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初中英语牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 5 Art world...

更新时间:2023-06-27 浏览次数:18 类型:单元试卷
  • 16. 完形填空

    Every Saturday night my family and I go out and feed the homeless people in the city of Orlando. We wanted to see1it was like in the life of a homeless person. One special thing I like to 2 is, my family and I do not eat 3we begin our journey so we know how it feels to be hungry. We all get together in the 4 and prepare the food. Some of the meals are sandwiches and cookies and a bottle of water. Sometimes my mum 5 a steaming hot delicious meal. We then pack them all up to feed 30 or more people.

    A lot of people 6 homeless people. In fact, not all homeless people are bad people. Some are really nice; some of them just had 7 things happening to them. At first when my family and I went out on the street we had to get their 8. But now that they see us every week they believe in us. We 9 know some of their names. We all have to remember that these are people with 10. Some of them shake our hands for giving them food. Some of them do really funny dances because they are 11.

    We have become 12 close to this man named Tony and his wife. They have all of their personal things in shopping carts. After meeting them several times he has told us a lot about his 13. He graduated from a college. He 14 teach French and Spanish.

    Feeding the homeless makes me appreciate (感激) 15 I have at home. I love making a difference in someone's life.

    A . whether B . how C . what D . why
    A . mention B . imagine C . talk D . remind
    A . until B . as C . while D . before
    A . kitchen B . yard C . hall D . gate
    A . buys B . prepares C . brings D . takes
    A . love B . support C . understand D . misunderstand
    A . common B . wonderful C . terrible D . strange
    A . trust B . instrument C . message D . mind
    A . hardly B . never C . even D . still
    A . feelings B . hate C . love D . money
    A . angry B . curious C . stressed D . happy
    A . only B . really C . also D . too
    A . dream B . future C . life D . friends
    A . would B . ought to C . need D . used to
    A . how B . what C . when D . who
  • 17. 阅读理解

    Do you like watching Disney movies? Maybe you've heard of many famous Disney characters, such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White and so on. Now, another Disney character Baymax will make you want to hug (拥抱) him.

    Baymax is a big white robot from the Disney movie Big Hero 6. He lives with a 14-year-old smart boy called Hiro Hamada. Baymax has helped Hiro get through hard times since Hiro's elder brother died in an accident. Soon Hiro finds that some bad people are behind his brother's death and want to take the city. To stop it, he uses high-tech gadgets (高科技机械) and turns Baymax, as well as four other friends, into a team of superheroes.

    The movie won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film in 2015. Baymax has become popular because of his big soft body and kind voice. People say his hug "can be felt through the screen". Mothers in Japan have started to make rice balls in the shape of Baymax for their children. In China, fans warmly call him "the Big White".

    The US actor Scott Adsit, who is the voice of Baymax, thinks that it is the selflessness (无私) that has made so many people love the robot. "He is there to love you, without expecting anything for himself," said Adsit. "I think we all love him because most of us have our own flaws but he is quite perfect."

    1. (1) In the movie Big Hero 6, we can see Disney characters such as _____.
      A . Baymax B . Mickey Mouse C . Donald Duck D . Snow White
    2. (2) Hiro turns Baymax and four other friends into a team of superheroes to _____.
      A . have fun B . take the city C . save the city D . save his brother
    3. (3) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Baymax is a big and lovely washing robot. B . Hiro Hamada is a great American scientist. C . The Disney movie Big Hero 6 won an Oscar. D . The Big White sometimes expects something for himself.
  • 18. 阅读理解

    When I was 17, I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay, once the home of a watercolourist named Marian McNay. She had requested the community to turn it into a museum upon her death. On a sunny Saturday, Sally and I drove over to the museum. She asked, "Do you have the address?" "No, but I'll recognize it. There was a picture in the magazine. "

    "Oh, stop. There it is!"

    The museum was free. We entered, excited. A group of people sitting in the hall stopped talking and stared at us.

