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初中英语牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3 Teenage p...

更新时间:2023-06-21 浏览次数:39 类型:同步测试
  • 11. I was very nervous when I began to make the speech. I didn't even know____________ to start with.
    A . how B . when C . why D . what
  • 12. (2020·淮安模拟) —How much difficulty did you have ______this problem?

    — ______. It's quite easy.

    A . to solve; Nothing B . to solve; None C . solving; None D . solving; Nothing
  • 13. Why not _________your parents for advice when you don't know____________ it?
    A . ask; what to deal with B . to ask; how to deal with C . ask; what to do with D . to ask; what to do with
  • 14. —I want to know if you can help me with my Chinese. I really need help.

    — With pleasure. ____________ talking with me in Chinese after school every day?

    A . Why not B . Why don't C . What about D . Shall we
  • 15. — Can you guess ____________?

    —Oh, is it a wallet?

    A . what in the box is B . what's in the box C . what is it in the box D . what in the box is it
  • 16. —Sorry to trouble you, but I really wonder____________.

    —You should try to speak it as often as possible in or after class.

    A . why I should read English B . who can help me with English C . how I can improve my English D . what's wrong with my English
  • 23. 用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空。

    pronounce; correct; happen; worry; feel

    1. (1) Talk to me when sad and don't keep your problems in your mind.
    2. (2) Finally, she had no difficulty the English letters correctly.
    3. (3) Though she answered the teacher's questions, the teacher didn't blame her.
    4. (4) When I think of the looks of foreign students who are learning Chinese, I can go to study English calmly.
    5. (5) What do you think to John if he finds his car has been stolen?

