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更新时间:2023-01-10 浏览次数:55 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解

    CES is produced by the Consumer Technology Association known as the place where many companies launch their latest technology offerings. Here is a look at some of the top products presented at CES 2022.

    All-in-one communication

    Technology company Anker announced the launch of an "all-in-one" device designed to improve communications for employees working from home. The Anker Work B600 sits on top of the computer display like a traditional webcam. But it combines several elements of communication into one device that includes a camera, speaker, microphone and a light.

    AirSelfie camera

    Electronics maker AirSelfie launched its latest self-flying camera designed to take "selfie" pictures. The new device, called Air Pix, is a small, light camera that flies through the air and captures high-quality photographs and video. Air Pix can fly, frame and take pictures all by itself before landing back on the user's hand.

    Labrador's assistive robot

    Robot maker Labrador announced its Retriever robot designed to hold things and, as its name suggests, also retrieve(恢复) things. The robot can be controlled by voice commands or from an app on a phone. It can also be programmed based on an exact map of a users home. The Retriever is designed" to serve as an extra pair of hands and lighten the load of everyday tasks in the home ".

    Self-driving tractor

    American-based farm equipment manufacturer John Deere presented a fully self-driving tractor equipped with six different cameras and a series of sensors to guide the tractor through the fields. Farmers can control the vehicle and see the tractor's progress in real-time through a mobile device which is to help farmers do more work with less equipment and people.

    The company noted that such machines can help improve farming methods as the world's population grows and food demand is expected to rise 50 percent by 2050.

    1. (1) Which operator's product will teleworking staff be most interested in?
      A . Anker B . Airselfie C . Labrador D . John Deere
    2. (2) What kind of product can effectively help the elderly with mobility difficulties?
      A . The "all-in-one" device. B . Self-flying camera. C . Retriever robot D . The fully self-driving tractor.
    3. (3) What impact will self-driving tractors have on agriculture in the future?
      A . Improving products quality B . Promoting agricultural reform. C . Increasing agricultural investment. D . Reducing the environmental pollution.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Raquel Montes, a Spanish national, moved to China last November, where she said she had her first lockdown (封闭) experience during the COVID-19. "I think I'm just being patient. I'm totally connected all the time with people. I have many friends calling me all the time. And I'm working at home. So it's OK for me," said she. She has also been keeping positive and happy. She does dance every day.

    It's her neighbor Melinda who invited her to do voluntary work. The Spaniard said, "I'm happy to help because the security guys are bringing packages to us all the time and they must be exhausted. I also want to feel that I'm doing something for others." Montes and other volunteers delivered bakery products to their neighbors, put the boxes in front of the door, knocked and left.

    "It was quite fun," she recalled. "When I went home that day, I felt much better because I did something and I got some fresh air. It was a good feeling. I told Melinda, if they need me, I can go every day and help out." Through voluntary work, Montes has come to know more Chinese and foreigners, and became friends with them.

    Montes also celebrated a very special birthday on April 11—under lockdown. "For me, my birthday is a big day and I always celebrate it like a party," she stated. "I wasn't expecting much this year. I wasn't expecting flowers or any feast. But it was so much fun because I got surprises." A friend who was locked down in her office managed to get flowers for her. Montes gushed, "I also had many phone calls from my friends around the world. " Before midnight that day, Melinda knocked on her door and asked her to check the chair outside. Surprisingly, she saw a small cake and candles prepared by neighbors.

    "I have everything, a cake, candles, and flowers. It was great, " she said.

    1. (1) What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 1?
      A . Why Montes moved to China. B . How a city's lockdown affected its foreigners. C . what Montes did at home every day during the lockdown. D . How Montes kept in touch with her friends during the lockdown.
    2. (2) What did Montes think of her first voluntary job?
      A . Ideal and easy. B . Fun and rewarding. C . Exhausting but refreshing. D . Challenging but decent.
    3. (3) What was Montes' birthday like this year?
      A . She had a big feast with her friends in her office. B . She got surprises from friends and neighbors. C . She received some flowers from Melinda. D . She held a big birthday party.
    4. (4) Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
      A . Foreigners Fitting in well in China B . A Special Birthday Celebrated During the Lockdown C . Building Relationships and Wholeness Through Sharing D . Experiencing Joy and Togetherness Through Volunteering
  • 3. 阅读理解

    The computer is a powerful tool. With it, teachers can improve the classroom experience in a variety of ways. But misuse of the computer will probably result in disadvantages.

