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更新时间:2022-07-26 浏览次数:107 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答两个小题。
    1. (1) Why does Mike call Laura?
      A . To ask her to come to his party. B . To help him with his study. C . To tell her about his new home.
    2. (2) Where is Mike's home?
      A . In front of the park. B . Across from the hospital. C . Next to the supermarket.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答三个小题。
    1. (1) How did Tim go to the museum?
      A . By bike. B . By bus. C . By car.
    2. (2) What did Tim learn in the museum?
      A . Singing beautiful songs. B . Taking nice photos. C . Making a model robot.
    3. (3) What's the relationship (关系) between the two speakers?
      A . Friends. B . Teacher and student. C . Brother and sister.
  • 8. 听独白,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does Jeff come from?
      A . The UK.  B . The USA. C . The China.
    2. (2) What does Jeff look like?
      A . He has curly black hair. B . He has small round eyes. C . He is short but heavy.
    3. (3) Which sport does Jeff like best?
      A . Volleyball. B . Basketball. C . Badminton.
    4. (4) How long does Jeff play the piano every day?
      A . For 60 minutes. B . For 90 minutes. C . For 120 minutes.
    5. (5) Why do most students like Jeff?
      A . Because he is smart. B . Because he is helpful. C . Because he is hard-working.
  • 9. 阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    A farmer had some little dogs for sale, from $30 to $50. He painted an ad to1them. At that moment, a little boy came over and said, "Sir, I want to buy one of your dogs."

    "Well," said the farmer, "You need quite a lot of2to buy the dogs." The boy said, "I've got 2 dollars. Can I take a look at3?''

    "OK," said the farmer. Then he called the dogs over. Four little dogs came out4the doghouse. Then the little boy found something else inside the doghouse.

    Slowly, the fifth little dog appeared (出现),5this one was smaller. There was something wrong with one of his legs. When he was walking, he fell down (摔倒) for many times, but he still tried to6. "I want that one," the little boy said.

    "Son, you don't want that dog. He will7be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would," said the farmer.

    Then the little boy showed one of his8to the farmer. His leg had a steel brace (钢支架) on it. Then he said, "You see, I don't run too well myself. And it makes me9. So I think he will need someone who understands."

    "How much?" asked the little boy. "No charge (收费)," answered the farmer. "There's no charge for10and understanding. I'm sure you're the best owner for him."

    A . sell B . keep C . find D . save
    A . time B . money C . food D . care
    A . him B . her C . it D . them
    A . along B . from C . over D . behind
    A . and B . so C . if D . or
    A . turn right B . get off C . stand up D . come back
    A . always B . often C . sometimes D . never
    A . arms B . hands C . legs D . feet
    A . afraid B . tired C . sad D . bored
    A . loving B . wishing C . missing D . thinking
  • 10. 阅读短文,回答问题



    I lost my pencil-box in the music room last Wednesday. It's blue. There are many school things in it. And also my key!

    Call Tom at 685-6034. Thanks.


    Can you dance? Do you want to know yourself? If yes, come and join us! We are going lo give a dance show at the end of this term in the sports center.



    Or find Mr. Clark to talk to him.


    The school trip this weekend has to be canceled (取消) because of the bad weather. The weather report says there will be heavy rain these days. Remember to take an umbrella.

    A book sale!

    Do you enjoy reading books? Do you want to get great books at good prices? There is going to be a book sale in front of the school library. Come and see!


    12:00-15:30, Friday

    1. (1) There is going to be a show in the ________.
      A . music room B . sports center C . school library D . school hall
    2. (2) We can learn from the text that _________.
      A . there will be a school trip this weekend B . the book sale will be on Friday morning C . Mr. Clark can help with playing sports D . Tom lost his blue pencil-box last Wednesday
    3. (3) The Noliceboard is mainly for ________.
      A . parents B . teachers C . students D . cleaners
  • 11. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Once, there were two women who lived in the same village. They grew the same plants in their own gardens. One woman called Lisa was hard-working and took care of her plants every day. The other woman, named Rebecca, didn't do too much. She just let her plants grow however they wanted.

