Classroom setting. Certificate to issue.

    AED with Life Support 2 days £107

    Right choice for people, over 16,who want to learn how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED). First aid for unresponsive adults in addition. Currently available at our London, Edinburgh and Reading venues; however, you can organize a training session for a group of up to 15 people at your workplace by requesting a group booking.

    Certificate valid for three years.

    First Aid for Teachers Training 1 day £50

    Specially designed for those working in a school environment and wishing to have the first aid skills to act in an emergency. Ideal for teachers and other school staff over 16. First aid skills to help a child who is unresponsive and breathing or not breathing, choking, having an allergic reaction or a head injury.

    Not qualify the learner to act as a first aider.

    Fire Marshal Training 4 days £364

    Take this if you are over 16 and responsible for fire safety or appointed fire marshals in the workplace. Come to understand how a fire starts and spreads; how to assess and manage these risks; and how to use firefighting equipment. You must be physically able to carry out the practical elements of the course.

    Role play- Classroom environment. Certificate.

    1. (1) What can be learnt in the course AED with Life Support?
      A . Steps to deal with massive injuries. B . Process of preventing a terrible fire. C . Operation of certain medical equipment. D . Treatment for an adult's mental problems.
    2. (2) Which course costs the most per day?
      A . First Aid at Work. B . AED with Life Support. C . First Aid for Teachers Training. D . Fire Marshal Training.
    3. (3) What do the four courses have in common?
      A . Providing certificates for trainees. B . Having the same requirement for age. C . Offering discount for group booking. D . Taking more than one day to complete.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    When I was 6, my elder brother brought me to the local BMX (自行车越野) track to ride in a kids' race for the first time. The hill out of the starting gate looked so scary and steep that I backed off. My parents took me back for another try the next week. I fell almost immediately but still managed to win the second place. I've loved racing ever since.

    I turned pro at 15, which isn't possible now: You have to be 17 to compete professionally. Around the time I went pro, BMX became an Olympic sport and I decided to pursue it after high school. I'm the youngest woman with a professional title in the United States.

    BMX isn't judged on tricks or how you handle barriers, but it's an extreme sport. It's like horse racing mixed with riding a roller coaster. It starts with a huge burst of speed - I go 40 mph by the time I'm two and a half seconds out of the gate. Then I try to come out in front of seven competitors at the end of the track, which includes 40-foot jumps. I keep chasing the high that comes from prestart nervousness, big jumps, and that feeling of crossing the finish line first.

    Strength and balance are key in competition, so I work out at least five days a week to prepare. I do tons of resistance and agility (灵活) training, both on and off the bike. I also do mental drills with a sports psychologist to make sure I'm focused and confident going into competition. If I make a mistake on the course, I have to move on. Everyone is out to beat me; I need to concentrate on winning so my competitors can't capitalize on an error and pass me!

    I was so proud to win a silver medal at the Olympics in Rio, but I felt I was capable of gold, so that will push me to do better. I'm continually working to reach my potential in the sport. Until I feel completely satisfied, I'll keep coming back.

    1. (1) What do we know about the author?
      A . She withdrew from her first BMX race. B . She became the youngest BMX rider in America. C . Her parents forced her to turn BMX professional. D . Her efforts resulted in BMX entering the Olympics.
    2. (2) To win the BMX race, the author has to ______.
      A . jump highest B . get physical training every day C . play tricks D . keep balanced all the way
    3. (3) The underlined phrase "capitalize on" in Paragraph 4 probably means ______.
      A . make up for B . take advantage of C . keep an eye on D . take notice of
    4. (4) What qualities have led to the author's success?
      A . Proud and serious. B . Ambitious and hard-working. C . Optimistic and generous. D . Independent and cooperative.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    On the evening of April 8, Dunhuang Academy and Huawei jointly launched a brand-new technology-driven tour experience at the Mogao Grottoes (莫高窟). Using Huawei's newly-released Hetu AI platform, coupled with the output of the Digital Dunhuang project, visitors to the Mogao Grottoes can enjoy a fantasy experience prior to entering the attraction.

    Zhao Shengliang, director of the Dunhuang Academy, said that it has been cooperating with Huawei since March 2019. Using Huawei's latest Hetu technology, visitors are able to see the detailed contents of the Dunhuang Art Murals (壁画) outside the caves, through their Huawei mobile phones. This will reduce the time tourists spend inside the cave, aiding the protection of the cultural relics, while at the same time helping to increase the amount of information visitors can obtain. It is also considered to be a new way of promoting Dunhuang Art.

    The Dunhuang Academy has used digital technology to preserve the research and exploration of Dunhuang Grottoes since the early 1990s. It has collected a wealth of data and has realized the goal of sharing of digital Dunhuang globally. It has played an important role in the protection and research of cultural site, as well as promoting the development and progress of related work.

