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更新时间:2022-05-31 浏览次数:76 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. (2021五下·蓬江期末) 根据短文内容判断,与短文内容是否相符。

    There are many beaches in Hong Kong. Many people go there to swim. You can see many women, men and children there. You can swim there, but remember: 1. Don't swim alone. 2. Don't swim after a meal. Don't swim when you are hungry or tired. 3. Don't stay in the water for a long time.

    Do you know the meaning of the flags? A red flag: Anyone can't swim here. A blue flag: Children can't swim here.

    1. (1) Many people go to the beaches in Hong Kong to swim.
    2. (2) Everyone can swim alone in the sea.
    3. (3) People can't swim when they're hungry, tired or full.
    4. (4) It's good to stay in the water for a long time.
    5. (5) Children can swim in the water with a red flag.
  • 2. (2021五下·香洲期末) 阅读短文,回答问题

    My name is Bing Dwen Dwen. I am a boy. I'm a black and white panda, the mascot(吉祥物)of the 24th Winter Olympics in Beijing in 2022. The Winter Olympics are usually held every four years. Many countries in the world are going to take part in it. There are many events in the Winter Olympics, such as(例如)skiing, ice hockey and ice-skating. . Ice-skating is my favourite.

    In order to(为了)keep our country tidy and clean, we should put the trash in different bins. We should put the glass and newspaper in the recyclable waste bin. Put the waste paint cans in the red bin. Look, there are some flowers and leaves. Which bin should I put them in? The green one or the gray one? If(如果)you want to be a volunteer in the Winter Olympics, please tell me the answer.


    Recyclable Waste     Hazardous Waste        Food Waste        Residual Waste

    1. (1) The Winter Olympics are usually held______________.
      A . four times a year B . once a year C . every year D . every four years
    2. (2) We should put the glass and newspaper in the__________ waste bin.
      A . blue B . red C . green D . gray
    3. (3) What is Bing Dwen Dwen's favourite event?
    4. (4) Can we put the paint cans in the recyclable waste bin?
    5. (5) What color is the waste bin for flowers and leaves?
  • 3. (2021五下·斗门期末) 阅读短文, 选择正确答案。

    Hi, I am Jenny. I have many good habits. I get up early in the morning. And I usually go to bed before 9:30 at night. I brush my teeth three times a day. I wash my hands before dinner. And I take out the trash everyday. I also finish my homework and pack my schoolbag every night. So, I never forget my homework. My parents and teachers say I am a good girl. I feel so happy. Keeping good habits can make us healthy and happy. What about your good habits?

    1. (1) Jenny can __________ before dinner.
      A . brush her teeth B . wash her hands C . take out the trash
    2. (2) Jenny takes out the trash__________ a day.
      A . ten times B . three times C . once
    3. (3) —Does Jenny pack her schoolbag every night?


      A . No, she doesn't. B . Sorry, I don't know. C . Yes, she does.
    4. (4) Jenny__________ forgets her homework.
      A . never B . often C . sometimes
    5. (5) —When does Jenny usually go to bed?


      A . No, she doesn't. B . After 9:30 p. m. . C . Before 9:30 p. m.
  • 4. (2021五下·新会期末) 根据Passage Three的内容, 选择正确的一项。

    Passage Three

    Teeth are important. Strong and healthy teeth help you eat foods that help you grow. They help you speak clearly and look best. Here are two tips for you to take care of your teeth. First, brush your teeth the right way(办法). Brush your teeth at least(最少)twice a day-after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after sweet snacks, too. Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Get a new toothbrush every three months. Second, have good eating habits. Eating too much sugar is bad for your teeth. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink more water but not soda.

    1. (1) Strong and healthy teeth can help us speak__________.
      A . carefully B . loudly C . clearly
    2. (2) We should brush our teeth at least__________ a day.
      A . once B . twice C . three times
    3. (3) We should get__________ toothbrushes a year.
      A . three B . one C . four
    4. (4) Eating too much sugar isn't__________ for our teeth.
      A . good B . bad C . unhealthy(不健康的)
    5. (5) It is the right time to brush our teeth except(除了)__________.
      A . after breakfast B . before bedtime C . during the bedtime
    6. (6) How long should we change(更换)the old toothbrush to the new one according to this passage(按照本文)?
      A . Every day B . Every three months C . Every week
    7. (7) These are good eating habits except(除了)__________.
      A . Eating lots of fruits and vegetables. B . Drinking more water. C . Drinking lots of soda.
    8. (8) The best suitable(最合适的)name for Passage Three can be__________.
      A . Be Bad for Teeth B . Protect(保护)Our Teeth C . Good Eating Habits
  • 5. (2021五下·广东期末) 阅读理解,判断正误。

    Sam likes to travel. Every year he travels to different cities in China. This summer holiday, he went to Sanya with his parents. It was a wonderful trip. Sanya is a beautiful international city. But forty years ago, it was a small fishing village.

    They arrived in Sanya on August 2nd by plane. The weather was hot. The streets were clean(干净的) and the air was fresh. There were many trees and flowers everywhere.

    In Sanya, they went to the beach. They walked on the beach and swam in the sea. They also went to the Windows of the World in Shenzhen. Of course, they also went shopping and ate delicious food. Sam bought many interesting gifts for his friends. They went home on August 7th by train. Sam really enjoyed this trip.

    1. (1) Sam travelled to different cities in Canada last year.
    2. (2) Sam went to Sanya with his parent.
    3. (3) Sanya was a small fishing village forty years ago.
    4. (4) Sam went to Sanya by plane.
    5. (5) Sam took a train to the Windows of the World.

