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更新时间:2022-04-14 浏览次数:52 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    China's first panda-themed tourist train, known as the "Panda train" left Chengdu Railway Station in Sichuan's provincial capital for Zunyi in neighboring Cuizhou province on Sunday night. The train is decorated with giant panda images, and attendants carry panda toys and passengers can even try panda-shaped food. The "panda train" will start operation on March 28. It will serve on fixed lines and customized lines to connect tourist attractions in Sichuan and neighboring provinces.

    In the future, the train will operate on a number of rail lines linking Chengdu and Chongqing, Chongqing and Guiyang, Shanghai and Kunming in Sichuan, Guzhou provinces and Chongqing municipality (自治区).

    Ticket offer:

    The three-day trip costs 1,280 yuan, including food, accommodation and entrance tickets to scenic spots in Guizhou.


    The train, which doubles as a mobile star-rated hotel, can accommodate 252 passengers. It has a dining room, bar, karaoke room, dance hall and mahjong room. The 12 cars have individual rooms for two or four passengers, and each room has a washroom with a toilet and shower facilities.

    The mahjong room might be the biggest attraction for passengers from Sichuan, whose people are known for their fondness of the game. There's an old joke that an airplane passenger bound for Chengdu can sleep soundly, only to be woken by the clicking of mahjong tiles in the city before landing. In fact, Chengdu is better known for its love of mahjong than its other attractions, such as the giant panda, Sichuan Opera and Sichuan cuisine, according to an online survey conducted by sohu.com two decades ago.

    Booking information:

    Tickets are only available in advance through Chengdu Railway International Business Travel Group website during the trial runs.

    1. (1) Who are the intended readers of the passage?
      A . People who like pandas. B . People who enjoy travelling. C . People interested in decoration. D . People fond of playing mahjong.
    2. (2) What makes the train attractive for passengers from Sichuan?
      A . The dance hall for travelers. B . The mahjong room on the train. C . The beautiful giant panda images. D . The dining room serving Sichuan cuisine.
    3. (3) How can people buy tickets during the trial runs?
      A . They can buy tickets in advance online. B . They can buy tickets at the railway station. C . They can buy tickets in the star-rated hotel. D . They can buy tickets from Business Travel Group.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    I had only really known the little girl for a few weeks, but I carried her with me every day. We met in the Children's Hospital of Columbus. I was 11, I was born with a hole in my heart. So was the five-year-old girl in the bed beside me.

    We were both recovering from the same surgery. Being older and wiser, I thought it was-my job to look out for her. "Do you want to hear a story?" I recalled asking her one afternoon. "Great!" she said.

    It was so easy to make her happy. She seemed always to be smiling or laughing or singing songs. Life wasn't fair. She passed away. My own recovery went well. "You're really lucky," a nurse told me. "But how come my operation was so easy and hers wasn't?" I asked. "Easy?" my dad said. "Mary, your surgery wasn't easy at all. We thought we were going to lose you because of the amount of internal bleeding (内出血).You can't remember it because you were in a coma (昏迷)." Dad said. "For two weeks after your operation many things could go wrong." "I'm really lucky. I wasn't too old to need someone to look out for me." "You wouldn't remember this either. When you were in the coma, she used to come over to your bed and sing to you. She was watching over you."

    My surgery scars were hidden under my shirt. But I knew they were there, along with the memory of that little girl, the one who'd been at my side like a tiny angel when I didn't even know she was there. I was older now and hopefully somewhat wiser. Wise enough to know that I have angels watching over me, when life is fair and when it's not.

    1. (1) The author looked after the little girl because___________.
      A . the girl was seriously ill B . she thought it was her duty C . the girl wanted to hear stories D . they were in the same hospital
    2. (2) What did the author think of the girl?
      A . Confident. B . Optimistic. C . Wise. D . Independent.
    3. (3) What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
      A . The girl came to the author's bed and watched over her. B . The gird died because of the amount of internal bleeding. C . The author had a poor memory and couldn't remember what happened. D . The author thought her operation was easy because she was unconscious.
    4. (4) What most probably made the girl into the author's memory?
      A . The help- from the girl. B . The unfair life of the girl. C . The conversation with her dad. D . The experience of the operation.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    As people are becoming more socially conscious about where their food comes from and how it impacts the planet, they are choosing animal-free plant-based options. Cow-free meat has been around for quite some time and the popularity of brands of the cultivated meat is rising. While there are a large number of plant-based milk substitutes, none of them have the same taste of cow's milk. Now, a food-tech company created real dairy products without harming a single cow or the planet.

      The company stresses that their product produced in the lab is not a milk substitute but rather is the real deal. And it is very healthy. The company also says that the lab-produced milk tastes identical to the real thing and they hope to eventually replace cows by creating every dairy product sold. They expect to roll out plant-based cheese and yogurt in addition to milk. "Our company was founded with the mission to stop using animals to produce -our food because, as dairy lovers, we realize that giving up on milk is not an option," John said. "But today's milk comes with an unreasonable price tag. The dairy industry is destructive to our planet, our health, and our animals, and is simply not sustainable (可持续的) anymore."

