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北师大版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Lesson 1 L...

更新时间:2023-06-21 浏览次数:12 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 翻译
    1. (1) n.节目;程序;活动安排
    2. (2) cartoon n.
    3. (3) n.自然;自然界
    4. (4) vacation n.
    5. (5) n.评论者;检查者
    6. (6) v.得分  n.得分,比分;分数
    7. (7) n.结果
    8. (8) n.电影
    9. (9) n.演员
    10. (10) fantastic adj.
  • 2. 翻译
    1. (1) adj.聋的
    2. (2) moving adj.
    3. (3) v.死;死亡
  • 3. 短语翻译
    1. (1) 看电视
    2. (2) 在……与……之间
    3. (3) ……的结果
    4. (4) 在上半场
    5. (5) 踢得很好
    6. (6) 一个叫……的男人
    7. (7) 恐龙世界
  • 24. 选词填空(可改变形式)

    act, review, boring, move, die

    1. (1) — Do you know Bai Yansong?

      — Yes, he is a famous .

    2. (2) — How do you feel?

      — It's raining. I have to stay at home and I feel .

    3. (3) — What do you think of the movie?

      — It is . I almost cried.

    4. (4) — Jackie Chan is great singer.

      — Yes, and he is a good , too.

    5. (5) Mr Green because of an accident last year.
  • 30. 完形填空

        Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. 1 brings the outside world closer to people's homes. Some people say the world is 2 than before because of TV. Perhaps they are right.

        What's going on in other countries? 3 do people live in faraway places? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What's 4 in the deepest part of the sea?

        If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions, just turn on your TV. 5 it on and watch it. You can see a lot and 6 a lot. Of course, people can also learn by reading or listening to the radio. But with TV, they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and 7 at the same time.

        TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps to open our minds. TV often gives 8 new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing things.

    A . TV B . CD C . Book D . Film
    A . bigger B . taller C . nearer D . smaller
    A . What B . When C . How D . Where
    A . life B . water C . sand D . rock
    A . Open B . Turn C . Close D . Pick
    A . know B . get C . learn D . watch
    A . read B . watch C . smell D . learn
    A . me B . him C . them D . us
  • 31. 阅读理解

        Today, watching TV is popular(流行的)way to relax. More and more people watch TV in their free time. There are many different kinds of TV programmes. What kinds do you like? I ask my parents and some of my friends what kinds of TV programmes they like.

        My mother likes watching soap operas(肥皂剧).She thinks they are relaxing. She loves to watch them after dinner. My father likes watching movies. He says he can't stand(忍受)soap operas because they're' boring. My friend Amy says she likes cartoons. People in cartoons are funny. They make children laugh. As students, we prefer(更喜欢)movies to some TV programmes. But boys and girls like different movies. Most girls like thrillers and action movies. Besides that, romances are not bad. Boys like game shows. And they love science fiction.

        In my opinion, different people like different shows. Some of us never watch TV!

    1. (1) ________ people watch TV in their free time.
      A . All B . Some C . More and more D . No
    2. (2) I ________ ask what kinds of TV programmes they like.
      A . my parents B . all my friends C . some of my friends D . A and C
    3. (3) Who likes soap operas?
      A . My mother. B . My father. C . My friend. D . My parents.
    4. (4) The article is mainly(主要)to tell us ________.
      A . different people have different hobbies B . different people like different TV shows C . all people like watching TV D . people like seeing movies

