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更新时间:2022-05-16 浏览次数:139 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. I read _________ unusual story last night. _________ story is about the heroes in the fight against COVID-19.
    A . a; A B . an; The C . a; The D . a; An
  • 2. — Excuse me, I want to buy a birthday gift for my brother.

    — Here are some gifts for boys. You can choose _________ for him.

    A . it B . one C . that D . them
  • 3. — What about the roller coaster in Shanghai Disneyland, Tommy?

    — Fantastic. I couldn't stop screaming and laughing _________ the whole ride.

    A . for B . on C . with D . through
  • 4. —Henry, you seem. _________ than before. What are you doing these days?

    —Well, I am preparing for the coming examination.

    A . busier B . happier C . lazier D . healthier
  • 5. —Have you heard of a new technology about TV?

    —Yes. It's "8K TV". I believe that it will make a great _________ to people's life.

    A . surprise B . progress C . difference D . choice
  • 6. — Look at the sign. It says "No photos". We shouldn't take photos here.

    — Sorry. I _________ the sign.

    A . didn't notice B . don't notice C . wasn't noticing D . haven't noticed
  • 7. — Excuse me. I haven't finished reading the book yet. May I keep it a bit longer?

    — Sorry, you _________ . You must return it on time.

    A . needn't B . can't C . won't D . shouldn't
  • 8. — Do you know how to write. a report correctly?

    — A report _________ three parts: the introduction, the main body and the conclusion.

    A . is made of B . is made in C . is made up of D . is made from
  • 9. — Did you watch the Football League yesterday?

    — Yes, of course. I never miss it _________ I am too busy with my homework.

    A . unless B . until C . if D . since
  • 10. — Can you believe that? Our school team won the match last night.

    — _________ They haven't won a match for a long time.

    A . No doubt! B . Guess when? C . What a pity! D . Are you joking?
  • 11. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Hi, Mom is a successful film which is written and directed by Jia Ling — a famous comedian in China. The film got the 1 Highest China's Lunar New Year box office, just behind Wolf Warrior 2, with $820 million.

    The story starts with a quick personal 2 of Jia Xiaoling, telling her different failing, from kindergarten up to graduation from high school in 2001. 3 a meal celebrating her into an art college, Xiaoling and her mother, Li Huanying get into a traffic accident, and Huanying ends her 4in the hospital. Xiaoling wishes to travel back in time and be a better daughter. A 5 trip through the clouds and some black-and-white photography 6 Xiaoling back to her Hubei hometown— in 1981.

    Hi, Mom tells us the story about the relationship between a daughter and a mother. Xiaoling is going to fix everything through her hard work, 7 nothing changes at last. What Xiaoling 8is a deeper understanding of her mother. In some way, it is also a deeper understanding of herself.

    The film had a big success because it showed us a key 9 loud and clear: call your mother.

    Hi, Mom might still be around on Mother's Day in May. The film's sunny outlook makes viewers want to 10 with their mothers as soon as the curtain comes down.

    A . first B . second C . third D . fourth
    A . story B . feeling C . meal D . experience
    A . While B . Before C . After D . During
    A . life B . work C . help D . support
    A . fantastic B . amazing C . magical D . wonderful
    A . forces B . takes C . pushes D . invites
    A . so B . and C . or D . but
    A . advises B . gets C . chooses D . agrees
    A . message B . text C . information D . word
    A . give in B . push in C . check in D . break in
  • 12. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    >Discover Europe for FREE as a Language Partner - Summer Language Camp 2021
    Posted by:
    Contact: info@angloville.com
    Planning to visit Europe this Summer and would like to enjoy Free Accommodation (食宿)? Angloville is a cultural exchange programme that can help you! You can earn this by helping local people learn Chinese language and culture as a language partner.
    What is provided:
    Free accommodation in beautiful hotels
    Free city tours in different cities in Europe
    16+ years old
    Have a Native (本国的} level of Chinese
    Good conversational skills and social skills
    Interested in our programme? Apply (申请) now by sending us your information!


