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更新时间:2022-07-29 浏览次数:44 类型:高考模拟
一、阅读理解 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  • 1. (2021·池州模拟) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    For those who want to make their schedule available for a visit, Fashion United has selected various fashion exhibitions.

    Zandra Rhodes: Fifty Years of Fabulous

    The exhibition of fashion designer Zandra Rhodes in London is worth your time. In total, there are 100 styles and 50 fabric(布料) samples to admire. The exhibition can be visited until April 16, 2021, in the Fashion and Textile Museum in London.

    Pricing: $10

    Marche et Demarche: A History of the Chanssure

    The Musee des Arts Decoratifs has been focused on shoes since this fall. The exhibition centers on different kinds of shoes, from the Middle Ages to the present day and from the West to non-European cultures. More than five hundred objects are on display. The exhibition can be visited until April 23, 2021, at the Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris.

    Pricing: $25

    Thierry Mugler: Couturissime

    Thierry Mugler is a successful fashion designer from France. The exhibition "Thierry Mugler: Couturissime" is now visiting Europe for the first time with the opening in the Kunsthal in Rotterdam. The multimedia approach of the exhibition deserves a special mention. The exhibition can be visited until May 8, 2021, in the Kunsthal in Rotterdam.

    Pricing: Free

    Bags: Imide Oat

    The new exhibition of the Victoria & Albeit Museum looks at the function, status and skills behind a bag. More than 300 objects are used to illustrate the theme. Bags from the royal family, celebrities and well-known fashion houses are given a place in the show. The exhibition can be visited until May 25, 2021, at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.

    Pricing: $30

    1. (1) On which day can visitors go to the exhibition of fashion designer Zandra Rhodes in 2021?
      A . April 12. B . April 23. C . May 8. D . May 25.
    2. (2) What can visitors do at the Musee des Arts Decoratifs?
      A . Enjoy Zandra Rhodes, designs. B . View shoes in different periods. C . Watch videos about Thierry Mugler. D . Enjoy a variety of bags from different people.
    3. (3) Which museum should visitors go to if they are interested in bags?
      A . The Fashion and Textile Museum. B . The Musee des Arts Decoratifs. C . The Kunsthal in Rotterdam. D . The Victoria & Albert Museum.
  • 2. (2022高二下·绍兴月考) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    John von Neumann was the oldest of 3 children of a banker and his speed of learning new ideas and of solving problems stood out early. At 17, his father tried to persuade him not to become a mathematician because he may lead a poor life being a mathematician, and so von Neumann agreed to study chemistry as well. In 1926, at 23, he received a degree in chemical engineering and a Ph. D. in mathematics. From then on, mathematics provided well enough for him, and he never had to turn to chemistry.

    In 1930, von Neumann visited Princeton University for a year and then became a professor there. His first book was published in 1932. In 1933, the Institute for Advanced Study was formed, and he became one of the 6 fulltime people(Einstein was one of the others)in the School of Mathematics.

    World War II hugely changed von Neumann's areas of interest. Until 1940 he had been a great pure(纯粹的)mathematician. During and after the war, he became one of the best mathematicians who put mathematics theories into practice. During the last part of the war he became interested in computing machines and made several fundamental contributions. After the war, von Neumann continued his work with computers, and was generally very active in government service. He received many awards, was president of the American Mathematical Society and was a member of the Atomic Energy Commission. He died in 1957 of cancer.

    Von Neumann made several great contributions and any one of them would have been enough to earn him a firm place history. He will be remembered as one of the greatest minds of the 20th century.

    Von Neumann really was a legend(传奇)in his own time, and there are a number of stories about him. His driving ability is a part of this legend. He reported one accident this way, "I was driving down the road. The trees on the right were passing me in an orderly fashion at 60 miles per hour. Suddenly one of them stepped in my path. ”

    1. (1) Von Neumann published his first book at the age of_______.
      A . 23 B . 26 C . 29 D . 32
    2. (2) How did World War II affect John von Neumann?
      A . He realized the importance of engineering. B . He began to research how to put mathematics into practice. C . He left college and served at the government department. D . He lost interest in chemistry.
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE of von Neumann?
      A . He had three children. B . He died from an accident. C . He received many awards in his life. D . He and Einstein were classmates in Princeton University.
    4. (4) According to the text, Von Neumann's father believed that_________.
      A . a mathematician couldn't earn a lot of money B . a mathematician needed a good memory C . von Neumann had the ability to learn two subjects at the same time D . von Neumann had a gift for solving problems at a high speed
  • 3. (2022高二下·奉贤期末) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    When students are required to obtain the skills for the new century, the desire to further integrate technology into our classrooms is bigger. Whether it's a K-12 or college classroom, it's rare to find an environment that does not integrate technology in some form or another. In some cases, online learning has replaced the physical classroom altogether. As educators, we owe it to ourselves and our students to use these benefits. However, while technology offers significant advantages, simply integrating it as an alternative source of delivery or as another means for students to demonstrate their comprehension is not an effective practice.

