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初中英语牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 7 Films Com...

更新时间:2023-06-29 浏览次数:15 类型:同步测试
  • 1. Good habits of exams decide (决定) your grades. Every time you are having an English exam, you should _____ to get a better mark.

    ① copy others' answers

    ② be careful with the meaning of every sentence

    ③finish the test paper in order and spend only one minute filling out (填写) the answer paper

    ④ make an outline (提纲) for the composition (写作) before writing it

    ⑤ go over your answer paper carefully before handing it in

    A . ①③⑤ B . ②④⑤ C . ②③④
  • 2. Joy found there was no mobile phone signal, _____ she used sticks to spell out "HELP".
    A . and B . or C . so D . but
  • 3. —Would you like _____ to eat?

    —No, thanks.

    A . other something B . something other C . something else D . else something
  • 4. If you _____ a lot, you will be healthy.
    A . exercise B . will exercise C . exercised D . are exercising
  • 5. —What can happen if you bring Mr. Smith to the party without telling him?

    —He can be _____.

    A . surprise B . surprised C . surprising D . surprises
  • 6. Some of my friends like music because it's _____.
    A . boring B . difficult C . relaxing D . easy
  • 7. —Mom, can I have _____ milk?

    —Sorry. There isn't _____ in the bridge

    A . some; some B . some; any C . any; any D . any; some
  • 8. In _____ room, school things are everywhere. It's not tidy.
    A . Jenny and Coco's B . Jenny's and Coco's C . Jenny and Coco

