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人教版( PEP)三年级下学期Unit1 单元测试卷

更新时间:2022-05-31 浏览次数:105 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 按要求写单词。
    1. (1) are 单数
    2. (2) I 形容词性物主代词
    3. (3) old 反义词
    4. (4) America 同义词
    5. (5) have 三单形式
    6. (6) friend 复数
  • 12. 匹配题。
    ⑴China,             A.
    ⑵student,           B.
    ⑶he,                C.
    ⑷UAS,              D.
  • 13. 选择适当的单词填空,使句子意思完整。
    Canada    UK     She     He    students   pupil
    1. (1) My name is Mike. I'm from.
    2. (2) Tom is a new.
    3. (3) lucy and I are 11 years old. We are .
    4. (4) This is Amy. is from the.
    5. (5) Look!I have a new friend. is a boy.
  • 14. 给句子选择适当的答语,用线连起来。

    ⑴Where are you from?    

    ⑵Is she Miss White?    

    ⑶What's your name?    

    ⑷We have two new friends today.    

    ⑸Nice to meet you.    

    A. Yes, she is.

    B. My name's Kate.

    C. I'm from the UK.

    D. Nice to meet you, too.

    E. Welcome!

  • 15. 选择正确的选项补全对话。

    A. Nice to see you, too.

    B. I'm from the UK.

    C. Good morning.

    D. What about you?

    E. Welcome back to school!

    Tim: , Miss White.

    Miss White: Good morning, Tim.

    Tim: Nice to see you again.

    Miss White: We have a new friend today.

    Mike: Hi, I'm Mike. I'm from Canada.

    Tim: Hi, I'm Tim. Welcome!

    Mike: Thank you.

  • 21. 看图片,选择对应的句子。

    A. This is a panda. It's from China.

    B. This is Miss White. She's a teacher.

    C. They are Tom and Jerry. They are friends.

    D. This is Chen Jie. She's from China.

    E. This is Mike. He's from Canada.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 22. 选择恰当的句子补全对话。

    Sandy: Hi, Mr Li. Nice to see you again.


    Sandy: Mr Li, this is my friend, Jack.

    Mr Li: Hi, Jack.  Nice to meet you. 2

    Jack: I'm from the USA.

    Mr Li: Great.  How old are you?

    Jack: 3

    Sandy:4He's very nice.

    Jack: I like Chinese.  Can you teach me Chinese, Mr Li?

    Mr Li: Sure.

    Jack: Thank you.


    A . Nice to see you, too. B . How are you?
    A . Who are you? B . Where are you from?
    A . I'm nine. B . I'm fine, thank you.
    A . Mr Li is my English teacher. B . Mr Li is my Chinese teacher.
    A . You're welcome. B . Good afternoon.
  • 23. 阅读短文,补全句子。

    Boys and girls, we have three new friends today. This is Li Hong. She is from Nanjing. She is nine years old. She is a lovely girl. She likes cats. This is Tim. He is from the USA. He is ten years old. He is a funny boy. He likes dogs. This is Jim. He is from Canada. He is ten years old, too. He likes birds very much. They are our new classmates(同班同学). Let's welcome our new friends!

    1. (1) We have new friends today.
    2. (2) Li Hong is a lovely.
    3. (3) Tim is a funny boy. He likes.
    4. (4) Jim is from.
    5. (5) Tim and Jim are both(都) years old.

