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仁爱科普版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Topic 1 综...

更新时间:2023-02-24 浏览次数:52 类型:同步测试
  • 21. 语法选择

    The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics saw the rise of new Chinese sports stars. Many post-00s players challenged(挑战)themselves and1love for their sports.

    Gu Ailing won two medals from her first two events, one gold, one silver. The2girl won the women's free-ski big air event with3amazing jump. She made four and a half rotations(旋转)in the air before4backward(向后). Gu Ailing was so5that she cried after the jump. "The tears were mostly of joy, that I had pushed6to the absolute limit(极限)," she said. Gu wants to send a message to young winter sports lovers. "Just go for it."

    Su Yiming, who just turned 18,7Gu. He won a gold medal for snowboarding in the men's big air and a silver medal in the slope style. He showed a difficult trick(高难度动作), five full rotations in the air. "As a snowboard lover, I don't care8about the score. Instead, I just want to make more brilliant(绝妙的)tricks. The9comes from that," said Su. "I want to say to all Chinese snowboarders that they should keep working hard and never give up10dreams can come true."

    A . show B . showing C . showed D . to show
    A . 18 year old B . 18-year-old C . 18 years old D . 18-years-old
    A . a B . an C . the D . /
    A . lands B . landed C . landing D . to land
    A . excited B . exciting C . excitedly D . excitingly
    A . me B . my C . mine D . myself
    A . agreed on B . agreed in C . agreed with D . agreed for
    A . much B . little C . many D . few
    A . happy B . happily C . happier D . happiness
    A . if B . because C . unless D . though
  • 22. 语法选择

    What is the most important thing in a big competition? At the 2022 Winter Games, some Olympians gave us their answers. When the Japanese figure skater(花样滑冰运动员)Yuzuru Hanyu(羽生结弦)1to Beijing, he hoped to become the world's first man to complete a "4 Axel". This had been his dream2he was a kid. The "4 Axel" jump3the hardest move in figure skating, it4also bring danger to skaters even in practice.

    The big day came on February 10. Twenty seconds into his free skate, Hanyu almost completed his "4 Axel" jump.5, when his right foot touched down, he was off-balance and fell on the ice. He got a score of 188.06, then points short of the podium(领奖台). Although it was a6result, he still showed up with a smile, "I have nothing left7," he said to him, the most important thing in the competition was to try to give8performance he could.

    Similarly, China's Jin Boyang had no regrets, even though he walked away from the stadium9a medal, either. At the men's short program on February 8, he ended up in eleventh place among the 30 competitors. Two days later, at the men's figure skating,10cool he was! He created11personal best score. Compared to his younger self, Jin had become more confident and more strong-minded. To Jin,12over himself to become a better skater was the most important thing in the competition.

    Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the International Olympic Committee(国际奥委会), famously said, "The important thing in life is not to win but to complete." Life itself at times feels like13competition. You may not always be the winner, but as long as you14in an effort to overcome15, you are sure to be a medalist.

    A . come B . came C . comes D . coming
    A . before B . when C . since D . after
    A . consider B . considered C . was considered D . is considered
    A . need B . should C . must D . can
    A . However B . But C . So D . And
    A . disappointedly B . disappointment C . disappointing D . disappointed
    A . to give B . giving C . gives D . give
    A . good B . better C . the best D . best
    A . with B . from C . without D . in
    A . what a B . how C . what D . how a
    A . other B . others C . the other D . another
    A . Win B . Won C . Winning D . Wins
    A . an B . a C . / D . the
    A . have put B . put C . were put D . are putting
    A . you B . yourself C . yours D . your
  • 23. 阅读短文,回答问题

    On Feb. 24th, Su Yiming was very happy! The 18-year-old snowboarder (滑雪板选手) received a special letter from President Xi Jinping.

    In the letter, President Xi congratulated (祝贺) Su and the other athletes (运动员) at the Beijing Winter Olympics. "We are living in a time for young people to realize (实现) their dreams." Xi said in the letter. He hopes that young Chinese people always keep the motherland in their hearts, aim high (志存高远), and stay grounded.


    After winning his gold medal, Su understood that he should thank his strong motherland. "I want to write a letter to President Xi," Su told People's Daily. "I really want to thank him from the bottom of my heart."

    In 2019, Xi met with athletes and coaches in Beijing. Su was one of the athletes. Xi told them to aim high. Su was excited by Xi's words. "I decided to believe in myself and I must give it all to make my dream come true." Su said.

    How did it feel to receive a letter from Xi? "I couldn't believe it at first," Su told People's Daily. "This has encouraged me to work even harder in the future."

    1. (1) Why did Su Yiming feel happy on Feb. 24th?
      A . He won a gold medal. B . He talked with President Xi. C . He got a letter from President Xi. D . He got congratulations from his coach.
    2. (2) What did President Xi hope in the letter?
      A . He hoped that young people could keep the motherland in their hearts. B . He hoped that young people could aim high and stay grounded. C . He hoped that young people could realize their dreams. D . All of the above.
    3. (3) Why did Su write a letter to President Xi?
      A . To tell him about his win. B . To thank him. C . To ask for help. D . To talk about the Olympics.
    4. (4) What happened to Su after President Xi met with them in Beijing in 2019?
      A . Xi's words encouraged Su a lot. B . Su wanted to write a letter at that time. C . Su answered President Xi at once. D . Su has already made his dream come true.
    5. (5) What can we learn from the last paragraph?
      A . Su no longer believes in himself. B . Su will keep writing letters to President Xi. C . Su hopes to encourage others to work hard. D . Su will go on realizing his dreams.
  • 24. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Kobe Bryant used to be one of the most popular basketball players in the world. He has a great number of fans around the world because he was really good at playing basketball. But sadly, he died in a helicopter crash(直升机坠毁)with his daughter Gigi on 26th, January 2020.

