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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级下册Unit 3...

更新时间:2022-03-08 浏览次数:76 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 完形填空

        I live in a happy family. My parents love me and they never let me do any chores. My dad is a good 1, so he does all the cooking in our family. My mom does all the other chores 2 sweeping the floor and washing clothes.

        Last weekend, my parents were out, so I had to look after 3. In the afternoon, I was 4, so I decided to cook a meal. I 5 cooked before, but how hard would it be? My father is a good cook, and then I must 6 him in some ways. Finally, I decided to cook chicken. I took 7 the chicken from the fridge. When the oil became very hot, I 8 the chicken into the pot. Quickly the pot was on fire. I didn't know how it 9 before I threw the flaming pot into the water. Then I noticed the white table next to the stove and the ceiling (天花板) became black. I spent the next hour trying to clean up the 10.

        Cooking isn't as easy as I ever thought, and there's always something I need to learn.

    A . cook B . driver C . worker D . teacher
    A . for B . with C . like D . in
    A . himself B . themselves C . yourself D . myself
    A . hungry B . dirty C . full D . busy
    A . often B . never C . ever D . always
    A . take after B . look after C . find out D . give out
    A . away B . out C . off D . back
    A . threw B . turned C . made D . used
    A . stopped B . disappeared C . left D . happened
    A . living room B . bathroom C . kitchen D . bedroom
  • 12. 阅读理解

        Do you think it's necessary for teenagers to do the chores at home? In fact, as a member of a family, everyone should share the chores. Let's listen to what these teenagers are saying.


    I never mind doing the chores.I like sweeping the floor.It's easy and doesn't take much time.

    I always feel happy and comfortable when seeing a clean house.

    Jane,12,US )

    I can't stand doing the chores because it's dirty.And I'm always busy with my studies.So how can I get a little more time for the chores?

    Eric,13,Canada )

    I love to do the chores because it can help me get on with my parents.It's a great way to show my love to them.And I like to do the dishes most.


    I like to do the chores because it can help me keep healthy.And I can learn some life skills from doing them.So when you are free and feel bored, why not try to do some chores?

    1. (1) Who hates to do the chores?
      A . Tony. B . Jane. C . Eric. D . Rita.
    2. (2) Which chore does Eric like to do most?
      A . To sweep the floor. B . To do the dishes. C . To take out the rubbish. D . To fold the clothes.
    3. (3) Why does Rita like to do the chores?
      A . Because it can help her make more money. B . Because it can help her make more friends. C . Because it can help her keep healthy. D . Because it can show her love to her parents.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Tony is a middle school student from the US. B . Jane is the oldest of the four teenagers. C . Eric and Rita come from the same country. D . Tony is the same age as Rita.
    5. (5) What can we know from the passage?
      A . Not all teenagers like to do the chores at home. B . Most parents expect their children to help them with the chores. C . Teenagers can learn everything from doing the chores. D . Doing the chores can only make us feel tired or uncomfortable.
  • 13. 根据短文内容完成任务。

        When Norman left high school, he went to a college to learn cooking for two years. He enjoyed cooking and was good at creating (创造) his own dishes. Then he got a job in the kitchen of a big hotel as an apprentice (学徒) for four years.

        ①Norman soon found that cooking in a hotel was nothing like cooking for his family at home. He needed to work in a hot kitchen for a long time every day. A lot of people couldn't stand it, but Norman enjoyed it. He always made new and unusual cakes on Friday. More and more people visited the hotel on Friday just ②________ his cakes. The hotel owner soon found out why.

        When Norman decided to leave the hotel, ③the hotel owner offered(提供) him more money and the position (职位) of the head cook. Norman took the position and saved most of the money he made. Finally, he bought his own hotel last year. Then he found he needed a lot more skills than just cooking skills. So he went to an evening school to learn business every Tuesday and Friday.

        Norman enjoys having his own hotel. But he also enjoys working in the kitchen and ④thinking up new creations when the hotel is not too busy.

    1. (1) 将①处画线部分的句子翻译成汉语。
    2. (2) 在②处填入恰当的短语。
    3. (3) 根据③处画线部分的句意,完成下面的句子(每空一词)。

      The hotel owner him more money and the position of the head cook.

    4. (4) 用同义短语替换④处的短语。
    5. (5) 根据短文内容,完成下面的句子,每空一词。

      To get more , Norman went to an evening school to learn every Tuesday and Friday.

  • 24. 某报社正在以“We should do chores at home”为题进行征文比赛,请你根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇短文参加比赛。







    We should do chores at home