    To investigate the way technology is being used in our school district, I recently spoke with Jeanine Lowell, who teaches social studies at Lake Town Middle School. Mrs. Lowell informed me that computers have helped to increase students' motivation and prepare them for life in a technological society. "These kids are probably going to be using some kind of computer system when they graduate from high school," Lowell noted. "It's important that we provide a proper introduction to them in the classroom." Lowell also observed that the computers have made it easier to promote different areas of learning, so that students can work on a project or topic that relates to more than one subject.

    With all of these benefits, however, come a few shortcomings. Although Mrs. Lowell has nearly wallpapered her room with warnings that state: "The computer is NOT A TOY", not everyone in the class agrees with this idea. Some students get easily distracted (分心) by the internet and are quite good at making it look as if they are doing work when they are really checking their email or watching videos. "You've got to be three steps ahead," she told me, "if you want to stay on top of what they're actually doing on the computer."

    Some schools use some type of blocking software to ensure that students cannot access improper sites at school. More complex programs use a server-based, network-wide program instead of software that runs on personal computers. Research has shown that in a way these server-based blocking programs provide better security, because some students can disable the software on a personal computer.

    However, there is no replacement for the watchful eye of a good teacher like Jeanine Lowell. There are also no electronic cure-alls for any of education's many challenges. Technology is a useful tool, but that is all it is: a tool.

    1. (1) Where is this passage most likely from?
      A . A newspaper. B . An advertisement. C . A novel. D . A diary.
    2. (2) Which of the following isn't the benefit of computer use in the classroom?
      A . Improved motivation in the classroom. B . Opportunities for learning across different subjects. C . Increased preparation for the future use in the workplace. D . Convenience of sharing ideas with people living across the globe.
    3. (3) The best way to prevent students from accessing improper sites on school computers is to ______.
      A . post warning signs throughout the classroom B . use blocking software on personal computers C . monitor what students do on the computers carefully D . use server-based software programs on personal computers
    4. (4) What is the writer's opinion on the use of computers in the classroom?
      A . It does more harm than good. B . It is only supported by experts. C . It contributes to teaching in some way. D . It is more beneficial to teachers than students.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    One of the hardest things in life is sticking to a healthy diet. Experts recommend you plan your meals in advance, so you aren't attracted when faced with less-than-healthy choices. It' s estimated(评估) that the average American eats almost 25 percent of their daily calories from snacking alone, and snacking is the leading cause of childhood obesity.

    Therefore, there are two choices available (ready for use): stop snacking (hard) or snack healthier (simple). But, for many of us, telling apart what's "healthy" and how much to consume(消耗)are two different things. But, if you don't keep the amount in check it can seriously ruin your diet. It's easy to consume double or triple (增至三倍) the amount. If you're struggling to keep you and your family's snacking under control, you may be interested in the new online store called NatureBox. com, offering a new service delivered right to your front door on a monthly basis.

    After you sign up on their website and provide some information about your taste preferences and anything else, the company sends you a box every month containing a delicious choice of healthy snack foods. A box includes 12-15 servings across 4 to 5 different NatureBox snacks—enough to last you and your family for a month.

    Each box costs just under $ 20 and shipping (delivering) is always free. NatureBox is meant to fit your lifestyle by providing you with snacks you'll enjoy and look forward to eating. You can easily order what you want to receive based on the snacks you love most. And now, NatureBox is offering an immediate 25% off their first order. Just enter the code "livehealthy" when you join.

    Click here to sign up for your risk-free order.