    Kobe once wrote a book—The Wizenard Series: Training Camping. The book is based on parts of Bryant's real-life experience(经历). Bryant said he didn't think he was going to be a writer. But that he often told stories to his daughters is one of the reasons why he wrote his own book. The book is about a youth basketball team and has five stories, with each focusing on the story of one character(主角). Rain, Twig, Cash, Peno and Lab. All of the young kids on the team come from a poor neighborhood. No one thinks they can succeed. But things change after a new coach(教练) joins the team.

    During Bryant's life, he won many honors and he was the king of NBA. He had two different numbers on his sports shirts: 8 and 24 during his career(职业生涯). The number 24 means you need to work hard 24 hours a day to succeed. He was such a great player, as well as a very funny man. His good friend Michael Jordan said with tears, "When Kobe died, a part of my body died."

    1. (1) What is the second paragraph about?
      A . A book written by Kobe. B . Kobe's experiences in the NBA. C . The life of Kobe and his family. D . Kobe's childhood and training.
    2. (2) What does the underlined phrase "be based on" mean in Chinese?
      A . 记录 B . ……为基础 C . 编写 D . 完成
    3. (3) What can we infer(推断) from the text?
      A . Kobe become a basketball coach later. B . Kobe practiced 24 hours a day when he was young. C . Michael Jordan was also hurt in the helicopter crach. D . The youth basketball team in the book was successful at last.
    4. (4) What did Michael Jordan mean by saying "When Kobe died, a part of my body died"?
      A . He was dying. B . He was heart-broken. C . Kobe was part of him. D . He wasn't able to move his body.
    5. (5) The writer writes this passage to ________.
      A . tell us Kobe died B . ask us to buy Kobe's book C . remember Kobe D . ask us to be a person like Kobe
  • 25. 语法填空

    Can a one-armed person still play basketball? You might think so after you see Zhang Jiacheng play.

    The one-armed 13-year-old from Guangdong (become)an Internet star recently. Featuring his dribbling(运球)skills and powerful underarm shots(腋下投篮), his basketball (video)have been watched by more than 50 million people. Zhang even drew the attention of NBA superstar Steven Curry. "You are hero!" Curry said in a video posted on Sina Weibo.

    However, it wasn't easy Zhang to step onto the court(球场). At the age of five, Zhang was hit in a car accident and (lose)his right arm. "Although it was difficult at first, I gradually got used to eating and getting dressed by (I), "Zhang said. He also keeps up with his studies in school and helps his family with chores. On a hot evening, in 2018, Zhang was watching a basketball match he first discovered his love for the sport. Then he signed up for a basketball class in his school. From then on, he always practiced basketball in PE class. As time went by, he (final)became the best basketball player in his school.

    He (get)a lot of attention since then. Zhang said, "With the encouragement of all these people, I'll practice more. I'm sure that I will become even (good)."

  • 26. 语法填空

    We were surprised that Kobe Bryant, one of (popular) NBA players passed away on January 26th, 2020. And the bad news made people (feel) sad and shocked.

    Kobe was talented playing basketball at a very young age. So his father (send) him to the basketball club. He was interested in basketball and took it (serious). He entered the NBA from high school and spent twenty years with the Los Angeles Lakers. With his help, the LA Lakers won the first prize five times. Kobe was not only a (success) basketball player, but also was a writer. He often told stories to his daughters in his free time. That's he wrote a book about a basketball team.

    He once said, "I don't want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant." He saw Michael Jordan as his idol would like to play a game with Jordan. We all know that Kobe had two different jersey(球衣) numbers: 8 and 24. Do you know the meaning of the number 24? The meaning is — you want to achieve(实现) your dream, you need to work hard 24 hours a day.

    Kobe Bryant is such great guy that all of us will remember him all the time.

  • 27. 选词填空(短文选词填空)。

    become;   win;   die;   join;   start;   excellent;   professional;   be;   make;   encourage

    Li Na was born in Wuhan on February 26, 1982. Her father was a badminton player. Unluckily, he from a serious disease when Li Na was 14. At the age of six, Li Na playing badminton. She China's National Tennis Team in 1997 and turned to be a player in 1999. Li Na is an tennis player. She in many important games. We proud of her. In the past two years, she a new idol (偶像) among teenagers in China. Her spirit will them to study hard and progress.

  • 28. 根据对话内容和所给首字母,使对话意思完整,所填单词必须完整写出,请注意大小写。

    Ming: Hi, Nick. You are so good at ping-pong!

    Nick: Thank you. I learned it after I came to China.

    Ming: So, do you know about Ma Long, a Chinese ping-pong p.

    Nick: Sure! He became the world champion(冠军)again a few months ago.

    Ming: I he famous in the UK?

    Nick: Yes, he is. However, I heard that he missed(错过)some matches last year. Something was w with his knee. And his doctor said he would not play again.

    Ming: But he made it! What e do you know about him?

    Nick: I know he is about 30 years old. But he won't give up (放弃). His coach, Liu Guozheng, says he is getting closer to be the greatest one in history.

    Ming: You really know him w.

    Nick: Of course I do! He is my hero.

  • 29. 北京冬奥会将于下个月开幕,世界各地的运动健儿将参加这一盛会。大家会不会为运动员们的获奖而激动,为他们的坚持而感动?

    想想你最崇拜的一位运动员是谁,以My favorite athlete为题,写一篇英语作文。








