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更新时间:2022-04-13 浏览次数:97 类型:中考模拟
  • 11. 完形填空

    Girls who think big

    "Whatever you're doing, you can be the mogul (大亨) of your own life." This is the idea that sisters Jenae and Gina have 1 tried to tell young girls. When the idea finally turned 2 the TV show Middle School Moguls, the sisters were very 3.

    The show follows a girl named Val, a middle schooler in Mogul Academy. It's a famous boarding school (寄宿学校) for 4 entrepreneurs (创业者), where kid-business dreams come true. Val is 5 sports. She catches the schools attention because she makes something that can improve her athletic ability.

    Val 6 makes friends with her roommates Winnie, Celeste and Yuna. Together, they meet many problems that come their 7as they find out what it means to be a mogul.

    On the show, each mogul has her own personality. Everyone 8 find someone in the show that is quite similar to him or her. "We want every child to be able to see 9 represented (被代表的)," Jenae said.

    Although Val, Winnie, Celeste and Yuna 10 a lot of difficulties, the adults in their life try their best to help them 11 the hard times. Jenae and Gina feel it is 12 for everyone, not just kids, to have someone who would like to help them.

    Above all, Middle School Moguls is a show about 13 difficulties when following your dreams. "One of the things that we touch on a lot is that it's okay to 14. It's all about learning from your 15 and just continuing to put yourself out there." Jenae said.

    A . hardly B . always C . often D . never
    A . over B . down C . into D . off
    A . happy B . sad C . crazy D . bored
    A . old B . bad C . good D . young
    A . good at B . tired of C . sorry for D . busy with
    A . suddenly B . quickly C . really D . truly
    A . step B . fact C . way D . air
    A . can B . must C . need D . should
    A . myself B . ourselves C . yourselves D . themselves
    A . like B . make C . take D . face
    A . through B . with C . for D . from
    A . possible B . difficult C . important D . interesting
    A . laughing at B . caring for C . dealing with D . giving up
    A . succeed B . fail C . have D . think
    A . moments B . meanings C . methods D . mistakes
  • 12. 阅读单选

    Have you ever thought about having an alpaca (羊驼) as a pet? Many people have. The alpaca is so cute that many people in China have shown great interest in buying one as a pet.

    An alpaca looks like a sheep. It mainly lives in Australia and South America. It is cute, smart so it can be a good pet. But for the time being, alpacas are rare in China, and only a small number of people keep pet alpacas.

    Alpacas are expensive, because they are transported (运输) from abroad, mainly from Australia or New Zealand. Most people buy the animal on the Internet. They cost as much as RMB 70.000 each. One Internet user said, “I really want to buy an alpaca for my daughter. It is so cute! But the price just seems a little too high.”

    Although quite a few people want to have an alpaca keeping the animal is not easy. Buyers need to provide an area of open and cool land for it alpacas do not like hot weather. Besides, keeping an alpaca also means large costs. The alpaca likes to eat hay (干草) and carrots. If you raise an alpaca. the food will cost you about RMB 1,000 a month, not to mention the animal will even spit (吐口水) at you when it is not happy!

    1. (1) What does the underlined word “rare” mean in Chinese in paragraph 2?
      A . 稀少的 B . 极好的 C . 半熟的 D . 有趣的
    2. (2) Alpacas like ________.
      A . a sheep B . hot weather C . a few people D . open and cool land
    3. (3) From the text, we can know that keeping alpacas is ________.
      A . easy B . pity C . hard D . smart
    4. (4) Which of the following is the best title for the text?
      A . Large costs B . Pet alpacas C . Internet user D . great interest
  • 13. 阅读单选

    There was once a painter whose goal was to paint the most beautiful painting in the world. Day and night he painted to make his greatest work. He painted many paintings, but every time, he would throw away paintings that he thought were less than perfect.

    At the same time, another painter who worked in the same studio also painted many paintings. He tried his best to paint and never threw any paintings away. The first painter would sometimes walk by, looking at the second painter's finished works, and laugh at them. "No one will ever buy these paintings. They are worthless!" he would say.

    The second painter would always answer, "We'll see." And in time, the second painter sold nearly all of his works. People were happy with them, even if they were less than perfect.

    The first painter never achieved what he wanted and finally gave up on his dream of perfection. He went home, penniless (身无分文的), having never sold any of his paintings.

