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牛津版(深圳·广州)九年级上册Unit 4 词汇演练方阵

更新时间:2023-10-17 浏览次数:20 类型:同步测试
二、根据所给汉语或首字母提示完成下列单词的拼写, 使句意明确, 语言通顺。
  • 29. 完形填空。

    The Phone Call

    It was getting dark. Paul looked out of the window and signed (叹气). Dad said he could come home by 5:30, but it was almost 7:00. Even if Dad came back, it wouldn't be much fun playing 1 in the dark. Paul walked into his room and threw his baseball into the corner. He tried to do some homework, but couldn't.

    The phone rang at about 8:00. It was Dad: "Paul, I'm 2, but I couldn't play baseball with you tonight. I have to finish my work at the office. Maybe we can play this weekend. Oh no. How about next weekend?...."

    Paul couldn't understand why Dad was so 3. He threw himself into the sofa and soon fell asleep. His book was still opened to the first page.

    The next day at school, Paul didn't hand in his homework and 4 a test. Mrs. Green, his teacher, asked him to stay after school. "Paul, you didn't do your homework. You didn't pass the test and only got a D. This isn't like you. What's wrong?"

    Paul just sat there 5. "Paul, if you don't want to talk, I will. I know that something's worrying with you, but you have to get it out. You need to tell someone."

    As Paul walked home, he thought of what Mrs. Green said. Maybe he didn't do his homework because he wanted to get his dad's 6. He knew Mrs. Green was right. He decided to take her advice.

    When Paul got home, he 7 his dad. But there was no answer. Then it went to voicemail (语音信箱). Paul began talking: "Dad, I can't play with you next weekend. I've got lots of problems with my homework. Also, I really don't want to spend another day looking out of the window and waiting. Whenever you 8our plans, Dad, it hurts me. It's not too late to rebuild our relationship, but we have to start small. Maybe you can help me with my 9 sometime. Dad, I love you."

    As Paul ended the call, he felt much relaxed. He didn't know whether his dad would be different, but it didn't matter. He himself 10. He expressed his feelings to the right person. He had a clear head as he was doing his homework that evening.

    A . baseball B . cards C . chess D . toys
    A . lucky B . sorry C . surprised D . pleased
    A . famous B . helpful C . lazy D . busy
    A . made B . missed C . failed D . chose
    A . cheerfully B . comfortably C . hopefully D . quietly
    A . attention B . message C . praise D . trust
    A . saw B . thanked C . called D . greeted
    A . prepare B . break C . follow D . question
    A . choice B . homework C . speech D . decision
    A . regretted B . complained C . insisted D . changed
  • 30. 阅读理解。

    When I was in primary school, I got into an argument with a boy in my class. I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson I learned that day.

    I was convinced(相信)that "I" was right and "he" was wrong—and he was just as convinced that "I" was wrong and "he" was right. The teacher decided to teach us a very important lesson. She brought us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other.

    In the middle of her desk was a large, round object. I could clearly see that it was black. She asked the boy what colour the object was. "White, "he answered.

    I couldn't believe he said the object was white, when it was obviously(显而易见地)black! Another argument started between my classmate and me, this time about the colour of the object.

    The teacher told me to go to stand where the boy was standing and told him to come to stand where I had been. We changed places, and then she asked me what the colour of the object was. I had to answer, "White. "It was an object with two differently coloured sides, and from his viewpoint it was white. Only from my side was it black.

    My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day:You must stand in the other person's place and look at the situation through his eyes in order to truly understand his perspective(看法).

    1. (1) When brought up to the front of the class, the two students were standing _______.
      A . side by side B . face to face    C . back to back D . facing the blackboard
    2. (2) From the author's classmate's side, the first time he couldn't know _______.
      A . his side of the object was black         B . his side of the object was white C . the other side of the object was black    D . the other side of the object was white
    3. (3) From the lesson we may infer(推知)that _______ is right.
      A . neither of them B . the author's classmate    C . the teacher D . the author
    4. (4) What can we conclude(推断)from the text?
      A . We should imagine that we're in the other person's situation. B . A teacher should give students a lesson before the class. C . A large, round object has two differently colored sides. D . A lesson learned in the past should never be forgotten.
    5. (5) Which of the following can best describe the teacher?
      A . Patient. B . Wise. C . Rude. D . Kind.
  • 31. 任务型阅读。仔细阅读下面的短文并按要求完成后面的小题。

    It is said that about half of the people in China smoke. Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students.

    More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. ①Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.

    Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people always cough ②______ ______ smoking. The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. At the same time smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

    众所周知, 吸烟有害于人体健康。In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop smoking at once.

    1. (1) 将①句画线部分译成汉语:
    2. (2) 在②句的空白处填入适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺:
    3. (3) 将③句画线部分的汉语译成英语:
    4. (4) 列出短文中提到的吸烟的至少两点危害:
    5. (5) 该篇短文的主题是:
  • 32. 语法填空

    Hey, my name is Sydney Roberge. I'm 13 years old and I (life) in the USA. I'm fun and outgoing. I like all (kind)of music and love to sing every day. My dream is (be)famous for my singing one day. I don't care you are black or white. My favorite sport is football. I love animals, and my favorite animal is a cat.

    I'd love to chat with someone who is (young)than 18 and older than 1I'm very open and I'm looking for a friendship. I plan to move to the UK Ireland when I turn l8, so I'd like to talk to someone from those parts of the world, but it (real) doesn't matter where you are from as long as you are (friend).

    Here is a (describe) of what l look like and a little more about (I):

    E-mail address:uklover 42 @yahoo.com

    Well, anyway, I can't wait to hear from you!

