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外研版(三起点)五年级上学期Module2 Unit2同步训...

更新时间:2022-07-31 浏览次数:16 类型:同步测试
  • 13. 给下面的问句选择合适的答案

    ⑴Did Amy eat all the chocolate?                    A. Some pears and some bread.

    ⑵How much juice did she drink?                   B. Yes, she did.

    ⑶How much milk did you buy?                     C. She drank it all.

    ⑷How many apples did she eat?                   D. Four.

    ⑸What did they prepare for their picnic?      E. Two bottles.

  • 20. 连词成句

    1. (1) much, do, how, need, you(?)

    2. (2) are, you, what, take, going, to (?)

    3. (3) go, home, going, to, I, am (.)

    4. (4) us, let, make, a, list (.)

    5. (5) want, I, bottles, five, of, milk (.)