    The Huawei Hetu platform unites Dunhuang's study findings, high-resolution images of the site's murals and virtual, three-dimensional models with the real Mogao Grottoes. It has not only re-created the real tour of the scenic spot, but also developed a new way of digitally experiencing the grottoes. When people visit the site, they not only have the experience of seeing the real grottoes, but they can appreciate the admirable artworks more clearly and in greater detail.

    In the future, Dunhuang Academy will continue to cooperate with Huawei to create more colorful virtual content to enrich the experience of Mogao Art on the platform, helping people around the world get to know Dunhuang Art better.

    1. (1) Which is NOT the advantage of the Hetu technology?
      A . Help to protect the cultural relics. B . Decrease the cost of the visitors. C . Increase the popularity of Dunhuang Art. D . Provide more information for tourists.
    2. (2) How long has the Dunhuang Academy used digital technology?
      A . About a year. B . 90 years. C . Nearly 30 years. D . 10 years.
    3. (3) What's the author's attitude towards the cooperation between Dunhuang and Huawei?
      A . Doubtful. B . Hopeful. C . Indifferent. D . Opposed.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Dunhuang Academy Preserves Grottoes Well B . Dunhuang Grottoes Attract Tourists C . Huawei Newly Released Hetu AI D . AI Tech Helps Tourists Enjoy Dunhuang's Art
  • 4. 阅读理解

    There's a battle storming in the streets of America. Anyone who regularly rides a bicycle knows all about this. Some motorists shout at two-wheeled travelers, who slow traffic. A few will do even worse.

    The New York Times reports that incidents of aggression toward bicycle riders appear to be growing. Even though actually every state allows bicyclists the same right as motorists to use the streets, many drivers still refuse to accept this. They view themselves as Kings of the Road - an impression that has been strongly built by the transportation planning profession, which has designed our cities as if people didn't exist outside of their cars.

    But a big new idea to settle this conflict and improve life in the streets for everyone is now taking root among community activists, urban planners and traffic engineers.

    "Too many of our streets are designed only for speeding cars, They're unsafe for people on foot or bike. Now, in communities across the country, a movement is growing to complete the streets. States, cities and towns are asking their planners, engineers and designers to build road networks that welcome all citizens, " declares the website of a new organization promoting this idea, "Complete the Streets",the best idea to hit our communities since pizza, or even the bicycle itself.

    My home of Minneapolis is one of the biking capitals of America. But it hasn't always been that way. When I moved here many years ago, I was shocked at the strong hostility directed toward me whenever I dared ride my bike down the street. Drivers would suddenly turn in my direction, and then laugh as they nearly knocked me onto the ground.

    As the number of bikes on Minneapolis streets has grown, people have become much more comfortable sharing the road with two-wheelers. Indeed, I get the impression that most motorists now envy rather than hate me, and can't wait to get home where they can jump on their own bikes. This will happen everywhere as more and more Americans discover biking as a great way to get around, save money, lose weight, protect the planet and have fun.

    1. (1) Who cause the traffic problem according to the motorists?
      A . Bicycle riders. B . Urban planners. C . Traffic engineers. D . Community activists.
    2. (2) The problem of the battle in the streets is most probably rooted in ______.
      A . weight losing B . city planning C . money saving D . global warming
    3. (3) What is the movement "Complete the Streets" aimed at?
      A . Relieving traffic jams. B . Promoting walking and bicycling. C . Building more road networks. D . Assessing the impact of the conflict.
    4. (4) What is the purpose of this text?
      A . To present a problem. B . To praise the bicyclists. C . To describe a change. D . To blame the car riders.
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Natural Therapy (疗法) The great outdoors: it's the place to head for when you're in need of peace and quiet, open spaces, beautiful scenery and exercise. Whether a huge mountain range or a local country park, these natural areas are perfect for us to refresh us when we live a stressful life.  .

    As an example, in the foothills of the Snowdonia National Park in the UK,specialist therapy sessions are held to help people who suffer from depression, anxiety and stress. . However, it's believed that the setting alone can improve the mood of patients. Art psychotherapist Pamela Stanley told the BBC that there was a "growing body of evidence" to support eco-therapy.

    It's true that for most of us connecting with the natural world definitely lifts our spirits. But the mental health charity Mind says eco-therapy has been recognized as a formal type of treatment that can sometimes be prescribed to someone by a doctor. It doesn't involve taking medication . This natural treatment can take on many forms, including doing yoga in a forest, gardening or even hugging a tree.

    Evidence has shown there are many benefits of this "green" therapy. . It's what Dr. Rachel Bragg from the University of Essex calls "psychological restoration". She told the BBC's All in the Mind programme that nature-based therapies should be part of a "toolkit" of care for patients.

     . However, it is an option for therapists to use. And as we become more aware of the causes and effects of mental health, it's good to know that help might lie outside our towns and cities, and that nature can give us a helping hand.

    A. Of course, eco-therapy won't cure everything.

    B. Here the patients go outdoors to deal with stress.

    C. Outdoor art-related activities are held for participants.

    D. Instead, it just develops a person's relationship with nature.

    E. These include improving social contact, social and work skill.

    F. In nature you can do many things, including reading papers and watching TV.

    G. Their relieving power is being used more and more to treat mental health problems.

  • 6. 完形填空

    I'm a geologist. I have been researching changes in the Antarctic ice sheets to help governments plan for floods and other1 of a changing climate.