    "May I help you?" a man asked. "No," I said. "We're fine. " Tour guides got on my nerves. What if they talked a long time about a painting you weren't so interested in? Sally had gone upstairs. The people in the hall seemed very nosy (爱窥探的), keeping their eyes on me with curiosity. What was their problem? I saw some nice sculptures in one room. Suddenly I sensed a man standing behind me. "Where do you think you are?" he asked. I turned sharply. "The McNay Art Museum!" He smiled, shaking his head. "Sorry, the McNay is on New Braunfels Street. " "What's this place?" I asked, still confused. "Well, it's our home. " My heart jolted (震颤). I raced to the staircase and called out, "Sally! Come down immediately!"

    "There's some really good stuff (艺术作品) up there," she stepped down, looking confused. I pushed her toward the front door, waving at the family, saying, "Sorry, please forgive us. You have a really nice place. " Outside, when I told Sally what happened, she covered her mouth, laughing. She couldn't believe how long they let us look around without saying anything.

    The real McNay was splendid, but we felt nervous the whole time we were there. This time, we stayed together, in case anything else unusual happened.

    Thirty years later, a woman greeted me in a public place. "Excuse me, did you ever enter a residence, long ago, thinking it was the McNay Museum?"

    "Yes. But how do you know? We never told anyone. "

    "That was my home. I was a teenager sitting in the hall. Before you came over, I never realized what a beautiful place I lived in. I never felt lucky before. You thought it was a museum. My feelings about my home changed after that. I've always wanted to thank you. "

    1. (1) What do we know about Marian McNay?
      A . She was a painter. B . She was a museum director. C . She was a journalist. D . She was a community leader.
    2. (2) The writer described the real McNay museum in just a few words because _____.
      A . the event happening in the house was more important B . the McNay was disappointing compared with the house C . the real museum didn't have enough artwork to interest her D . she was too troubled to spend much time at the real museum
    3. (3) What could we learn from the last paragraph?
      A . People should have good taste to enjoy life. B . People prefer to educate teenagers at a museum. C . People should spend more time with their family. D . People are used to being blind to the beauty around them.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    From Asia to America and everywhere in between, swing dance—an energetic form of dance that includes six-step and eight-step rhythms (节奏)—has taken the world by storm. Making a recent comeback, swing dance floors (舞场) have popped up all over the world. Many clubs make fans of swing happy by holding nights when swing music is played, and sometimes even offering classes to attract customers.

    Though swing dance is now popular worldwide, it first appeared alongside the jazz movements of the 1920s and 1930s in New York City. While listening to jazz, the young black people of that time developed the movements of the Lindy Hop—a style of dance that is best known for a break away or "swing out" move and sudden improvisation (即兴表演).

    It was reportedly given this name when a reporter was interviewing a person at the dance hall who was watching other couples dance. When asked what that dance was called, the watcher looked at a newspaper next to him that had an article about Lindbergh—the first person to fly alone across the Atlantic (大西洋)—which was titled "Lindy Hops the Atlantic". Then the watcher announced that the Lindy Hop was the name of the dance, and it has stuck (被接受) since then.

    In 1926, the Savoy Ballroom was the first large business to offer a place for people to listen to swing music and dance. With its huge dance floor, the Savoy became a big success overnight, attracting some of the best dancers and musicians in the New York area.

    Within ten years, the Lindy Hop was sweeping through the United States and became a symbol of unity, as young people of all racial (种族的) backgrounds crowded into dance halls to swing the night away. Traditional dance teachers did not welcome it because they thought it was not even a real dance and were quite sure about its demise but swing has proved them wrong: it continues to be one of the world's most fun dances.

    1. (1) The writing purpose of this passage is _____.
      A . to introduce a popular form of dance B . to discover the secrets of a dance C . to tell stories about an energetic dance D . to describe the special moves of a dance
    2. (2) Which of the following words has the closest meaning to "demise"?
      A . Challenge. B . Change. C . Development. D . Death.
    3. (3) What can we learn about swing dance?
      A . It's a lively dance with strict rules. B . It has a close connection to a pilot. C . It has a history of around 100 years. D . It attracts mostly young black people.
    4. (4) What can we infer from the passage?
      A . The dance style was accepted by traditional dance teachers later. B . The name was changed from "Lindy Hop" to "swing" in the 1940s. C . The movements of different swing dancers always look the same. D . The dance might have become unpopular sometime in its history.
  • 20. 阅读回答问题

    Most high schools in the United States publish a yearbook once a year, usually in spring. It is a record of the school year—a "book of memories" for the students.

