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牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级上学期Module1 Unit3同...

更新时间:2022-07-31 浏览次数:28 类型:同步测试
  • 13. 请根据对话内容,选择恰当的一项,将序号填在横线上。

    A. And he only eats a few vegetables and a little fruit.

    B. He was born in London.

    C. He looks fat and unhealthy.

    D. He should eat more healthy food.

    E. He's my cousin, Steven.

    Kitty: Who's this boy in the photo?

    Sally: But now he lives in the USA with his family.

    Kitty: What's wrong with him?

    Sally: He had too much sweet food. He likes cola very much.

    Kitty: That's unhealthy.

    Sally: You are right. I'll send him an email.

  • 17. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Last week, John had an unhealthy eating habit. Now he is in hospital.

    On Monday, John had a lot of candy.

    On Tuesday, John ate a lot of chocolate and drank a little water.

    On Wednesday, John had a little fruit and a lot of cola.

    On Thursday, John ate a lot of candy and drank a little water.

    On Friday, John had a little fruit and a lot of cola.

    On Saturday, John ate a lot of chocolate and drank a lot of cola.

    Doctor: John, you look very sick. What did you eat and drink last week?

    John: Last week, I ate a lot of candy and chocolate. I drank a lot of cola.

    Doctor: John, you ate too much candy and chocolate. Candy and chocolate are bad for us. You shouldn't eat too much candy or chocolate. You drank too little water. Water is good for us, so you should drink more water.

    1. (1) Last week, John had a stomachache. So now he is in hospital.
    2. (2) John ate a lot of fruit on Wednesday and Friday.
    3. (3) John had too much chocolate on Saturday.
    4. (4) John should drink more water.
    5. (5) John should not eat any candy or chocolate.
  • 18. 请试着用英语描述一下自己的早餐(说一说早餐的重要性,自己的早餐是否健康以及关于吃早餐的建议等)。(要求: 语句通顺,条理清楚,字迹工整,不少于5句话)

