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牛津上海版(深圳)三年级下学期Module3 Unit7 综...

更新时间:2022-04-30 浏览次数:21 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 读一读,选出不同类的单词。

     A. swim        B. sing         C. sleep       D. too

     A. spring        B. summer      C. read        D. autumn

     A. dance       B. cold         C. hot        D. cool

     A. worker      B. in           C. on         D. at

     A. ride        B. singing       C. skating     D. painting

  • 12. 问答句搭配。

    ⑴What do you like?          A. I have some bread and water.

    ⑵What do you have?         B. I can see some tigers.

    ⑶What can you do?           C. I like swimming.

    ⑷What can you hear?          D. It is black and white.

    ⑸What can you see?           E. It is sweet. And it is not sour.

    ⑹What colour is the panda?    F. I can read and write English.

    ⑺How is the apple?            G. Yes, it is.

    ⑻Do you like monkeys?        H. No, I can't.

    ⑼Is the lemon sour?           I. No, I don't.

    ⑽Can you ride a bike?         J. I can hear a plane.

  • 13. 选词填空

    A.winter    B. too   C. about   D.swimming    E.like

    1. (1) I skating.
    2. (2) It's cold in.
    3. (3) I like  in summer.
    4. (4) I like reading .
    5. (5) What  you?
  • 14. 读一读,选词填空。

    come   swimming   too   working    skating   sleeping

    1. (1) I have a cat. It is very lazy(懒惰的). It likes  at home.

    2. (2) Hi, I'm Sally. I like in summer and  in winter.

    3. (3) My mother likes . She is a good worker.

    4. (4) Lucy and Lily like dolls. Ilike dolls .

    5. (5) This is my new home. Please  in.

  • 15. 根据短文内容,选出正确答案。

        On Sunday the children are very busy(忙). They are not at school. Peter likes drawing. He can draw very well. He can draw a bird. It is like a real one. John likes reading. He likes reading animal books. He likes animals. Jason likes writing. He often writes English and Chinese. He can write well. My brother Tom likes running. He runs in the morning. Mary likes dancing. She can dance very well. She often dances on the show. They are good and busy children.

    1. (1) The children are very busy on ____________________.
      A . Saturday B . Monday C . Sunday
    2. (2) Peter likes ____________________.
      A . drawing B . paint C . draw
    3. (3) John likes ____________________.
      A . read B . swimming C . reading
    4. (4) Jason likes ____________________.
      A . reading B . writing C . swimming
    5. (5) Tom and Mary like ____________________.
      A . running B . dancing C . running and dancing

