当前位置: 初中英语 /牛津版(深圳·广州) /八年级上册(2013秋审查) /Module 2 Science and technology /Unit 4 Inventions
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牛津版(深圳·广州)八年级上册Unit 4 Inventio...

更新时间:2022-07-28 浏览次数:43 类型:单元试卷
  • 16. 完形填空

    Last weekend, I had a meaningful day. I was going outside to play with my friends when I saw my mother was busy 1housework. She looked so2 and I felt that I should do something to help her. So I 3a decision to share housework with her. My mother was very  4 when she heard that and she let me do some washing. I was washing clothes when my friend Linda called me up and 5 me to play with her. I refused and told her that I was helping my mother do some washing and I couldn't go out with her.

    I spent much time washing clothes. Only then did I know it was not easy to wash 6, and how tired my mother was. She not only worked outside, but also did all the housework at home. However, she had 7 complained (抱怨)about it. After washing, 8 I felt tired, I was also proud of myself and my mother praised me. She said that I was a good 9 and that I had grown up, which made me feel very10.

    As time goes by, our parents will all grow old and they need more caring from us. If possible, we should share the housework with them, and it will be an unforgettable memory for us.

    A . finishing B . doing C . thinking D . enjoying
    A . sad B . tired C . great D . nice
    A . made B . gave C . found D . got
    A . happy B . tired C . interested D . sad
    A . ordered B . allowed C . asked D . forced
    A . socks B . hats C . pants D . clothes
    A . never B . but C . so D . and
    A . although B . but C . so D . and
    A . student B . boy C . friend D . child
    A . weak B . energetic C . poor D . happy
  • 17. 阅读理解

    The son of a soap maker, Benjamin Franklin came into the world on January 17, 1706. There was only enough money for Ben to attend school for two years. At the age of 17, he made his way to Philadelphia. In 1741, the famous Franklin stove was invented by him.

    Before Ben's invention of the Franklin stove, people heated their homes with a fire in an open fireplace. Using a fireplace for heating was not good because most of the warm air came up to the chimney (烟囱) and was dangerous because the fire in the fireplace could set the house on fire. Ben built a box-shaped stove for having the fire itself. After the metal warmed up, the heat was out into the room. The Franklin stove used less wood and was a safer way to heat buildings.

    What's more, Ben was already interested in electricity. After many years of hard work, he finally had a plan to prove (证明) that lightning was electricity and he was successful at last with his son's help. Although he had many inventions in life, he never kept them himself. He wanted to share them with people all over the world.

    1. (1) What can we know from the first paragraph?
      A . Ben's mother was a soap maker. B . Ben was born in a poor family. C . Ben went to England when he was 17. D . Ben was not interested in inventing.
    2. (2) How did the invention of the Franklin stove help us?
      A . It helped us buy more warm houses. B . It helped us read more books. C . It helped us save money and be safer. D . It helped us save some time to heat.
    3. (3) What does the last paragraph tell us?
      A . Ben and his stove. B . Ben and his family. C . Ben's hard life. D . Ben and electricity.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Ben was the only son in his family. B . Ben went to school for only a year. C . Ben bought a house in Philadelphia. D . Ben did the lightning experiment with his son.
    5. (5) Why did the writer write the passage?
      A . To encourage us to write. B . To tell us to learn more at school. C . To tell us a famous inventor. D . To encourage us to invent something.
四、<b >多句选词填空</b>
  • 18. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的词或短语填空。每个只能用一次。注意:名词、动词、形容词等可以按需要变成适当的形式。

    singer, useful, factory , interesting, himself, good, is fond of, feed

    1. (1) Jay Chou singing. He sings a lot.
    2. (2) Last night I   some fish to my cat.
    3. (3) He enjoyed at the party yesterday.
    4. (4) Song Zuying is a famous in China.
    5. (5) I think this is a book.
    6. (6) More and more move into Zhaoqing. So the air here is worse and worse.
    7. (7) The movie is of all.
    8. (8) Go to bed early, and have a good sleep, you'll feel  soon.
  • 24. 假如你是Lily,今天下午你们的口语练习的话题是“inventions”。现在,同学们正在构思一篇小作文,题为“What's the most useful invention?”。请你根据下列提示,谈谈你的观点。词数在80词左右,可作适当发挥。


    1)What is the most useful invention in your opinion?

    2)Who invented it?

    3)Why do you think it's the most useful one?

    4)How does this invention change people's life?

    5)What's the most useful invention?

