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外研(新标准)版八年级上学期Module 1 Unit 1 ...

更新时间:2022-07-30 浏览次数:94 类型:同步测试
  • 1. It's a good idea ___________________ English by watching English films.
    A . learn B . to learn C . learning D . learned
  • 2. The phone number is very important.            in your notebook, or you'll forget it.
    A . Write down it B . Write it down C . Look up it D . Look it up
  • 3. —I can't read this word. Can you tell me its right         ?

    —Sorry, I don't know either. Let's look it up in a dictionary.

    A . form B . spelling C . pronunciation D . grammar
  • 4. Ma Li didn't watch TV last night because there wasn't           on it.
    A . anything interesting B . interesting something C . something interesting D . interesting anything
  • 5. —We can ask Nick to go to Shanghai Disneyland with us.

            ? I'll give him a call right now.

    A . Why not B . What for C . Why D . What
  • 16. 用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下面短文

    difficulty   write way    in English    correctly    possible

        When I was at the age of thirteen, I began to keep a diary(日记) At first it was for me,but now it's a bit easy. I know it's to learn English well without more practice. I like reading,listening and speaking. After school I often go to the school library to read English stories. My English teacher always helps me translate some passages into Chinese.

        I have little time to watch TV, or to play computer games. After I finish writing my diary, I always try to mistakes with the help of the dictionary. I think keeping a diary is one of the best to improve our English.