    1. (1) Who might be accepted by the programme?
      A . Greg, an 18-year-old native speaker of English. B . Angie, an 15-year-old exchange student in Europe. C . Laura, a 22-year-old local student learning Chinese. D . Peter, a 17-year-old Chinese student visiting Europe.
    2. (2) How can people apply for the programme?
      A . By writing letters. B . By sending e-mails. C . By making phone calls. D . By visiting the website.
    3. (3) Where can we most probably read this material?
      A . In a fashion programme. B . In a story book. C . On a language website. D . In a tour guide.
  • 13. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Picture the scene: It's midnight. You're very hungry after studying for a long time. Then you see a nice pie in the fridge. Should you eat it? It seems that you shouldn't for many reasons, including its influence on your brains.

    Scientists have long known that eating late at night can make us gain weight. But now a new study has shown that late - night eating can also have a bad influence on our brains — it might hurt our ability to learn new things and store memories.

    "We believe that late-night eating may affect our learning by affecting the parts of the brain that control learning and memory," Dawn Loh. PhD, a project scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, said. "We believe the timing of when we eat is the main cause of the damaged. memory. "

    For the study, the. researchers did an experiment on mice. The mice were either allowed to eat during the daytime or during the night. They received the same amount of sleep and calories. Then the researchers tested the brains of the mice and noticed that the mice eating during the night were less able to remember things well.

    So think twice before the midnight snack — it might be bad for more than your weight.

    1. (1) The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refers to _________ .
      A . studying for long B . a nice pie in the fridge C . a new study on eating D . late-night eating
    2. (2) The purpose of the experiment on mice is _________ .
      A . to test whether eating late can affect memory B . to check the brains of different mice C . to find out how many calories mice need daily D . to prove mice are not good at remembering things
    3. (3) Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?
      A . Eating snacks affects memory B . Late eating hurts brain C . Staying up late is bad D . Keep away from snacks
  • 14. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    That morning Sean checked the email as usual. Then he found an unexpected email. Could he realize his dream late? Sean was now nearly 40, alone and poor. He dreamed of being. a police officer for a long time but never made it. Was it possibly different this time? .

    When Sean was only 5, his uncle Paul once drove the little boy home in his police car. Sean was interested in the car, the lights and the uniform. He decided to be a hero like Paul.

    However, when Sean graduated from high school, he followed his teacher's advice and finally became a reporter for a newspaper and then married. During the years, he changed several jobs but nothing made him really happy. Actually he had never really given up his childhood dream to become a policeman. His wife could not bear this and left him. Sean was forced to move back to St Ignace, where his dad lived. "I feel like a failure. "Sean says.

    When his father encouraged him to search for a new. job, the opportunity came. Phoenix was in great need of police officers and one of Sean's old friends emailed him, "Do you still want to be a police officer? " Phoenix was a world away — 2,100 miles from St Ignace, but Sean knew it was his last chance and he decided to catch it.

    In order to pass the test to get the job, Sean immediately began training, running a mile and a half every day. Three weeks later when he arrived in Phoenix, Sean was a man physically and emotionally (心理上) changed and finally passed the test. The following year, Sean got a prize because of his excellent job. "It took me 35 years. But a promise is a promise. How many people can say they live their life's dream? "Sean says. "I did it. It just proves that it's never too late. "

    1. (1) Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Sean?
      A . Sean found his great interest in the job because of his uncle Paul. B . When Sean returned to St Ignace, he felt extremely disappointed. C . Sean gave up his childhood dream when he became a reporter and married. D . Sean trained hard and finally passed the test to be a policeman.
    2. (2) Which of the following words can best describe Sean?
      A . Strong-willed and active. B . Successful and rich. C . Alone and poor. D . Honest and hard-working.
    3. (3) What does the story mainly want to tell us?
      A . We can achieve our dream if we work hard.   B . Friendship is important on our road to success. C . It's never too late to live our life's dream.      D . We should have a right attitude towards failure.
  • 15. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    When you spend three weeks reading a book, and a month later somebody asks you about it and you can't remember a thing you read. What's your feeling? Does it make you wonder why you wasted time on it?

    There are some effective ways to learn. And when I say "to learn effectively", what I mean is to not just build up knowledge, but to learn to use it effectively. Something is not truly learned until it changes you in some way.

    ● Memory is based on connections

    Mentor Box is my favourite online book club. It will send you books to read and study materials related (关联) to them: The materials can help you put what you've learnt into good use and make you remember things quickly. You can also do this on your own. When you come across something interesting in a book, write down its connections with something in your life — how it explains something, how you can use it to deal with problems.

