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外研版(2019)选择性必修三高中英语Unit 1 Face...

更新时间:2023-02-16 浏览次数:63 类型:同步测试
  • 1. As we know, blind people can often recognize objects by feeling and touching them.

    As we know, , blind people can often recognize them. (with 复合结构)

  • 2. I didn't pay attention because I was very nervous when he introduced himself!
    1. (1) I had been attention when he introduced himself! (too. . . to)
    2. (2) I had been I didn't pay attention when he introduced himself! (so…that)
    3. (3) I didn't pay attention when he introduced himself! (so 位于句首)
  • 3. It is known to all that the Great Wall is one of the seven wonders in the world. (it 为形式主语)
    1. (1) , the Great Wall is one of the seven wonders in the world. (as引导非限制性定语从句,且作主语)
    2. (2) , the Great Wall is one of the seven wonders in the world. (as 引导非限制性定语从句,且作宾语)
    3. (3) The Great Wall one of the seven wonders in the world to all. (be known as)
  • 4. 这个年轻的女士看起来好像要说点什么。
    1. (1) The young woman seems as if say something. (虚拟语气)
    2. (2) The young woman seems as if say something. (状语从句的省略)
  • 5. 你忘了,有天晚上,有个坏家伙想绑架你,你却在他被惩罚时对他表示友善。

    You have forgotten an unfortunate person you one night, this same person to whom you showed kindness when he was being punished.

  • 6. 当我把自己同你比较时,我就非常怜悯自己,我是多么可怜而不幸的怪物啊!

    When I you, I feel an immense pity for myself, poor unfortunate monster that I am!

  • 7. 从那不幸的人的语气里可以感受到他对自身的悲哀心知肚明,她没有勇气回答。

    There lay in the accents of the unfortunate man she had not the strength to utter a syllable.

  • 8. 但他表现出那样的忧郁与那样的温顺,她渐渐地适应了。

    Yet there was much melancholy and so much gentleness spread over all this .

  • 9. 后来当埃斯梅拉达因莫须有的罪名被判死刑时,卡西莫多从圣母院外喧哗的人群中救下了她。

    When Esmeralda for a crime she did not commit, Quasimodo rescues her from an angry crowd outside the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

  • 10. 七选五

    Today it is common to see people who walk about with colored wires hanging from their ears wherever they go. They move about in their personal bubbles, sometimes unaware of what's happening around them. Outside life is shut out. So are you one of "them"?

    For me, walking around in my own personal bubble is perfect. What's even better, wearing earphones seems to give a signal to people which says, "I'm not available for chatting at the moment!"

    Suppose you're at work and about to make an incredible breakthrough, but a colleague suddenly turns up. At this precise moment, the slightest disturbance would break your concentration. Once again, those wires hanging from your ears would be sure to give that "Go away!" signal.

    It's probably part of the growing up stage when they just want to overlook their whole family. While their mothers give them lectures about why they should do their homework, they can just turn up the volume on their MP3 player, smile, and say "Yes, Mum. "

    Pretty soon, not only will we have pretty colored wires hanging from our ears—but also our brains will be directly plugged into some new high-tech instruments. We'll be in a virtual (虚拟的) world, communicating with everyone else, or choosing not to, as we like. In this world, we will all be permanently plugged in. And they are changing our social habits along the way.

    In the end, there is a thin line between using technology as a tool for making life better and being a slave to it! It's so strange—suddenly, I don't feel like wearing my earphones anymore.

    A. Our instruments are changing quickly.

    B. I also have wires hanging from my ears.

    C. In the home situation, teenagers love these wires.

    D. I don't have to deal with the noise from the environment.

    E. After all, I am listening to my favorite music and would rather not be disturbed.

    F. Listening to music through earphones is the perfect way to ignore such interruptions.

    G. They walk around in their own space, with their personal "digital noise reduction systems".