    There is a saying- "Practice makes perfect." It is used to say that people become better at something if they do it often. For example, if you want to be a good writer, you should write every day. But in fact, this saying is not always true. No one is perfect, and looking for perfection often ends in failure. But if we simply do our best and work hard, we can usually succeed in life.

    1. (1) The first painter hopes to ________.
      A . throw away paintings B . collect the most paintings C . paint the greatest painting D . be better than the second painter
    2. (2) According to the text, the second painter________.

      a. laughed at the first painter

      b. saved all of his paintings

      c. made good use of his works

      d. painted the greatest painting in the world

      e sold nearly all of his works

      A . a b. c B . b c. e C . b. d. e D . a. c. d
    3. (3) In the end, the first painter________.
      A . sold no paintings and ended up poor B . decided to change a different dream C . achieved what he wanted D . became a good writer
    4. (4) What opinion does the writer probably hold?
      A . Practice will always make perfect. B . Nobody can succeed all the time. C . the result is more important than the success. D . Perfection is not always possible, but that's okay.
  • 14. 阅读单选

    The year 2022 will be a big year for sports in China. That's because it will hold not only the 24th Winter Olympics in Beijing, but also the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.

    On Aug 6, 2018, the official emblem(官方会徽) for the Hangzhou Asian Games was released(发布). The city won the hosting rights(主办权) for the 2022 Asian Games in 2015. It will be the third Chinese city to host the Asian games after Beijing and Guangzhou in 1990 and 2010.

    First held in 1951, the Asian Games are the largest multi-sport(综合体育) event in Asia. It also means a lot to China. The Beijing Asian Games were the first large international sports event to be hosted by China, News service reported.

    To make the Games a great success Chinese people worked hard to prepare. Beijing built a great number of roads and stadiums(体育馆), including the famous Beijing Olympic Sports Centre and Asian Games Village. The Games helped the world see China and its achievements. Since then, China has improved its global image(国际形象), China youth Daily reported.

    For the 2022 Asian Games, Hangzhou has already started building 33 sports venues(场馆), according to The Paper. The themes for the Hangzhou Asian Games are "green, smart, economical and civilized". All the Games' buildings will be environmentally friendly(环保的).

    1. (1) Which city will host the 2022 Asian Games?
      A . Beijing. B . Guangzhou. C . Shenyang. D . Hangzhou.
    2. (2) The first Asian games was held in ________.
      A . 1951 B . 1990 C . 2010 D . 2022
    3. (3) From the text we can infer that ________.
      A . it's easy to make Asian Games Village B . it's helpful for China to host the Beijing Asian games C . it's harmful to the environment to build sports venues D . it's the second time for China to host winter Olympics
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The Asian Games in China. B . Main multi-sport events in Asia. C . How to prepare for the Asian Games. D . How the Asian Games emblem was designed.
  • 15. 回答问题


    Robots are now very popular and can be found everywhere. They can do many jobs for us. Here are some of the most popular robots.






    ·carry food, medicine and other things in the hospital

    ·work as a guide



    ·lovely puppy (小狗)

    ·touch, see and hear

    ·show feelings/ move body/ change colour of eyes



    ·clean floor without help

    ·avoid furniture and stairs



    ·the newest model

    ·walk, run and climb stairs like a human being

    ·work as a waiter in a coffee shop

    1. (1) Who can robots do many jobs for?
    2. (2) Which is the newest robot in the form?
    3. (3) Where does Help-mate work?
    4. (4) What does AIBO look like?
    5. (5) When did Roomba appear?
  • 16. 语法填空

    2021 is the Year of the Ox! Do you know anyone who is an "ox"?

    In Chinese culture, the ox stands for the spirit of hard work and selflessness (无私). They are  (we) friends. Cows give people milk. Bulls (公牛) help people carry (thing) around. We use the word laohuangniu  (describe) the those who help others and ask nothing for themselves.

    People like this animal so much that they have  (write) poems about it and painted pictures of it. In the story of "The Cowherd and the Weaver Fairy (牛郎织女)", a loyal cow helps a cowherd marry a fairy (仙女). Later, it gives  (it) skin to the man to help him meet his wife over the milky Way (银河).

    But in the West, people have a different opinion about the animal. For example, bullheaded people  (be) very stubborn and will not listen to advice.

    We hope that all of you will work just as hard as the ox does. Avoid anything that might make you as  (angrily) as "a red flag to a bull". And we hope you will "take the bull by the horns (不畏艰险)" all the time when you run into difficult situations.