    ● Read in a right way

    People believe they have to read everything line by line. This is not true. When you buy a book, you're not buying the words, you're buying the useful ideas. The point of a book is to get the information that is important to you, not to finish it or to understand every word. What matters is key idea. Once you've received that idea, there's no reason to force yourself to sit there and read the rest.

    ● Ask the right questions

    Everything you read should be questioned. You can question the writer's ideas, whether they're explaining information correctly. When reading something you agree with, you can ask yourself, "Is it possible that this could be wrong? "Asking the right questions will decide the depth of your knowledge and understanding, not the ability to remember a lot of facts and numbers.

    1. (1) According to the writer, effective learning _________ .
      A . requires you to spend a long time reading a book B . just means your ability to build up knowledge C . happens when knowledge changes you in some way D . is the main goal of the courses you spend money on
    2. (2) What can we know from the last paragraph?
      A . We should train our ability to remember everything we read. B . Reading without thinking is not a good reading habit. C . A good reader never asks questions while reading. D . We should raise questions only when we disagree with the writer.
    3. (3) Why does the writer write this passage?
      A . To give readers suggestions on how to learn effectively. B . To remind readers of the importance of reading books. C . To show how necessary asking questions while reading is. D . To advice readers to join in online book clubs like Mentor Box.
  • 16. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    For Grade 9 students, they will leave school soon. Students in a school in Suzhou get a chance to make a class magazine.

    Sun Han is the chief editor (主编) of the magazine. "We have been preparing for the magazine for a long time. During the winter holiday, everyone chose articles they wrote and provided them to the editors, "Sun said, " ".

    Xu Lei, another student, wrote about a sports meeting where several boys who were not very athletic(运动的) pushed themselves hard to fight for the class.

    Many students say that the articles remind them of the important moments they shared together. " I found my articles written in the past were very naive (幼稚的). I used to complain a lot. But now I feel I can look at things in a more positive (积极的) way, "Han said.

    Apart from articles, photos are also very interesting.

    "When we go to university or start working in the future, the magazine will remind us of our happy time at school, "Sun said.

    A. I shared some of the poems I wrote.

    B. The photos show many firsts, such as the first sports meeting, the first dance performance.

    C. They are saving their memories by showing articles and photos of school activities.

    D. It's also a great chance to look back on their growth at school.

    E. The articles are all about their hometown.

    F. His classmates recommended him for the job.

    G. The photos show us different cities.

  • 32. 请认真阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题

    Neil liked the freedom that came with his first summer job. He worked at Mitchell's Farm where people could come and pick the corm, berries and tomatoes out in the fields themselves. Then they'd bring their produce to checkout stand, where Neil would weigh it and charge the appropriate price. Mr and Mrs. Mitchell were usually busy somewhere else, so Neil was trusted to manage the stand by himself.

    For the most part, Neil obeyed the Mitchell's rules. When someone asked for a discount or a sample, Neil said no. But he did sometimes change the rules for friends, much to their delight.

    "Go ahead, taste a few berries before I weigh, "he'd say when it was someone he knew. It was against the rules to eat something before you bought it, but everyone wanted to.

    One day, a man came to stand with a basket of com he had picked. Neil weighed the ears of com and told the man how much it cost. The man looked confused.

    "But I was here yesterday, and you told someone that for every five ears you buy, you get one free, " he said.

    Neil had it in his memory. He had indeed offered that deal to the Thomases, who happened to be his neighbors. Now he felt sad about it. He saw Mrs Mitchell working close by. How was Neil going to explain that he had given a deal to those he knew while he made everyone else pay full price?

    Neil thought about offering the man the same discount, but there were people in line behind him, and they were carrying corm, too. Neil hung his head and walked over to see Mrs. Mitchel.

    1. (1) Where did Neil work?
    2. (2) Why did Neil give a discount to Thomases?
    3. (3) Will you give your friends a discount if you have a job like Neil's ? Why or why not?
  • 33. 信息化时代抖音(Tik Tok)越来越受到人们的欢迎。假如你是李华,你的美国朋友 Tom 想了解下抖音在中国的流行情况,写信向你询问。请你回信向他介细抖音的特点,并谈谈你对抖音的看法。









    Dear Tom,

    I'm glad to talk about Tik Tok. Tik Tok is very popular in China now. But what's special about it?


    Li Hua