    One evening, there was a heavy rain. It destroyed (毁坏) many of the plants.

    The next morning, when Lisa woke up, she found that all of her plants fell down because of the rain. However, when she got to Rebecca's garden, she saw that all of the plants were still standing in the garden. Rebecca's plants lived through the rain!

    How did this happen? The plants of the relaxed woman learned to do things on their own from the very beginning. They grew deeper roots (根) and made places for themselves in the soil (土壤). They could stand up strong on their own, even in a heavy rain. But since Lisa did everything for her plants, they never learned to live through any difficulties.

    It is the same for us. One day, you'll have to let go and become independent. If you just let others do everything for you, you'll never learn to do things by yourself.

    1. (1) From Paragraph 1, we can learn that _________.
      A . Lisa didn't like growing plants B . the two women were doing tests C . the two women grew plants differently D . Rebecca was more hard-working than Lisa
    2. (2) After the heavy rain, Lisa's plants _________.
      A . stood up strong B . all fell down C . grew better than before D . were still fine
    3. (3) The underlined word "independent" probably means _________.
      A . 独立的 B . 乐观的 C . 勇敢的 D . 仔细的
    4. (4) The passage is written to ________.
      A . help us to plant flowers in better ways B . ask us to be good with our neighbors C . tell us to learn to do things by ourselves D . teach us to keep safe in bad weather
  • 12. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Lulu is from Hungary. She first came to Beijing in 2017. Here, she found her greatest hobby—Peking Opera (京剧).

    "The clothes were of course special, and the movements (动作) were so excellent. The face-painting was something I've never seen before. It is so different from Western opera," she said.

    Now Lulu is in the Peking Opera group at Tsinghua University, where she studies. The group members practice twice a week and have a rehearsal (排练) on Fridays. Mostly, they practice singing and movements.

    The biggest problem Lulu faced was learning the Asian way of singing. "At first, I always didn't feel well with my throat (喉咙), because I was using my voice in the wrong way." she said. But with the help of the teachers, she has been much better.

    There are also many students from other countries in the group. "I really love it because Peking Opera brings us together," she said. "I really believe that art and music can be a bridge between different countries, and Peking Opera will get more and more popular among the people around the world."

    1. (1) Paragraph 2 is mainly about ________.
      A . where Lulu first saw Peking Opera B . why Lulu was interested in Peking Opera C . when Lulu started to leam Peking Opera D . how Lulu practiced singing Peking Opera
    2. (2) For Lulu, the biggest problem to leam the opera was ________.
      A . singing in an Asian way B . having no time to practice C . showing movements rightly D . getting little help from teachers
    3. (3) From the underlined sentence, we can know that Lulu is full of _________ about Peking Opera.
      A . thanks B . hope C . worries D . surprise
    4. (4) The passage is most probably from the part of ________ in a newspaper.
      A . Health B . Language C . Art D . Sports
  • 13. 阅读短文,回答问题

    A long walk is a good way to keep healthy, but for Emma Reade, it's also a way to help to feed people. Emma, 6, is taking part in the FootSteps Challenge (步数挑战). FareShare, Australia's biggest charity (慈善) kitchen, runs it.

    Every year, thousands of Australians don't know where their next meal is coming from. The workers in FareShare are there to help. They call themselves "happy bees". They get surplus (剩余的) food from supermarkets and restaurants and cook it into free, delicious and healthy meals for Australians in need. Also, they raise (筹集) money to help feed people in need by running the FootSteps Challenge.

    Participants (参与者) have to walk, run, ride or even swim to meet their goal (目标) of 25 km, 50 km, 100 km or 150 km over 15 days.

    Emma hopes to move 100 km to raise money for FareShare. So far, she's finished 19 km, well on the way to meeting her goal of $2000. She wants to get her friends to join her.

    "Moving makes you feel happy and helping other people makes you feel happy, too." Emma said. The little girl likes all kinds of moving. Every school day she is walking, running or riding 1 km. Then at the weekend she is doing a lot more. "I feel great about Emma," said her mother Nicole. "We think it's important to try our best to help other people."