    We must remind ourselves that any form of learning technology should also be guided. These resources are just instruments and require high-quality guided practice from instructors. These instruments, combined with guidance, can afford good instruction, practice and motivation. While technology can positively impact learning outcomes, it may be even more effective for some students if it's instructor-led and integrated into a well-designed curriculum.

    Technology is rapidly changing the educational environment and challenging students to adapt accordingly. It can frustrate students of different generations struggling to learn how to use a learning platform in addition to picking up the actual subject. Some may wonder, "Why should I waste time learning how to create a podcast(播客) when I could simply write the paper?"

    It's a reasonable question. We must not assume students who were raised using technology are always comfortable learning with these tools. A study found that because of tools some students may not have experience using, they may need more direction on how to apply these tools. Students may struggle if an instructor neglects to teach the conceptual basis of the tools. Technology may mean little without appropriate objectives and goals for its use, structures for its application, and trained deliverers.

    Educators are also tasked with providing students the skills they need to flourish in a highly competitive and technologically-based workplace. Many of the skills obtained through online classes are valuable professional skills. Students taught how to use multiple learning technologies effectively have a competitive advantage over those who are simply using technology as a method of delivery in the online classroom. Regardless of the subjects we teach, integrating technology gives our students the opportunity to not only learn the content, but also to develop skills useful beyond our classrooms. Technology, when integrated and balanced appropriately with the curriculum and with student needs, can make us more effective as educators.

    1. (1) What is important to the learning technology?
      A . Instruction and revision. B . Comprehension and application. C . Guidance and arrangements. D . Diversity and flexibility.
    2. (2) According to the passage, what should an educator do?
      A . Arrange online assignment for students. B . Notify students of the value of the learning tool. C . Prepare students with rules in the workplace. D . Help students master online technology.
    3. (3) What's the author's attitude toward learning technology?
      A . Critical. B . Approving. C . Wait-and-see. D . Unconcerned.
    4. (4) Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
      A . Can Technology Put an End to Traditional Classrooms? B . Is the Learning Technology a Tool or an Opportunity? C . Does Technology Boost Educational Effectiveness? D . Does the Learning Skill Outweigh the Learning Content?
  • 4. (2022高一下·郑州期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Orbital structures(轨道结构) are becoming increasingly important for worldwide communications and a new generation of technologies. But scientists are warning that the danger of space debris(碎片) is rapidly increasing. Space debris can include pieces of old rockets, non-operational satellites, lost tools and other items. They present a risk to spaceships, satellites and space stations.

    In an effort to reduce the amount of debris orbiting the Earth, a group of economists at the University of Colorado at Boulder proposed a yearly fee, or tax, on satellite operators for their use of an orbital path. The group's study on the subject appeared recently in the publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    Matthew Burgess helped write the study. He said in a statement: "Space is a common resource. but companies aren't accounting for the cost their satellites impose(迫使) on other operators when they decide whether or not to launch. So we need a policy that lets satellite operators directly factor in the costs their launches impose on other operators.

    Akhil Rao was the lead writer of the study. He said most of the proposed answers to the problem have been based on using technology to clear away the debris. But, Burgess said, removing debris only means that operators will launch more satellites, and an international treaty(条约) calling for a yearly fee or tax would push companies to be more mindful about launching further objects into space.

    Christopher Newman is a professor of space law at Northumbria University in Britain. He said that imposing a space tax could be tricky. New man noted that such a cost could be seen as a restriction on the free use of space, and the effort to place a fee on the use of space could easily be slowed by the many details involved.

    1. (1) What worries the scientists according to the passage?
      A . The high cost of cleaning up space. B . The increasing risk of space debris. C . The safety of communication systems. D . The practical effects of new technologies.
    2. (2) What was the economists' suggestion?
      A . Strengthening control over space stations. B . Allowing companies to use space for free. C . Charging satellite operators orbital-use fees. D . Using advanced devices to catch space debris.
    3. (3) What is Burgess's attitude towards clearing away the debris?
      A . Supportive. B . Neutral. C . Indifferent. D . Negative.
    4. (4) What did Newman think of the economists' idea?
      A . It would lead to an argument. B . It was well worth considering. C . It was hard to put into practice. D . It would eventually be rejected.
二、阅读理解 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
  • 5. (2022高二下·安康期末) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Making new friends can be challenging for some people, but it's definitely rewarding. . They are the ones who walk through life together, share our ups and downs, and pains and joys. If you take a look at the people who seem to make friends easily, you may find that their social skills were likely all picked up over time. For this same reason, you can learn to become more sociable through time and practice. Here are my personal tips to get new friends:

    Realize your fear is in your head

    The first step is to develop a healthy mental image of meeting new people. Some of us see meeting new people as a scary event. We are concerned about making a good impression. The more we think about it, the scarier it seems. . Therefore, there is no need to worry about them.