    I first met Tom on the tip of Antarctica. He is a professional mountaineer who2geologists with their research. We were 3here together, hundreds of miles from anyone else, for a two-month 4. My task was simple: to collect rock5from as many peaks as possible. It is physically exhausting work, and not without6, as some of the crevasse(裂缝)fields we crossed left me shaking. I relied on Tom for my7:my life was in his hands.

    Trust quickly grew between us, and our8did, too. Within a week we'd9deep topics: the meaning of life, and what follows death.

    When I got the date for my return journey, I started to feel10. I didn't want our time there to11. We felt we had to make the most of the final few days to 12memories.

    Saying goodbye to each other was a (n)13. I was heading off to start another mission, so I was14the man who'd been through it with me. I looked down at him as my plane took off, knowing what we had just been through together was 15in time.

    A . advantages B . consequences C . tendencies D . causes
    A . instructs B . familiarizes C . assists D . presents
    A . stuck B . deserted C . locked D . arrested
    A . holiday B . treatment C . mission D . sentence
    A . information B . evidence C . examples D . samples
    A . danger B . pleasure C . shame D . reward
    A . health B . safety C . board D . future
    A . friendship B . confidence C . experience D . hardship
    A . sorted B . shifted C . avoided D . discussed
    A . peaceful B . considerate C . emotional D . embarrassed
    A . last B . work C . matter D . end
    A . lead B . plant C . cause D . own
    A . option B . struggle C . honour D . routine
    A . leaving behind B . picking up C . appealing to D . taking in
    A . filmed B . frozen C . mentioned D . forgotten
  • 7. 语法填空

    Earth Day (found) in 1970 as a day of education about environmental problems, and Earth bay 2020 occurs on Wednesday, April 22 — the holiday's 50th anniversary. The holiday is now a (globe) celebration that's sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of (event) focused on green living.

    (elect) to the U. S. Senate (参议院) in 1962, Senator Gaylord Nelson was determined to convince the federal government that the planet was risk. In 1969, Nelson developed the idea for Earth Day after (inspire) by the anti-Vietnam War "teach-ins" that were taking place on college campuses around the United States.

    Denis Hayes, a young activist had served as student president at Stanford University, was selected as Earth Day's national coordinator(协调者),and he worked with army of student volunteers and several staff members from Nelson's Senate office  (organize) the project.

    The first Earth Day was effective at raising (aware) about environmental problems and transforming public attitudes. Earth Day kicked off the "Environmental decade with a bang," as Senator Nelson later put it. The theme of Earth Day 2020 is "climate action". EarthDay org hopes it will be the largest volunteer event in history.

  • 8. (2021·江苏模拟) 3月5日是“中国青年志愿者服务日”,你校学生会向市民宣传垃圾分类,并现场进行垃圾分类实践活动。假如,你是你校英语报的记者,请写则新闻报道,内容包括:







    3)参考词汇:中国青年志愿者服务日China Youth Volunteer Service Day。

    An Activity to Advocate Garbage Sorting

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Maria was practicing with her soccer mates in a tiny school yard. They were all from River Edge Rockers, a soccer team of their community. Suddenly, the ball flew into a deep hole at the edge of the yard. It was the third time that they had lost their ball this month. Without the ball Maria had to wave goodbye to her mates and went home, depressed. "If only there were a regulation soccer field!" she thought.

    That evening, seeing her in low spirits, her father asked, "What was the matter, dear?"

    "I was just thinking about playing in a brand new soccer field!" Maria answered.

    Her father smiled and said, "Tomorrow, a Town Council meeting is to be held to discuss about the use of that vacant lot next to the pet store, Home for Pets. Why not take this opportunity to convince them we need a better field?"

    The next day, with the company of her father, Maria and her teammates went to the meeting hall. On their arrival they saw Councilwoman Jill and some citizens already there. They took their seats. After Jill announced the start of the discussion, Maria stood up and spoke first. "Up till now there is no soccer field in our community, which certainly affects our physical health. Our team currently have to practice in a tiny school yard, and only when it's not already booked. "

    Mrs. Lorries, owner of the pet store, commented, "I couldn't agree more. Kids do need such a field." The Rockers applauded excitedly and the other citizens all agreed it would be a way out.

    "A soccer field would be a good use for that lot with overgrown weeds and some large rocks, but to build such one would need a small sum of money and maybe you even need to do all the work on your own. " Councilwoman Jill smiled, "Can you manage it?"

    Thinking for a while, Maria nodded with a determined look on her face, "The Rockers can do it! We will turn it into a soccer field. " The teammates all cheered.



    Para l:

    The following day, the team got together to share ideas for raising money.

    Para 2:

    A week later, the team gathered at the lot, carrying tools purchased with their earnings.

