当前位置: 小学英语 /牛津上海版(深圳用) /三年级下册 /Module 3 My colourful life. /Unit 8 Happy birthday!
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牛津上海版(深圳)三年级下学期Module3 Unit8 综...

更新时间:2022-04-30 浏览次数:34 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 选出下列各组单词中不属于同—类的词。

       A. good     B. cold     C. thank

       A. for   B. at   C. work

        A. here   B. sleep   C. sing

  • 12. 情景选择。

    ①What's the matter?      A. Thank you.

    ② Nice to meet you      B. I like skating.

    ③ What do you like?      C. I can hear a bus.

    ④ What can you hear?      D. Nice to meet you, too.

    ⑤ Here's a gift for you.      E. I can't find my toy.

  • 13. 选句子,完成对话。(可以填序号)

    A. Make a wish

    B. Here's a card for you.

    C. Thank you!

    D. Happy birthday, Sam.

    E. Let's cut the birthday cake together.


    B: Thank you!


    B: It is beautiful.

    A: Look at the birthday cake. It is big. then blow, Sam.

    B: OK. Here's a piece of cake for you.

    A: Thank you! It's delicious (美味的).

  • 14. 请选择适当的单词填空。

    for      at     in      on     to

    1. (1) I like reading home.
    2. (2) What do you have lunch?
    3. (3) It's cold here. Please come!
    4. (4) Let's go the zoo.
    5. (5) My hat ismy head.
  • 15. 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符。

        It is Sunday. It is fine day. It is my birthday. I am nine years old. I have a party at my home. My good friends come to my birthday party. They bring many presents for me. I am very happy. My mother makes me a big birthday cake. My father gives me some flowers. We sing a birthday song. I wish then I cut the cake and we eat the cake. Then we play a game. We go to bed very late. We have fun.

    1. (1) Today is my mother's birthday.
    2. (2) My good friends come to my home.
    3. (3) My father makes me a big cake.
    4. (4) I wish and cut the cake and we eat the cake.
    5. (5) I am very happy to have a party.