    1. (1) According to the passage, the Footsteps Challenge is to ________.
      A . keep people healthy B . raise money to feed people C . make people excited D . teach kids to do sports
    2. (2) The underlined word "they" refers to the ________.
      A . runners B . happy bees C . poor people D . participants
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE about Emma?
      A . She got $2000 by moving 19 km. B . She cooks free and healthy meals for people. C . She only moves with her friends on weekends. D . She really enjoys taking part in FootSteps.
    4. (4) The best title for the passage may be ________.
      A . A Great Challenge B . A Clean Kitchen C . A Happy Family D . A Smart Girl
  • 14. 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。

    musician;  hundred;  rain;  lucky;  come true

    1. (1) Lang Lang is one of the best in the world.
    2. (2) There are three students at our school.
    3. (3) Don't go out to play basketball, Paul. It heavily outside.
    4. (4) I got up late this morning. , I didn't miss the school bus.
    5. (5) Mark worked so hard to make his dream when he studied in high school.
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

    A little Asian elephant became a big topic in China. Her name is Molly.

    On March 20, 2016, Molly was born at a (动物园) in Yunnan. They called her Little Princess. (作为) a symbol of luck, everyone liked her. When Molly turned 1 year old, she got her name and a big (蛋糕).

    But in 2018, people took Molly away from her mom. They sent Molly to Swan Lake Ecology Park in Qinyang, Henan in exchange (交换) for (另一) elephant. She had to act and carry (游客) on her back. She had many wounds (伤痕) on her body.

    Seeing that, people asked to send her back home. Some famous people also joined in. They (放) pictures and articles of Molly online. And they asked to stop elephant performances (很快) in China. With their help, Molly finally (离开) the ecology park in Henan. She went back home on the (十二) day of May. There, her family waited for her for many days. (后来),the doctors gave her a check-up. Little Princess is being loved again!

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    On November 5, 2021, 68 people got the honor — National Ethical Model (全国道德模范) and a girl named Liu Ximeng is one of them.

    Liu was born in Daqing, Heilongjiang in 2001. Now she studies at Harbin Normal University. Different others, the girl doesn't live in the school with her classmates, in a small house with her mom. Liu's mom fell ill (生病) not long after the girl was bom. Liu spent much time (look) after her mom at a very young age. At age three, Liu started (feed) her mom; at age four, she learned to cook; at age ten, she learned to give her mom a message. She never leaves her (mom) side (身边).

    Now at university, takes Liu a lot of time to do many things every day — having (class), cooking meals, doing part-time jobs and looking after her mom. However, she always finishes her schoolwork on time and she is excellent student in the school.

    Simple meals, small rooms, heavy housework, little free time — life is (real) difficult for Liu, but the girl never gives up. She is (sun) and outgoing. She says she is happy to be with her mom.

  • 17. 阅读下面材料,从方框中所给的A-E五个选项中选择正确的选项(其中一项是多余选项),将其序号填入1-4题,并回答5题。

    Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our school. Now you are students of a middle school. The life here is a little different. I think you must know what you can do and what you can't do. It can help you study well and live happily. You have to come to school from Monday fo Friday. You need to learn some important subjects, for example, Chinese, math, English and science. You have four classes in the morning. You can have lunch in the school dining hall. Classes are over at 4:30 in the afternoon and then you can join your favorite clubs to have fun. You can't play balls or run in the classroom or hallways. These are the school rules. I really hope you can have a happy life here.

    Thank you.

    A.Classes start at 8:00.

    B.All the things here are new.

    C.You can join some interesting clubs.

    D. You can't eat in the classroom.

    E. Here are some rules of our school.

    Please write one more rule in your school.(回答不少于 5 个单词)

  • 18. 假如你是李华,你将参加学校英语俱乐部组织的以"父亲节"为主题的英语沙龙。请根据下表信息完成你的发言稿。

    Something about my father


    a science teacher


    of medium height; thin;...


    swim; climb the mountain;...

    Things I did on Father's Day

    • make a big breakfast

    • wash his clothes






    Hello, I'm Li Hua. I'd like to say something about my father and tell you what I did on Father's Day.

