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牛津上海版(深圳用)四年级上学期Module1 Unit3同...

更新时间:2022-09-28 浏览次数:24 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 选择划线部分发音不同的单词
    1. (1)
      A . plum B . hungry C . full D . sun
    2. (2)
      A . purse B . burst C . nurse D . sour
    3. (3)
      A . path B . paint C . shape D . wait
    4. (4)
      A . fall B . soft C . not D . long
    5. (5)
      A . drink B . tree C . dress D . drive
  • 17. 完形填空。

    Mrs White1in a school. It is Sunday. She has2classes. At eight in the morning, she3to a shop and buys a nice dress. She puts it in her bag and then buys4cakes for her children. At eleven,she5home. She wants to put on her new dress, but she6find her bag. She calls the shop assistant (售货员), "Hello, Mrs Black. This is Mrs White. Can you help7find my bag?8in your shop."

    "Of course, Mrs White," says the assistant. "We found three bags here. But which one is9?"

    "I'm10," says Mrs White, "I can tell you which one is mine."

    A . work B . works C . working D . study
    A . not B . any C . some D . no
    A . walks B . go C . walking D . walk
    A . a piece of B . a little C . some D . much
    A . gets to B . gets C . get D . get to
    A . can B . don't C . can't D . isn't
    A . I B . my C . mine D . me
    A . It's B . Its C . They're D . He's
    A . you B . your C . mine D . yours
    A . go B . come C . coming D . comes
  • 18. 根据短文内容,在方框中选择正确的答案,将其序号填到横线上,使短文内容完整,然后根据短文内容做第 5 题。
    1. (1) 根据短文内容,在方框中选择正确的答案,将其序号填到横线上,使短文内容完整。

      There are nineteen boys and twenty-eight girls in our class.

      His name is Sam. He's thirteen. They are sisters. Their names are Kate and Joan. They are twelve. They are my friends.Our Chinese students all like the English boy and the American girls, and they like us, too.We help them and they help us.

      Look, there come Kate and Joan. They're coming this way. Let's say hello to them.

      A. Two of the girls are Americans.

      B. We play games together(一起).

      C. One of the boys is English.

      D. All of the other(别的) boys and girls are Chinese.

    2. (2) Which is the best title(标题)?
      A . Our School. B . Our Class. C . Our Pen pals. D . Kate and Joan.