    Inside a yearbook is each student's photo. The seniors are graduating soon, and their photos appear first. Next are the juniors. They are one year behind the seniors. Then come the second-year students. The last photos are the first-year students. The yearbook is not only about students. The teachers have photos, too.

    The yearbook also has photos and descriptions of extracurricular activities. These are activities that students do after school, such as the chess club and the Spanish club. There is even a yearbook club. Students in this club write, design and take photos all year for the yearbook. In the yearbook, some students receive special titles. The seniors vote and choose the "class clown" (a funny student), the "most likely to succeed" (a student who got the best grades), and the "best dressed" (a student with a good fashion sense). There are also other awards.

    Students usually sign each other's yearbooks. This is especially important for the seniors because they are graduating. Students write notes to each other, such as, "We had a lot of fun. " or "I'll never forget you." They also write about the funny experiences they shared in school together.

    1. (1) How many grades are there in most high schools in the USA?
    2. (2) Whose photos can we see in a yearbook?
    3. (3) What title might a student with a good fashion sense get?
    4. (4) Why is it important for senior students to sign each other's yearbooks?
    5. (5) What do you think of the yearbook in the USA?
  • 21. Last week we had a music show. My parents and I attended all the (音乐会).
  • 22. You need to learn to (控制) your anger.
  • 23. The students all rushed out of the classroom as soon as the rang.
  • 24. 选词填空

    high, music, interesting, win, please

    1. (1) It seems that he has no in listening to folk music.
    2. (2) People think of Tan's works because he brings the sounds of nature and musical instruments together successfully.
    3. (3) I think these bags are those , as there are some medals in them.
    4. (4) —Did you have a good time during the trip to Beijing?

      —Yes. It was a really trip.

    5. (5) While he was studying in the Central Conservatory of Music, he got to know a number of great .
  • 25. 选词填空

    present, fly, miss, lose, prepare

    1. (1) —Look! The boy is crying hard over there.

      —Yes, he his new toy.

    2. (2) The chairperson medals to the excellent players tomorrow.
    3. (3) Since he is studying abroad he his hometown very much.
    4. (4) I often a kite with my friends in the park when I was a little child.
    5. (5) —I didn't see you at yesterday's party, Jenny.

      —Oh, I for my driving test.

  • 26. 单词拼写

    Many people in America like comics. Some of the most popular comics are about superheroes. These American superheroes are drawn to look l strong men or strong women. Wearing special clothes, they fight a the bad and save the weak.

    There are two main companies in the US that p superhero comics. DC Comics designed superheroes like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in the late 1930s and 1940s. During this "Golden Age of Comics", millions of comics were sold every month. This lasted until 1945. After that time, superhero comics became less and less p. In the 1950s, American comics entered their "Dark Age". Many comic companies could not make m and closed down.

    In the early 1960s, the "Silver Age of Comics" began. Another company called Marvel Comics, started to b popular. It produced many characters which were known to people all over the w. These included X-Men and Spider-Man. In these comics the superheroes have the s problems as common people. Spider-Man, for example, is u to save money and has problems with his friends and family.

    Comics can make students interested in reading. They may help young people d their imagination. Now many American comics have been made into popular movies.

  • 34. 假如你是李华,你校试行在课间播放音乐,学生会正在征求意见。你班同学对此进行了讨论,看法不一,大多数同学赞同,也有一些同学反对。请你根据下面表格中的要点提示给学生会主席写一封信,介绍大家的观点,同时谈谈自己的看法,词数 90 左右。信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。




    1. 音乐给人们带来快乐。

    2. 使大脑得到放松。

    3. 能提高下一节课的学习效率。

    1. 课间时间太短,播放音乐达不到预期效果。

    2. 有时上课还沉浸在课间音乐中,对上课有影响。



    参考词汇:学习效率 study efficiency;预期的 expected;沉浸在……中 be lost in

    Dear Chairman,

    We have had a discussion about whether to play music during the break. All the students in our class gave their ideas.


    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua

