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外研(新标准)版初中英语八年级上册Module 5 Lao ...

更新时间:2022-11-25 浏览次数:45 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 完形填空

    Last Sunday, my best friend 1 to take me to see my favourite play The Teahouse. The story of The Teahouse 2 place in Beijing. It is one of Lao She's most famous plays. It has three acts and 3 the lives of common people in China from the end of the nineteenth century to the middle of the 4 century. It tells us the story of Wang Lifa and the 5 of his teahouse in Beijing. It 6 the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. And it makes people think about the 7.The words of the play were a little hard to understand. But the actors and the 8 were excellent. The best part of the play was the singing. It was very beautiful and interesting. And I really enjoyed it.

    I'm looking forward to seeing it again. I 9 to understand more next time. 10 you like watching plays, you can watch the play The Teahouse.

    A . showed B . offered C . enjoyed D . forgot
    A . cheers B . changes C . happens D . takes
    A . sees B . hears C . shows D . finds
    A . twenty B . twentieth C . twelfth D . thirtieth
    A . children B . pupils C . fans D . customers
    A . draws B . describes C . plays D . writes
    A . society B . village C . town D . city
    A . girls B . students C . actresses D . women
    A . decide B . enjoy C . finish D . hope
    A . And B . If C . Because D . But