    The environmental price tag of dairy farming is way too high. According to the World Wildlife Fund, dairy cows add a huge amount of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and-contribute to global warming and climate change as well as pollute the air around them. Dairy operations consume large

    amounts of water and run-off of manure (粪肥) and fertilizers from these farms get into local waterways. The production uses only 5 percent of the resources and produces only 1 percent of the waste of producing cow's milk according to the company. And they accomplish this by being 100 percent cruelty-free unlike dairy farms.

    1. (1) The food-tech company's milk mentioned in the text differs from other milk substitutes in_______.
      A . its various plant-based flavour B . is tastes the same as cow's milk C . its highest output from the farms D . its broad popularity home and abroad
    2. (2) What can we know from John's words in paragraph 2?
      A . Prices of cow's milk are rising these days. B . The destructive dairy industries should be shut down. C . The food-tech company was set up for animal protection. D . The food-tech company aims to produce animal-free food.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "them" probably refer to in the last paragraph?
      A . Dairy cows. B . Dairy operations. C . Climate changes. D . Greenhouse gases.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
      A . Healthier Milk. B . New Milk Saves Planet. C . Fresher Milk, Better Future. D . Making Milk without Cows.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Have you ever had the feeling that you can't think when there is too much noise around Did you ever think a fish could experience that feeling too? A recent published paper, combined over10,000 scientific papers, confirms that undersea life knows that exact same feeling, more often than not. Anthropogentic ocean noise, also known as underwater noise pollution, has created a huge impact on sea life due to "human-caused" activity within and neighboring our oceans.

    The film Finding Nemo educated us about the ocean, and specifically within the ordinary world of a clown fish. A fact many may not know is that clown fish spend the first part of their lives as larvae (幼虫),moving slowly with the current of the ocean until they become strong enough to swim against it. Once they are powerful and strong, they head home in sheltered coral reefs. There is only one drawback—the fish can't physically see the reef, but they can hear it. The only problem is, if they can't hear it, will they ever make it home?

    Our ocean noise, such as cargo ships, ship and boat propellers (螺旋桨),surfing, deep sea mining, etc. are causing destruction of sea life. Some researches found that sound is the sensory signal that travels the farthest through the ocean. The ocean noise drowns out the natural soundscapes, putting sea life under great stress. Altogether, this stress then affects their general health, disturb their behavior, reproduction and, in extreme cases causes death. Marine life can adapt to noise pollution, however, only if they can escape it This only causes further complications of straying (使偏离) species from their traditional breeding regions or separating them from their families.

    Now, what if we told you there is already a solution? Multiple ways, ideas and designs are currently in the works or already exist to remove the damage of the ocean noise. As the previous research explains, from wind-powered ships to noise-reducing propellers, a great many solutions are already available and in some cases, cost-effective. The authors of the paper hope it will catch the attention form the society.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "Anthropogentic" probably mean?
      A . Produced by nature. B . Caused by ocean lives. C . Related to human beings. D . Made by underwater activities.
    2. (2) The author mentioned the clown fish in paragraph 2 is to__________?
      A . educate us to protect sea-life B . introduce the film Finding Nemo C . illustrate the harmful effect of ocean noise D . show how terrible their living conditions are
    3. (3) Which of the following solutions is already available according to paragraph 4?
      A . The noise control techniques. B . The attention from the society. C . The application of relevant laws. D . The restriction of human activities.
    4. (4) What's the tone of the passage?
      A . Narrative and serious. B . Persuasive and critical. C . Descriptive and positive. D . Informative and objective.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的16-20选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Many people avoid apologizing because the idea of admitting to wrongdoing makes them terribly uncomfortable. We might also fear that the victim won't accept our apology, further compromising our positive sense of sell. For these reasons. an apology can be very difficult to give. Research shows that it can improve your mental health. repair damaged relationships and boost self-esteem. Would you like to apologize but aren't sure how? Experts offer these advice:

    Build Your Apology

    Researchers have determined that effective apologies have some factors: expressing regret, explaining what went wrong, acknowledging responsibility, offering to repair the situation and requesting forgiveness. The pore of these factors that are included, the more likely the apology is seen as acceptable.

    "Sometimes an immediate apology is called for" says a psychology professor. "But if the other part is angry at your wrongdoing. It may be more effective to wait, because their anger may stop them being receptive to an apology. The best time to apologize is when one feels ready to sincerely apologize. There is nothing worse in these situations than insincere apologies."

    Choose Your Words

    Choosing appropriate words is very important when you plan an apology.  Examples include "I certainly apologize if I offended anyone", and "I'm very sorry, but in my defense, you started it."

    Post-apology. yod may feel like a burden has been lifted. Research shows that apologies may ease an apologiser's sense of guilt, and bring people closer and increase trust, even among strangers.

