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更新时间:2022-04-20 浏览次数:98 类型:期末考试
  • 1. Read Peter and Chen Jie's dialogues on We-Chat, then choose the right sentences. 选择合适的句子补全Peter与Chen Jie的微信对话。
    1. (1)
      A . What is it? B . What time is it? C . Can I help you?
    2. (2)
      A . Is this a sheep? B . Are they sheeps? C . Are they sheep?
    3. (3)
      A . they are potatoes. B . They're tomatos. C . They are tomatoes.
    4. (4)
      A . Yes, I do. B . It's nice. C . No, I don't.
    5. (5)
      A . I'll put on my T-shirt. B . I'll take off my coat. C . I'll put on my jacket.
  • 2. Chen Jie wants to buy gifts for Peter's family. Read and finish the dialogue. Chen Jie 想要给Peter的家人购买一些礼物,请阅读并补全她和地摊主的对话(有一个多余选项)

    A. How much is it?

    B. Do you have any sunglasses?

    C. Are those pants?

    D. I'll take them all.

    E. Can I help you?

    F. How many scarves?


    Chen Jie: Yes, I want to buy a scarf for my aunt.

    Assistant: Look at these scarfs. They are beautiful.

    Chen Jie: Yes. This red scarf is great.

    Assistant: It's 50 yuan.

    Chen Jie: OK. What are those?

    Assistant: No, they aren't. They are dragon kites.

    Chen Jie: Great! I want to buy a dragon kite for my cousin Peter.

    Assistant: What about this one? It is red and yellow. And it's cheap.

    Chen Jie: Good.

    Assistant: Yes, we do. How about the black one? It's cool.

    Chen Jie: Great. My uncle likes the black color.

    Assistant: Thank you!

三、Choose and complete the sentences. Chen Jie 出行前,Peter想要检测一下Chen Jie的英语水平,你也来答答看。
四、Read and judge. Peter正在给Chen Jie描述自己一天的学习生活。请你也来读读看,判断正误。
  • 8. Peter正在给Chen Jie描述自己一天的学习生活。请你也来读读看,判断正误。

    Hi, Chen Jie!

    How are you? Thank you for your new pen. How beautiful! I like its colour-orange.

    Today is a nice day. The weather is cool. Now, I'm writing at my new school. It's a nice school. There are many trees and colourful flowers. The school building is white and blue. We have a music room, an art room, a computer room, a lunch room and a library. I like the playground very much. It's so big and we can play football there.

    Oh! It's four o'clock in the afternoon. It's time for PE class. I have to stop here. See you soon!



    1. (1) Peter's new pen is purple and beautiful.
    2. (2) It is cool and sunny today.
    3. (3) Peter likes the playground but the playground is not big.
    4. (4) Peter can play football on the playground.
    5. (5) It's 5 p. m. It's time for PE class.
五、Read and finish the exercise. Chen Jie学校准备了一场服装秀,读读Chen Jie的服装秀记录,完成如下任务。
  • 9. Chen Jie学校准备了一场服装秀,读读Chen Jie的服装秀记录,完成如下任务。

    Hello, I'm Chen Jie. It's sunny and hot today. I have breakfast at 7 o'clock. We have a clothes show in the gym. It's 8 o'clock. It's time to go to school. Welcome to nay school. Look, my classroom is on the first floor. It's near the gym. And the teachers' office is on the second floor. Let's go to the gym. The yellow dress is mine. Look at those green gloves on the sofa. They are Mike's. Whose sweater is this? Oh, it's Zhang Peng's. It's blue and it's pretty. Amy has a red scarf. It is cheap and nice. I put it near the table. Look! The clothes show is ready. Come and have a look!

    1. (1) —Where is the clothes show?

      —It's in the______.

      A . classroom B . library C . gym
    2. (2) —What time does Chen Jie go to school?

      —She goes to school at _______ o'clock.

      A . eight B . seven C . nine
    3. (3) The gym is _______.
      A . near the teachers' office B . on the second floor C . on the first floor
    4. (4) Where are the gloves?
      A . Near the table. B . On the sofa. C . Near the sofa.
    5. (5) —How does Chen Jie like tile sweater?

      —It's _______.

      A . pretty B . cheap C . expensive
    6. (6) 读短文,并标出相应主人的编号。


  • 10. Try to write according to the pictures. Chen Jie 在给Peter介绍中国城市不同季节的天气活动及穿衣情况,请你依据图片,选择你喜欢的一所城市进行描述

    Weather (天气): warm, windy, cold, hot, rainy, snowy, sunny, ···

    Clothes (服装) : T-shirt, pants, shorts, dress, coat, scarf, gloves, sunglasses, ···

    Activities (活动): fly kites, ride a bike, go swimming, make a snowman, ···

    Sentences (句型): It' s ··· in ···. We can ···. This is ···. These are···.

    1. (1)    Hangzhou


    2. (2)    Hainan

    3. (3)       Jilin