    Don't change yourself to make new friends. That's the worst thing you can do. Just be yourself. That way, potential new friends will know you as you, and they'll use that to decide if they want to take the friendship a step further. It's all about being you. The truest friendships are built with both parties accepting each other for who they are.

    Be there for them

    A friendship is a supportive union between two people. Be there for your friends where you can. When you help your friends, don't do so with the expectation of being helped next time. . I find that the satisfaction I get from helping others and knowing they are better off is a reward greater than anything I can get in return.

    Make the effort to stay in touch

    Continual effort is required to maintain the friendship. Ask your friends out every once in a while. . For some of my best friends, we meet only once every few months. Yet, there's never any doubt that we're closely connected and we will be there for each other when needed.

    A. Be yourself

    B. Change yourself

    C. Instead, help unconditionally

    D. You can learn a lot from a good friend

    E. Actually, all these fears are just in our heads

    F. After all, friends form a big part of our life for most of us

    G. The strength of your relationship is not measured by how frequently you meet

三、语言知识运用 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  • 6. (2021高一上·汉滨期中) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    The Chinese are very generous (慷慨) when it comes to educating their children. Not 1  the money, parents often send their children to the 2schools or even abroad to England, the USA or Australia. They also want their children to take extra-course 3 where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes which will give them a head start in life. The Chinese believe that the 4an education is, the better it is. So parents will spend a (an)5amount of money on education. Even6couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter.

    7, what most parents 8to see is that the best early education they can give their children is usually very cheap.

    Parents can see that their children's skills vary, skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most parents fail to realize 9, is that today's children 10self-respect and self-confidence(自信).

    The problem is that parents are only 11 their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills that they need to be 12, happy and clever.

    Parents can achieve this by teaching 13skills like cooking, sewing, and doing other housework. 14a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking demands 15and time. It is an enjoyable but difficult 16. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job17. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self-confidence.

    Some old machines such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your children to play with will make him 18and arouse his interest. He will spend hours looking at them, trying to 19them; your child might become an engineer when he grows up. These 20 are not merely teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.

    A . offering B . spending C . caring about D . paying
    A . ordinary B . best C . special D . good
    A . parties B . sports C . clubs D . activities
    A . more expensive B . more reasonable C . farther D . cheaper 
    A . small B . reasonable C . proper D . unreasonable
    A . rich B . old C . poor D . young
    A . Therefore B . Otherwise C . However D . Instead
    A . fail B . try C . want D . manage
    A . even if B . though C . unless D . or rather
    A . gain B . own C . lose D . lack
    A . advising B . educating C . persuading D . suggesting
    A . unselfish B . polite C . friendly D . confident
    A . actual B . practical C . real D . true
    A . Asking B . Promising C . Teaching D . Encouraging
    A . space B . determination C . effort D . patience
    A . skill B . work C . experience D . housework
    A . quickly B . carefully C . successfully D . proudly
    A . strange B . puzzled C . curious D . excited
    A . fix B . watch C . break D . make
    A . methods B . activities C . movements D . skills
四、语言知识运用 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  • 7. (2022·沈阳模拟) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The Shangsi Festival also known as the Double Third Festival is ancient Chinese festival observed on the third day of the third lunar month. In 2018, it was set as China Huafu Day to advocate the (elegance) traditional Chinese clothes. The first event was celebrated on April 18 that year in Xi'an.

    The Shangsi Festival (celebrate) have changed with the times. Both the feast and praying for descendants(后代)by the river (add) in the Han Dynasty. It was after the Wei and Jin Dynasties that the event was fixed on the third day of the third lunar month. (interesting), the calligrapher Wang Xizhi from the Eastern Jin Dynasty wrote in his Lanting Xu about literary men composed poetry while drinking from cups (leave) floating and moving along the winding river. In the Tang Dynasty, people went out (hold) ceremonies and appreciate lowers along winding streams. After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the festival, developed a spring outing featuring lively activities like drifting cups, drifting eggs, hiking and eating glutinous rice(糯米). The Shangsi Festival falls close to the Qingming Festival that many young people today only know about the latter.

五、写作 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  • 8. (2022高一下·郑州期中) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    The Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics was held from March 4 to 13. The Paralympics featured more than 600 athletes from around the world competed in 78 events from six sports. The Paralympics took place in three competition zone—downtown Beijing, the capital northwest Yanqing district and co-host city Zhangjiakou in Hebei province.

    The athletes who took part in the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics were inspiration to the world with their courage and determination. They take to the ice and snow, and showcasing their extraordinary abilities and skills, challenging themselves and even breaking world records. Their exciting performances in the sporting events demonstrated its physical, mental and emotional strengths. Additional, they overcame the odds through supporting each other, showing the close bonds and connections of humanity. Can you think of some moments when highlight these amazing athletes?

六、写作 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

