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初中英语牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5 Wild anim...

更新时间:2023-07-22 浏览次数:25 类型:同步测试
  • 11. 完形填空

    Birds can see colours, just as people do. Birds need to see colours when they fly because they need to find places to land (着陆). Colours help them know 1 the place is and what it is like so that they can catch flying things in the air or land on something they think safe.

    Birds can "tell" the differences between colours. But for some 2 animals, such as wolves, the world looks like a black and white photo. Wolves look for food mainly by 3 .

    They can hear 4 when the animals they hunt move. But other animals seem to know this. For example, a rabbit will stop moving when it finds there is something 5 . Then the wolves 6 not find it at all. However, birds are better than wolves in these ways. They can see dead insects from far away.

    Some birds' eyesight is 7 than people's. They can see small insects 8 they fly in the sky. Because they are able to 9 colours, they can find food easily and 10 if (是否) there are other animals that are dangerous to them.

    A . how soon B . how far C . how long D . how fast
    A . other B . another C . others D . the other
    A . shouting B . listening C . eating D . moving
    A . slow B . slowly C . clear D . clearly
    A . dangerous B . safe C . slow D . fast
    A . should B . must C . may D . need
    A . bigger B . smaller C . worse D . better
    A . when B . till C . where D . how
    A . paint B . see C . read D . watch
    A . find B . find out C . look D . look for
  • 12. 阅读理解

    The koala

    Appearance: The koala with thick hair looks cute but it has very sharp teeth and claws (爪子). The male koala is larger than the female one.

    Size: 70-90cm Weight: 5-14kg

    Food: The koala eats eucalyptus leaves (桉树叶). Each koala eats about 500 grams of leaves per day.

    Habit: The koala sleeps for up to 16-18 hours. It prefers to move around in the evening.

    Baby fact: A healthy female koala can have one child each year. A baby koala is very small when it is born—only a quarter of an inch. It has no hair and it can't see either. It lives in its mother's pouch (育儿袋) for half a year. During this time, it only drinks its mother's milk.

    Danger: The number of koalas in Australia is getting smaller every year, mainly because of people. People cut down a lot of trees, so many koalas have no places to live in and they don't have enough leaves to eat. There are fewer than 100,000 koalas in the world. Some scientists say if people don't protect them, we won't have any koalas within 30 years.

    1. (1) When does the koala often move around during a day?
      A . In the morning. B . In the evening. C . In the afternoon. D . At weekends.
    2. (2) If someone sees a newly born koala, he will find that              .
      A . it can see everything B . it is really small C . it has thick hair D . it is very big
    3. (3) A baby koala can't live without               .
      A . water B . grass C . milk D . meat
  • 13. (2019八上·吴江月考) 阅读理解

        The elephant is the largest of all animals that live on land. An elephant's trunk(象鼻)is rather like an arm and a hand. It is used to pick up and pull things in its mouth. It is also used to pull up trees when the elephant wants to make path (道路)through the forests.

        The African elephant is usually larger than the Indian elephant. It often stands 10 or 11 feet high, and weighs over 6 tons(吨). Both males and females grow trunks. But only male Indian elephants have tusks.

        The elephant lives mostly on grass, leaves and fruits. It has been easy for men to train elephants. They are used to carry heavy things. Elephants can live for about fifty years or more.

    1. (1) Elephants are       .
      A . not found in the forests B . only found in Africa C . larger than any other animal on land D . the largest animal in the world
    2. (2) Elephants use their        .
      A . trunks to do things as men use their hands to B . trunks to pull up trees only when they want to make paths through the woods C . tusks to do what men use their hands to D . tusks to eat up trees
    3. (3) Which of the following is NOT right?
      A . Female Indian elephants have tusks. B . All African elephants have trunks. C . The Indian elephant is usually smaller than the African elephant. D . The African elephant usually weighs more than 6,000 kilograms.
    4. (4) The food for the elephant is       .
      A . grass B . leaves C . fruits D . all of the above
    5. (5) From the text we know       .
      A . an elephant is very clever and a good friend of men's B . we can hunt elephants as we like C . we should not train the elephant D . there are elephants everywhere in the world
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Death Valley, an area in Nevada and California, is one of the most famous deserts in the United States. Almost 20 percent of this area is below sea level. Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and it is the lowest point in the United States.

    Long ago, the Panamint Indians called this place "Tomesha"—the land of fire. The present name, Death Valley,can date back to 1849, when a group of miners became lost in it and their adventure turned out to be a sad story. Today Death Valley has become a National Monument (遗址) and is crossed by several roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily the change created by human has hardly destroyed the special beauty of this place.

    Here there are a lot of surprising natural scenes. One of the most surprising and variable (多变的) parts of Death Valley is Devil's Golf Course, where it seems hard for people to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures (沙雕) stand on the frightening ground, as evening shadows (暮色) move and lengthen.

    1. (1) _______ is the lowest place in the United States.
      A . Tomesha B . Death Valley C . Nevada D . Badwater
    2. (2) The name of the valley comes from _______.
      A . an Indian name B . the death of the miners C . the local people D . a National Monument
    3. (3) From the passage, we can learn that _______.
      A . no one had ever known the desert before the miners went there B . it is still not easy to travel across the desert C . people can be provided with good services in the desert D . people have changed the natural sights of the desert
    4. (4) Devil's Golf Course is famous for _______.
      A . a lot of sand B . evening shadows C . dream-like sights D . the sand sculptures
    5. (5) We can say that the writer _______ Death Valley according to the passage.
      A . enjoys B . is frightened of C . dislikes D . is tired of
  • 15. 阅读理解

    In the past 300 years, more than 130 kinds of animals have become extinct. One of these extinct kinds is the passenger pigeon (旅鸽). At one time there were millions of these birds in North America, but now there are none. The last one died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. Another extinct animal is the cape lion (西非狮). The animal has been extinct since 1860. What causes animals to become extinct? Too much hunting is one cause; pollution is another. Governments around the world have begun to protect wild animals in danger. In the United States, the US Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for (承担义务) endangered animals. It has listed nearly 200 kinds of endangered animals in North America.

    1. (1) The underlined word "extinct" in the first sentence probably means "_______".
      A . ill B . dying out C . becoming D . changing
    2. (2) There were many cape lions in North America _______.
      A . last century B . in the twentieth century C . more than two hundred years ago D . in 1914
    3. (3) _______ isn't the reason for the extinction of wild animals in North America.
      A . Pollution B . Too much killing C . Too much hunting D . The war
    4. (4) There are _______ kinds of wild animals in danger listed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
      A . less than 130 B . less than 200 C . over 200 D . nearly 300
    5. (5) The best title of this passage should be "_______".
      A . A Sad Story B . Endangered Animals in North America C . Wild Animals D . The US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • 16. 英汉互译:单词/短语
    1. (1) meaningless adj.
    2. (2) adj. 简单的;易做的
    3. (3) n. 行动
    4. (4) culture n.
    5. (5) adj. 著名的;出名的
    6. (6) v. 出现
    7. (7) become v.
    8. (8) adj. 富有的
    9. (9) adj. 获得成功的;有成就的
    10. (10) might modal v.
  • 17. 英汉互译:单词/短语
    1. (1) main adj.
    2. (2) n. 原因;理由
    3. (3) common adj.
    4. (4) adj. 不幸的;不吉利的
    5. (5) v. 失去;丢失
    6. (6) ready adj.
    7. (7) film n.(=movie)
    8. (8) army n.
    9. (9) cartoon n.