    An apology is an important tool for rebuilding a relationship to make it functional again.

    A. Consider Timing

    B. What comes next?

    C. Offer immediate apology

    D. Even if you can't say the words smoothly, they'll mean a lot

    E. Some things such as making excuses, or pointing fingers should be avoided.

    F But when we are in this situation, we need to think how to say sorry-effectively.

    G. Although apologizing is stressful and uncomfortable, a heartfelt apology has positive effects.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后21-35各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It's common to post on social media to keep a record of the fun things you do. Although social media has its positive aspects. it can also have some serious 1 results. For example, have you ever been bored and decided to check social 2, only to find out that your best friend is at the Great Wall, one of your classmates is eating delicious noodles at your 3 restaurant, and one of your basketball teammates is visiting the giant pandas in Sichuan? Oh! You're really 4! At least that's what you might think.

    Have you ever had that feeling that others are experiencing things and enjoying life 5than you are? Researchers call that feeling the fear of missing out or FOMO.

    FOM0 is a real 6 that over 75% of young people are experiencing from time to time. Social media is the cause, because it's so easy today to 7 through to see what your friends are doing, eating, buying and talking about. 8, it would be impossible to enjoy all the same activities we see others take part in on social media. Rather than 9this basic truth, though, we often let FOMO lead us to compare our lives to those of others on social media. This 10 leaves us feeling dissatisfied. Why? We know all the aspects of our lives—both good and bad. But all we see on social media are the 11 moments others share. FOMO makes us check social media more frequently, leading to a negative cycle that can be hard to 12Researchers have found that social media and FOMO can cause feelings of13, loneliness and boredom. Researchers advise that we stop looking for 14 on social media. If we let FOMO 15 us, the only thing we'll really be missing out on is our own life. And life's too short for that.

    A . critical B . negative C . contradictory D . skeptical
    A . contact B . relations C . media D . issues
    A . favourite B . accessible C . extraordinary D . optional
    A . missing out B . figuring out C . picking out D . running out
    A . less B . further C . worse D . more
    A . problem B . phenomenon C . framework D . term
    A . glance B . look C . get D . pull
    A . Occasionally B . Initially C . Unfortunately D . Oppositely
    A . resisting B . realizing C . distinguishing D . analyzing
    A . criterion B . understanding C . assessment D . comparison
    A . abundant B . exact C . similar D . perfect
    A . adjust B . break C . expect D . tell
    A . surprise B . difficulty C . depression D . anger
    A . benefit B . dignity C . happiness D . substitute
    A . betray B . attract C . occupy D . control
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在36-45空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Car makers are making more electric cars. They(replace) petrol cars in the future. This will cut the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. A big problem is charging the battery. Some batteries in electric cars can take up to 12 hours (charge). However, a foreign company says it has made a lithium-ion battery can charge in just five minutes. This is the same amount of time it takes to fill tank of gas. The new lithium-ion batteries were developed by the foreign company while are produced by a Chinese company. The new batteries could transform driving. Electric cars could travel as far as petrol cars, but they can give people "range (anxious)". This is stress (cause) by worrying about the battery running out power. A spokesperson said: "You're either afraid that you're going to get stuck on the highway, or you're going to need to sit in a charging station for two hours." He added: "We're at the point of achieving a revolution in the electric vehicle charging experience. He said the switch from petrol to electric will happen (rapid).

  • 8. 城市博物馆正在举办中国文物(relic)展,并将接待一所国际学校的留学交换生到博物馆参观。假设你是李华,你在博物馆官网上看到需要招聘志愿者的公告,请给博物馆写一封电子邮件申请做一名志愿者。




    3) 能做的事情



    Dear Sir or Madam,

    My name is Li Hua.       ▲    

    Yours Truly,

    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    I grew up poor-living in the projects with six brothers, three sisters, my father, and a wonderful mother. We had little money and few goods, but plenty of love and attention. I was happy and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, they could still afford a dream.

    My dream was athletics. By the time I was sixteen, I could throw a ninety-mile-per-hour fastball and hit anything that moved on the baseball field. I was also lucky: My high-school coach was John, who not only believed in me, but taught me how to believe in myself. He taught me the difference between having a dream and how to realize a dream. One particular incident with Coach John changed my life forever.

    It was the summer between my junior and senior years, and a friend recommended me for a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket-money for a new bike and new clothes, and the start of savings for a house for my mother. The prospect of a summer job was attractive, and I wanted to jump at the opportunity.

    Then I realized I would have to give up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell Coach John I wouldn't be playing. I was afraid of this, thinking of the advice my mother told us: "If you make your bed, you have to lie in it."

    When I told Coach John, he was as mad as I expected him to be. "You have your whole life to work," he said. Your playing days are limited. You can't afford to waste them."

    I stood before him with my head hanging, trying to think of the words that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his disappointment in me.




    "How much are you going to make at this job?" he demanded.


    Then I devoted myself to sports that summer.

