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牛津版(深圳·广州)七年级上册Unit 5 Visiting...

更新时间:2022-08-12 浏览次数:44 类型:单元试卷
  • 16. 完形填空

    My name is Lucy. I'm from France. My English teacher is Jane. She's from 1. She has three children, a son 2 two daughters(女儿). Her daughters 3 Betty and Julia.  Her son is John.  Jane and her daughters are in Paris now. 4 we study French. Her husband(丈夫), Paul Smith 5 in Paris. Her son is in Canada. Paul is a doctor 6. John is a university 7. Betty and Julia are in the same school. We are classmates, and we are good friends. After class I teach them 8 and 9 teach 10 English.

    A . Japanese B . Chinese C . England D . American
    A . or B . and C . with D . but
    A . is B . are C . be D . am
    A . There B . Here C . In D . out
    A . is B . are C . study D . work
    A . in hospital B . in the hospital C . in a hospital D . of hospital
    A . teachers B . friend C . student D . girl
    A . English B . French C . Japanese D . Chinese
    A . you B . they C . them D . we
    A . me B . mine C . my D . I
  • 17. 阅读理解

    20 June, 2019

    Dear David,

    Thank you for your letter. I am glad to know that everything is going well with you. Thanks also for the photos. Linda looks heal taller and taller than before.

    It is very hot here now, but it sometimes rains. We love the rain very much. We are enjoying our stay here. I am now studying in a bigger school. There are more teachers and students in this school than in my school in England. My teachers and classmates are all very kind to me.

    Time goes so quickly. I am having new experience all the time. It is difficult to learn Chinese, but I am making progress with the help of my teachers and classmates.

    Summer holiday is coming. Here in Jinan summer holiday usually lasts about two months. So I'll be free for over sixty days. I hope you and Linda can come to Jinan for a visit. Then I can show you around the famous "Spring City" in China.

    Love to you and Linda.

    Yours Mike

    1. (1) Who is the letter from?
      A . Linda. B . David. C . Mike. D . David and Linda.
    2. (2) What is the season in Jinan now?
      A . Spring. B . Summer. C . Autumn. D . Winter.
    3. (3) Where is Mike now?
      A . In a small town in China. B . In a school in England. C . In a big school in Jinan. D . In a small town in England.
    4. (4) What is Mike doing in China?
      A . Making new friends. B . Learning Chinese. C . Visiting new cities. D . Teaching English.
    5. (5) Which of the following is true?
      A . Linda grows taller and weaker. B . It never rains in spring in Jinan. C . Mike has made no progress. D . Mike asks his friends to visit Jinan.
  • 18. 多句选词填空

    help   one   swim   they   America

    1. (1) Tomorrow is Sunday. Let's go .
    2. (2) Are there any in your school? No, there aren't.
    3. (3) Andy is a  boy. We all like him.
    4. (4) Lily and Nick are twins.  mother is a doctor.
    5. (5) Excuse me,where is the reading room? It's on the  floor of Building A.
五、<b >完成句子</b>
  • 24. 据下表提示,以My friend为题写一篇短文。












    My friend

    I have a good friend from England. Her name is Millie. She is 12. She is a student at Sunshine Middle school

