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高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 4 Ad...

更新时间:2022-10-11 浏览次数:48 类型:同步测试
  • 16. 任务型阅读

    Your computer dies along with your big presentation that you haven't saved yet. You smash your brand new car. We've all been there, no? While we can't necessarily solve your current crisis, we can give you a few tips for getting through it without going crazy or making things even worse.

    Stop. First, assess if you need to take immediate action. Sometimes, things aren't actually urgent — they just feel that way. Stop and ask yourself whether or not the situation is totally pressing. When you come back to it, the situation might not seem quite as monumental as you thought.

    Breathe. If stepping aside isn't an option… breathe. In and out. Slowly. No matter how awful the situation is, there's time to include a second opinion. (In fact, the worse a situation is, the more important it is to bring in someone else's voice.)

    Wait. Don't commit anything in writing — not on Facebook, not on Twitter, and definitely not in an e-mail. Run anything you want to say past someone else first.

    Take a minute to think about whether the situation actually qualifies as a crisis, or if the real crisis is your feelings about the situation. If your reaction to what's happening is the real cause, try to stop and consider what about it is upsetting you so.

    A. Think.

    B. Focus.

    C. If not, take a break.

    D. Come back to it once you've had time to get past the first rush of feelings.

    E. You receive an upsetting e-mail from your partner.

    F. Never trust others because it doesn't make any sense.

    G. Give someone you trust a call, and get some advice.

