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人教新目标(Gofor it)版初中英语七年级上册Unit ...

更新时间:2022-08-21 浏览次数:66 类型:同步测试
  • 19. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Mike is an Australian boy. Now he studies in Guangzhou. He is1Grade Seven. He has a dog. It's black2 white. The dog's very clever. Mike likes it very much. 3favorite food is the bone. Every day when Mike 4 home, the dog meets him in front of the house.

    Mike's friend, Amy is 5 English girl. She is in Guangzhou, too. They are in the same grade, 6 in different classes. She has a pet panda. It's 7 a black and white one, but it 8 a real panda. It's a toy. The panda is very clean. Amy often washes 9 in water. 10 is the panda now? Oh, It's sleeping with Amy.

    A . on B . in C . at D . of
    A . or B . but C . as D . and
    A . It's B . It C . Its D . That
    A . gets B . got C . is getting D . will get
    A . an B . a C . the D . 不填
    A . and B . or C . so D . but
    A . yet B . too C . also D . either
    A . doesn't B . don't C . aren't D . isn't
    A . its B . it C . itself D . it's
    A . Where B . When C . Why D . What
  • 20. 阅读理解

    Hello! My name is Wu Dong. I'm from Tianjin, China. Bob is my English name. I'm thirteen years old. Now I am studying at a school in Beijing. Beijing is the capital (首都) of China. Tom is my friend. He is from Canada. He is twelve years old. His mother Susan Smith is a teacher, and she is 36 years old. Tom and his mother are in my school. Tom and I are in the same grade, but we aren't in the same class. His father is John Smith. He is 38 years old. He is a teacher, too. But he and Tom aren't in the same school.

    1. (1) Where is Bob from?
      A . Beijing. B . Tianjin. C . Guangzhou. D . Shanghai.
    2. (2) Who is Wu Dong's friend?
      A . Bob. B . Tom. C . Susan. D . John.
    3. (3) Tom is in ________ now.
      A . Tianjin B . Beijing C . Cambridge D . London
    4. (4) ________ is Tom's family name.
      A . Susan B . John C . Smith D . Bob
    5. (5) Which is NOT true according to the passage?
      A . Wu Dong is thirteen years old. B . Tom's mother is a teacher. C . Tom and Wu Dong are in the same class. D . Tom's father is John Smith.
  • 21. 阅读理解

    It's sunny and cool in my city now. I'm studying at home. How's the weather in your city? And what are you doing, my friends?

    I'm visiting my uncle in Beijing. He works here. It's sunny in Beijing now. And it's warm. My two cousins are playing soccer in the yard. My uncle is reading a book at home.

    From Sally

    I live in New York City. It's hot now. Today is my birthday. My mother is cooking and my father is helping her. My brother is making a birthday cake.

    From Eric

    I'm in Boston. It's cool and sunny, too. I'm surfing the Internet (网上冲浪) in the library. Lots of students are in the library. Some are reading and some are writing. They all work very hard.

    From Jane

    1. (1) How's the weather in Beijing?
      A . It's sunny. B . It's snowy. C . It's hot. D . It's rainy.
    2. (2) Who is playing soccer in the yard?
      A . Sally. B . Eric. C . Jane. D . Sally's two cousins.
    3. (3) Where does Eric live?
      A . In Beijing. B . In New York City. C . In Boston. D . In Moscow.
    4. (4) What's Eric's mother doing?
      A . She is making a birthday cake. B . She is reading a book at home. C . She is playing soccer in the yard. D . She is cooking.
    5. (5) Jane is ________ in the library.
      A . studying B . surfing the Internet C . reading D . listening to music
  • 22. 补全对话

    A: Hello, Jim. This is Anna speaking.

    B: Hi, Anna.

    A: .

    B: Do you like it?

    A: . It's a beautiful sweater. I really like the color.

    B: I think the blue is just the right color for you. By the way, you looked beautiful at the party.

    A: Thank you, I really enjoyed it. .

    B: Oh, I'm sorry. I went to the Science Museum.

    A: What did you see?

    B: .

    A: Wow! Are there any new things?

    B: Yes, There are many more new things! Why not go there and have a look?

    A: . But I don't know the way to the museum.

    B: Don't worry. I'll go with you.

    A: Great! Thanks.

    A. There are many interesting things.

    B. I'm calling to thank you for your gift.

    C. Yes, very much.

    D. Well, I saw many old things on show.

    E. I called you yesterday, but you were not in.

    F. Where did you go yesterday?

    G. That's a good idea.

  • 23. 根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。

    My name is Su Lin. There are (50) students in my class.

    It's July. My (classmate) are having a summer holiday. Jack is having a great time (visit) his aunt in Canada. His aunt is working there. Today it's his birthday. Some his old friends are at the party. They're having a party (happy). Jack's good friend Ann is having a vacation with her family in Europe. It's warm and (sun), now she is (sit) by the pool and she wants to call Jack, her phone isn't working. She has to write to (he). She (wish) to see Jack next month.

    My sister Emma has two good friends, Ms. Bush and Ms. Rice. Ms. Bush is at a middle school. She's a math teacher. At school she helps her (student) with their math. Ms. Bush's students like her her classes are very interesting. Monday to Friday Ms. Bush has (class). Sure, she is very busy. Ms. Rice is not a teacher. She has a clothes store next Ms. Bush's school. Ms. Rice's (cloth) are very good. And she sells (they) at very good prices. Her shorts (be) only one dollar. Her sports (shoe) are only two dollars. These are right for students. So after school, you can always see some boys and girls in Ms. Rice's store. Ms. Rice is very busy, .

  • 24. 假如你是南希,你的同桌是玛丽,你们俩在外表上有很大的不同。请根据下表提供的信息,写一篇不少于60词的英语短文,描述一下你和你同桌的外貌特征,可以适当发挥。







    curly, long

    a little heavy



    black, curly, short

    tall, thin

