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初中英语仁爱科普版七年级上册Unit 4 Having fu...

更新时间:2022-11-19 浏览次数:38 类型:单元试卷
  • 11. 完形填空

    The way of shopping changes over time. From shopping with tickets to VR shopping (虚拟现实购物), great changes have taken 1 in the shopping habits of Chinese.

    In the 1960s, Chinese people lived a hard life. There was 2food and clothes. People had to buy3things with different kinds of tickets, such as rice ticket, pork ticket and so on. It was not easy to get these tickets even if you had 4.Since the reform (改革) and opening-up, China has developed 5. Different ways of shopping have 6 and people's shopping habits have changed greatly. In the 1980s, supermarkets became the most popular shopping places in China. They have made shopping much 7than before. In the 1990s, telephones, mobile phones and TV have made it possible to 8 at home. In 1992, the first TV shopping 9 started in Guangdong Province. People no longer needed to go outside to do some shopping. They could order things just with a simple 10.Now, the 11 has made people's   lives much better and quicker. Shopping online has become the most popular shopping habit for many Chinese. With the help of it, people can even buy things from other 12 They just need a computer or a mobile phone to buy everything they want. What's more, now people can go outside even without a 13. In 2016, VR shopping was open to the 14. People can enter the virtual (虚拟的) store by 15 special glasses. They can make communications with virtual salesmen, change color and size, ask models to try on clothes and order things in just a few minutes.

    A . care B . pride C . part D . place
    A . few B . a few C . little D . a little
    A . expensive B . necessary C . traditional D . unusual
    A . maker B . market C . money D . material
    A . rapidly B . widely C . luckily D . normally
    A . appeared B . created C . spread D . known
    A . hotter B . easier C . fairer D . wiser
    A . look B . work C . stay D . shop
    A . product B . progress C . program D . project
    A . request B . way C . list D . call
    A . computer B . Internet C . knowledge D . science
    A . countries B . provinces C . cities D . villages
    A . trick B . note C . money D . wallet
    A . government B . business C . public D . private
    A . buying B . putting C . dressing D . wearing
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Folding Paper on Weekends

    Boys and girls, what did you do last weekend? There are many things you could do. Some boys went out to play soccer or tennis and some girls just stayed at home and did some reading. Now it's time to do something new on weekends. A French young man Eric Joisel has his own idea about that.

    Eric Joisel in Paris, France, is interested in paper folding (折纸). Not like others, he doesn't think it is just for children. He spent many weekends in folding paper. Then he held his first origami show in Paris. The word "origami" is from Japanese. It is the art of folding paper into different shapes (形状) like flowers and animals.

    Paper folding is now very popular around the world. Many people love doing it. Would you like to have a try next weekend?

    1. (1) From the passage, we know that Eric Joisel _____.
      A . is like other people B . doesn't like doing sports C . has a different interest D . likes to play with his friends
    2. (2) What does Eric Joisel usually do on weekends?
      A . He plays soccer. B . He does some washing at home. C . He often does some reading. D . He spends time folding paper.
    3. (3) Some people think paper folding is only for ______.
      A . old people B . children C . young people D . students
    4. (4) The word "origami" is from ______.
      A . Japanese B . English C . Chinese D . French
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . Eric Joisel is a young man from Europe. B . Paper folding is a kind of art. C . People can only fold paper into two shapes. D . Many people in the world like paper folding.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    My name is Peter. I come from London. I have two good friends. They are Linda and Bob.

    Last Sunday, it was sunny and hot. We went to the mountains by bike. We played with water, took some photos and ran after some butterflies. How happy we were! Suddenly, Linda shouted loudly. Oh, she saw a snake. "Don't shout. It's very normal to see snakes in mountains." Bob said to her.

    In the afternoon, we began to climb the mountain. When we were on the half way, it began to rain. Linda and I were very scared. And we began to cry. Bob asked us to be calm (冷静的).

    With his help, we climbed down the mountain safely. Later, we went back home after the rain stopped. I think Bob is very brave (勇敢的). Do you think so?

    1. (1) How did they go to the mountains last Sunday?
      A . By bus. B . On foot. C . By bike. D . By car.
    2. (2) Why did Linda shout loudly?
      A . Because she found a nice butterfly. B . Because she saw a snake. C . Because she was happy to see the photos. D . Because she liked the mountains.
    3. (3) The underlined word "normal" means "________" in Chinese.
      A . 通常的 B . 正常的 C . 不可能的 D . 不详的
    4. (4) What does Peter think of Bob?
      A . Handsome. B . Excellent. C . Lovely. D . Brave.
    5. (5) What can we know from the passage?
      A . Peter is from the USA B . It was cloudy last Saturday. C . Linda was not afraid of snakes. D . It began to rain last Sunday afternoon.
  • 14. 阅读理解


    I stayed at home and studied the whole weekend. I studied for the math test on Saturday. Yesterday, I wrote a history paper. In the evening, I talked to my friend on the phone. I didn't think my weekend was interesting. What did you do, Tony?