  • 17. 多任务混合问题

    Living in another country

    My name is Brad Li. I'm here today to tell you about my experience as an exchange student in the United States last year!

    I stayed with a host family in a small town. My host parents, Mr and Mrs Hurst, were very (A) kind. They organized a lot of activities for me in my spare time so that I wouldn't miss home (B) ________feel lonely.

    However, to a certain degree, life in the US was hard to get used to. My main problem was with the language. I failed to understand much in the first few weeks because (C) 每个人都说得太快了. Though I soon managed to get used to it, I still had problems because they used a lot of idioms. For example, they often say they are "under the weather" when they are ill. (D) Their everyday English is not the same as what we learn in China.

    Another difference was the food. My host family always had bread, potatoes and salad for meals. I really missed the dumplings, rice and delicious dishes from home. School was a big shock too. They do not require students to wear uniforms, so students can wear almost whatever they like. Some students have strange hairstyles (E) as well. Some students even have pink or purple hair!

    Anyway, I have many great memories of that year, especially playing in the snow in winter, and playing baseball. At Halloween, I went to a party dressed (F) ________ Harry Potter. At Thanksgiving, we had a big dinner with a huge turkey.

    It was an exciting year, and it was a valuable education for me. Now I understand more about American culture.

    1. (1) 写出文中画线部分(A)和(E)的同义词或近义词:
    2. (2) 在文中(B)和(F)的空白处填入适当的单词:
    3. (3) 将文中画线部分(C)译成英语:
    4. (4) 将文中画线部分(D)改写为:Their everyday English is what we learn in China.
    5. (5) 从文中找出能说明本文主旨大意的短语:
  • 18. 多任务混合问题

    Mixed up with sister

    Just a bit fewer than two years separate my sister and I in age, but to me it has always felt like more. Since we are so close in age, we fight often, but also love one (A) ________ strongly.

    But almost everyone we meet tells us that we look the same. The fact that we go to the same school and do many of the same after-school activities makes it worse. But the two of us just do not understand. ① To us, we are completely different people who look nothing like each other.

    ② There have been too many times when I have been identified(认出) simply based on my relation to my sister Isabelle. Teachers and coaches call me “little Isabelle” or “Isabelle's sister”, or even just “Isabelle” when people really cannot tell us apart.

    Over the years, I have gotten (B) ________ used to it that I respond when someone calls for her. I can remember when I was younger, one of Isabelle's teachers thought that I was her and said “hi” to me in the hallway. I had no choice but to say “hi” back!③

    A few years later, I was taking honors biology the same year when my sister was taking AP biology. The two courses were taught by the same teacher, and (C) she gave my test results to my sister!

    I have lived in my sister's shadow(影子), behind her name, for as long as I can remember. But luckily, as (D) 我已经长大了, fewer people call me as Isabelle's little sister. These problem issues that have plagued(萦绕) my youth will be but a memory of the past. I have found who I am, separate from my sister and her appearance.

    1. (1) 在文中(A)和(B)的空白处填入适当的单词:
    2. (2) 将文中画线部分(C)改写为:my test results to my sister by her!
    3. (3) 将文中画线部分(D)译成英语:
    4. (4) 在文中①②③选出能够填入“Unluckily, we still get mixed up all the time.”的位置:.
    5. (5) 从文中找出两个表示职业的名词:
  • 19. 单词填空

    first book   got a job   his mother   teach English   with his own

    James Turner—a famous travel writer

    James Turner is a famous travel writer. He was born in London in 1970. His father was a cook, and  was a writer.

    When James left school, he  at a travel company. However, he want to explore the world himself. Then he went to China to . From there he explored the rest of Asia.

    He usually writes while he is travelling, so his started from the notes he took. He likes to write about the places he visits. He often compares their culture . It helps him learn more about the world. He is planning to write a book about Marco Polo and his journey.

  • 20. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Tom来信说想了解中国历史上的著名人物(famous persons)。请你根据下面图片的提示,选择一位著名人物,给Tom写一封回信,介绍一下该人物,内容包括:







    Zheng He


    Cai Lun





    (the 6th century BC)

    Dear Tom,

    I am happy to know that you are interested in famous persons in Chinese history. Let me introduce one to you. I hope the information can help you and I am looking forward to your letter.


    Li Hua

