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牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修四高中英语 Unit 3 C...

更新时间:2022-06-25 浏览次数:81 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 语篇填空。

    I am going to tell you an unbelievable thing that happened in my restaurant today. This afternoon a poorly-dressed gentleman came into my restaurant. Nobody knew he was. We wondered

    he was so hungry. We were surprised he finished two orders of food in a very limited time. We doubted the man was able to pay the bill. The gentleman asked we would mind waiting for just a few minutes. Then we were shocked to see he took out of a letter and a million-pound banknote. I asked Mr. Clements it was genuine. Mr. Clements said it was true because two banknotes of this amount had been issued by the Bank of England this year. He thought the gentleman showed them couldn't be a fake. a gentleman with a million-pound banknote was in rags and ate in our small restaurant was a big puzzle to all the people there. I really couldn't describe excited I was.

  • 30. The book will show you how what you have observed can be used in real life.(指出下列句子中包含的名词性从句的类型、引导词以及引导词在从句中作什么成分,并翻译句子。)
  • 31. We haven't discussed yet where we are going to place our new furniture. (指出下列句子中包含的名词性从句的类型、引导词以及引导词在从句中作什么成分,并翻译句子。)
  • 32. When we come together, it is natural that we influence and are influenced by each other. (指出下列句子中包含的名词性从句的类型、引导词以及引导词在从句中作什么成分,并翻译句子。)
  • 33. I'm afraid he's more of a talker than a doer, which is why he never finishes anything. (指出下列句子中包含的名词性从句的类型、引导词以及引导词在从句中作什么成分,并翻译句子。)
  • 34. It is uncertain what side effect the medicine will bring about, although 2,000 patients have taken it. (指出下列句子中包含的名词性从句的类型、引导词以及引导词在从句中作什么成分,并翻译句子。)
  • 35. We should consider the students' request that the school library (should) provide more books on popular science. (指出下列句子中包含的名词性从句的类型、引导词以及引导词在从句中作什么成分,并翻译句子。)