    I visited my friends. On Saturday night, we went to Nancy's birthday party. On Sunday afternoon, we went to a new park near my home. I had a great time.


    Oh, your weekend was great. But I had a boring weekend. I had to stay at home. I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. I helped my mother cook dinner. Did you go out, Jack?


    No, I didn't. I also stayed at home and I watched TV. Yesterday I watched a cartoon called Peppa Pig. It was very interesting. I had a good time.

    1. (1)          cleaned the room last weekend.
      A . Jenny B . Tony C . Susan D . Jack
    2. (2) Tony didn't        on the weekend.
      A . visit his friends B . study for the math test C . go to a new park D . go to Nancy's birthday party
    3. (3) Susan          last weekend.
      A . wrote a history paper B . helped her mother cook dinner C . talked to her friend on the phone D . watched TV
    4. (4) Susan thinks her weekend was         .
      A . interesting B . boring C . difficult D . relaxing
    5. (5)        had a good time on the weekend.
      A . Jenny B . Tony and Susan C . Susan and Jack D . Tony and Jack
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Sunday   Rainy  

    Today is Sunday and the weather is very terrible. It's raining all day. There are no people playing in the park. And there is no one walking on the street. It's so quiet. The bad weather makes me sad (悲伤的). Many people are watching TV at home. On the street there are a few buses and cars. They are running slowly. The rain will stop on Wednesday. The sun will come out. And I wish to play with my friends outside on that day.

    Wednesday   Sunny  

    It's Wednesday today. The rain stops. We are so happy to play outside. Look! There are so many people in the park. Some boys are playing basketball. Two girls are taking photos. A little child is learning to walk with the help of his parents. My classmates are swimming in the river. It's cool. Everyone is having a great time. I like sunny weather. How about you?

    1. (1) What's the weather like on Sunday?
      A . Sunny. B . Rainy. C . Snowy. D . Windy.
    2. (2) Why are there no people on the street?
      A . Because they like to stay at home. B . Because there are so many buses and cars on the street. C . Because it's raining all day. D . Because people don't like to go out.
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . It will be sunny on Wednesday. B . The buses and cars are running quickly on the street. C . Some children are playing in the park on Sunday. D . The rain will stop on Tuesday.
    4. (4) There aren't two girls taking photos, are there?
      A . Yes, there are. B . No, there are. C . Yes, there aren't. D . No, there aren't.
    5. (5) What kind of weather does the writer like?
      A . Rainy weather. B . Snowy weather. C . Cool weather. D . Sunny weather.
  • 16. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文,方框中有两个单词多余。

    goodbye,   happy,   cold,   drink,   write,   eat,   child,   visit,   by,   talk,   so,   warm

    Dear Eric, How is it going these days? I'm having a great time  my uncle in Kunming, China. It's winter, but the weather here is not . Today is Sunday. My uncle doesn't have to go to work,  he takes me and my cousin Tony to the park.

    In the park, we see lots of people. Some  are playing games. Some old men are walking  the river. What is my uncle doing? He is  with his friend under a tree. They are very . My cousin is  apple juice. I'm sitting on the grass and  to you. Oh, my uncle is calling me. I have to say !

    I miss you!



  • 17. 根据对话内容,从文后的选项中选出5个最佳选项补全对话。其中有一项为多余选项。

    A: May I help you?

    B: Yes, please.  

    A: OK.  

    B: Black.

    A: What about this pair?

    B: They look nice.  

    A: Thirty dollars.


    A: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.

    B: Great!  

    A: Here you are.

    A. I'll take the shoes and two pairs of socks.

    B. How much are they?

    C. What color do you want?

    D. Then how much are the socks?

    E. I need a pair of shoes for school.

    F. I like the color.

  • 18. 英汉互译
    1. (1) 重的
    2. (2) 直的
    3. (3) 瘦的
    4. (4) (在)今晚;(在)今夜     n. 晚上;夜里
    5. (5) 电影院
    6. (6) 英俊的
    7. (7) 另一;又一
    8. (8) 圆形的
    9. (9) 真实的;真正的     adv. 真实地;真正地
    10. (10) 描述     n. 描述
  • 19. 英汉互译
    1. (1) 歌手     v. 唱歌
    2. (2) tall
    3. (3) height     adj. 高的
    4. (4) glasses     n. 玻璃杯;玻璃 
    5. (5) actor    n. 女演员     v. 表演
    6. (6) person
    7. (7) nose
    8. (8) artist     n. 艺术;美术
  • 20. 根据下面的提示写一篇对话,要求60词左右。


