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人教新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册 Uni...

更新时间:2022-08-14 浏览次数:46 类型:同步测试
  • 35. 用适当的句子补全对话

    Jim: , is this your pencil box?

    Linda: Yes, . I'm Linda. Nice to meet you.

    Jim: I'm Jim. .

    Linda: Oh, what's this in English?

    Jim: It's a dictionary.

    Linda: ?

    Jim: D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.

    Linda: Is this your dictionary?

    Jim: No, . It's Kate's dictionary.

  • 36. 完形填空

    Hello, I'm Eric Brown. Here is a pink schoolbag. Is it 1? No, it isn't. I 2 it in the school library. 3 ID card and a green pencil box are in it. Is this your schoolbag? Please4 me at eric93828@sina. com. And you can 5 Miss White for it, too. 

    This boy is my 6 Sam. He lost his new watch. It is very important(重要的) to him. 7 father buys(买) it for him. He must find 8. What 9 is it? It is white. If you find it, you can call him 10 963-6587. Thank you. 

    A . me B . mine C . my D . I
    A . lost B . go C . look D . found
    A . An B . A C . The D . /
    A . e-mail B . call C . telephone D . see
    A . find B . ask C . thank D . excuse
    A . sister B . mother C . cousin D . father
    A . His B . Her C . Your D . Their
    A . one B . them C . it D . they
    A . bag B . color C . name D . number
    A . in B . for C . from D . at
  • 37. 阅读理解

    Everyone in China knows Xinhua Dictionary. The 12th edition(版次) of Xinhua Dictionary came out on Monday (August 10th, 2020). The 11th edition was in June, 2011. This time it has over 10,000 words and expressions(词语). There are some new words and expressions because of the Internet and social progress(社会进步).

    The new dictionary includes(包括) more than 100 new words and expressions, such as "chu xin", "fen si", "jie ping", "er wei ma" (QR code), and "dian zan" (click the "like" button).

    The 12th edition has a QR code on each page. Readers can scan(扫描) the code to learn how to write a word and hear the right pronunciation(发音).

    This is the first time that Xinhua Dictionary not only has had a printed copy but also has had an app.

    1. (1) Which edition of Xinhua Dictionary came out on August 10th, 2020?
      A . The 11th. B . The 9th. C . The 12th. D . The 10th.
    2. (2) There are         new words and expressions in the 12th edition of Xinhua Dictionary.
      A . over 10,000 B . over 100 C . 10,000 D . 100
    3. (3) Which is not mentioned in the new words and expressions of the 12th edition of Xinhua Dictionary?
      A . chu xin B . jie ping C . er wei ma D . fan er sai
    4. (4)         helps readers to write and read the words according to the passage.
      A . The Internet B . A computer C . A book D . A QR code
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . The Internet and social progress make some new words and expressions come out. B . The expression "dian zan" means(意思是) "click the ‘like' button". C . We can hear the words in the new dictionary. D . The new dictionary doesn't have an app. 
  • 38. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文

    this, in, her, lost, not, too, sister, card, and, first

    My name is Bill Smith. My  name is Bill and my last name is Smith. I am a boy. I'm 12. And I am  No. 2 Middle School. This is my school ID . The number is 20200235. My photo is on the card. My cousin Mary is in my school, . But(但是) she is in Grade 9. She is 14. Her mother is my father's . Look!  are our school things. The blue watch, the blue pencil box  the blue schoolbag are mine. I like blue. Mary likes pink. The pink school things are . What about these yellow notebooks? They're  mine. They aren't Mary's, either(也). Oh! They are Tina's. She  her notebooks. 

