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冀教版(一起点)五年级上册Lesson 21 Gifts f...

更新时间:2022-12-05 浏览次数:29 类型:同步测试
  • 12. 仿写句子

    例: Mike bought a skirt for his sister.

    1. (1) Mother   cat   her son

    2. (2) my aunt   skirt   my cousin

    3. (3) Dad   T-shirt   Bob  

    4. (4) Linda   kite   Ann  

    5. (5) Uncle Wang   gifts   Lucy and Jim

  • 13. 阅读短文并判断正误。

    Yesterday was Monday. I went to school with my brother Tom by bus. Our school is far from our home. We were happy on the bus. We saw many children on it. They also went to school. Some men and women talked to each other. Some children listened to music.

    I looked out of the window of the bus. Tom read a book. A man said to him, "It is not good for your eyes to read a book on the bus." So Tom didn't read a book. He wanted to talk with me. But I didn't want to talk on the bus.

    1. (1) Tom and I went to school by bus.
    2. (2) Some children listened to music.
    3. (3) I read a book on the bus.
    4. (4) It is good for your eyes to read a book on the bus.
    5. (5) Tom wanted to talk to me.

