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更新时间:2022-08-16 浏览次数:64 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 找出划线部分读音不同的一项
    1. (1)
      A . people B . please C . play
    2. (2)
      A . chair B . school C . teacher
    3. (3)
      A . this B . that C . third
    4. (4)
      A . where B . who C . white
    5. (5)
      A . how B . wow C . yellow
  • 2. 找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . fifth B . ninth C . twenty
    2. (2)
      A . Wednesday B . Thursday C . August
    3. (3)
      A . hot B . winter C . warm
    4. (4)
      A . jump B . drinking C . sing
    5. (5)
      A . me B . his C . hers
  • 3. 读句子,选择对位的图片

    ⑴When is Father's Day?                                             A.

    ⑵LinLin often listens to music on the weekend.       B.

    ⑶We have a dancing class on Friday afternoon.       C.

    ⑷My brother's birthday is on the September 1st.       D.

    ⑸I like summer because I can go swimming.       E.

  • 4. 选择正碑的答语

    ⑴Are you drawing a picture?   

    ⑵Can you take the old woman to the doctor's office?   

    ⑶When is the CPC's(中国共产党) birthday?   

    ⑷Which season do you like best?   

    ⑸Whose crayons are these?   

    A. Of course! Please come here.

    B. They are mine.

    C. Yes, I am.

    D. It's on July 1st.

    E. Spring. There are beautiful flowers everywhere.

  • 10. 补全对话,将答案的序号填在横线上

    A: Hi, this is Yang Man speaking.

    B: I'm making a birthday card.


    B: My mum's birthday is coming.

    A: When is your mother's birthday?

    B: It's the day after tomorrow.

    A: Which season does your mother like?

    B: Spring.

    A: You can draw some flowers in the card. Your mother will be happy.

    B: Oh, that's a good idea. Thanks a lot.


    A. You're welcome.

    B. She likes flowers very much.

    C. It's on June 20th.

    D. What are you doing?

    E. Why do you make the card?

  • 11. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。

    Hello, Lin Hua! Look at this photo, please! This is Xiushui Park, a big and nice park. It's in the middle of our city. There are many trees and a small lake in the park. People like to come to this park on the weekend. Look! Some children are playing games and flying kites. Two boys are rowing a boat. They're excited. There are some old men and women. They're singing Yu Opera and Peking Opera(京剧).

    One of the old men is playing the erhu. They come to the park every day. The old men in white are doing kung fu. They're very happy. I like the park very much. I often come here on the weekend.

    1. (1) People like to go to Xiushui Park __________.
      A . on the weekend B . on Fridays C . on Mondays
    2. (2) Some boys and girls are __________ in the park.
      A . flying kites B . playing games C . A and B
    3. (3) There is a __________ in the park.
      A . river B . lake C . hill
    4. (4) Two boys are __________.
      A . drawing pictures B . picking oranges C . rowing a boat
    5. (5) __________ are singing Yu Opera in the park.
      A . Girls B . Young women C . Old women and men.