    1. (1) How many percents of calories from snacks do the average American eat each week?
      A . Nearly 52. B . About 25. C . More than 125. D . 175 or so.
    2. (2) What does the phrase "in check" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
      A . In control. B . In danger. C . In need. D . In store.
    3. (3) According to the passage what is NatureBox?
      A . A box. B . An online store. C . A code. D . A service.
    4. (4) Where is the passage probably taken from?
      A . A website. B . A newspaper. C . A textbook. D . A science magazine.
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项  为多余选项。

    There are a lot of benefits to staying physically fit. You'll have more energy, you'll look great, and you'll notice improvements in your health. However, if you focus on exercise, you can make a lot of healthy physical changes.

    Find the time. Exercise is one of the most important aspects in staying (or becoming) fit and healthy. Try scheduling your exercise the same way that you schedule other appointments and work. You'll be more likely to stick to it if it's on the calendar (日历).

    You will see the most benefits from exercise if you do it regularly. One good way to make you stick to it is to pick a form of exercise that you enjoy. For example, if you like swimming, make it a point to swim twice a week.

    Go outdoors. It is really good to work out at a gym—without air conditioning and televisions. But scientists report that exercising outdoors, at least part of the time, can have more benefits.

    Be social. If you join other people in your exercise routine, you'll see a positive influence in your results. If you schedule an activity with a friend, you are less likely to cancel than if you were only cancelling on yourself.

    A. Make it a habit.

    B. Enjoy your exercise.

    C. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to stay in great shape.

    D. In a word, it is absolutely good for you to stay physically fit.

    E. Finding a workout partner can help you to stick to your exercise.

    F. The road or sidewalk challenges your body in ways that gyms can't do.

    G. Experts recommend that you should be active for at least 30 minutes per day.

  • 6. (2022高二上·广东月考) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    The Cambridge University Library in Britain received a" giftin early March, 2022 Someone1a pink gift bag near the building with a note: " Happy Easter, x, " it read. Inside the bag was the gift: two small notebooks from the famous British naturalist Charles Darwin. who is2 with the theory of evolution

    One of the3 has a famous drawing in it called the" Tree of Life. Darwin made the drawing in 1837.

    The university talked about the 4on Tuesday.

    Cambridge believes the notebooks were 5 20 years ago. They were first thought to be6inside the building after they were taken to be photographed. But, after searching through 10 million books, maps and documents, the university reported the notebooks 7to police in 2020.

    British investigators notified police around the world, and a 8began. The notebooks are valued at millions of dollars. They were 9however, in good condition.

    Darwin's notebooks contained writings about his famous trip around the world on the ship H. M. S. Beagle. The research 10his book on evolution called On the Origin of species

    Cambridge University Librarian Jessica Gardner said she was11to see the notebooks. But she said her true 12 are profound and almost impossible to enough express ".

    Gardner said the notebooks will go back into the Darwin Archive. The library is also13to the works by scientists Stephen Hawking and Isaac Newton

    The notebooks will be on display later this year in a Darwin show at the library.

    Local police said they are continuing to 14 who may have taken the notebooks and asked for help from anyone who has 15 about the case.

    A . presented B . left C . provided D . abandoned
    A . satisfied B . interested C . credited D . devoted
    A . gifts B . bags C . works D . notebooks
    A . incident B . amusement C . librarian D . conflict
    A . covered B . taken C . copied D . photographed
    A . destroyed B . surviving C . buried D . missing
    A . hidden B . removed C . stolen D . purchased
    A . search B . research C . trial D . restoration
    A . changed B . claimed C . returned D . offered
    A . belonged to B . led to C . appealed to D . accounted to
    A . relieved B . embarrassed C . anxious D . concerned
    A . reflections B . answers C . feelings D . ideas
    A . equal B . home C . reduced D . limited
    A . look into B . respond to C . happen to D . prepare for
    A . contents B . news C . images D . information
  • 7. (2022高二上·河南开学考) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Children are spending an (increase) amount of time indoors. (compare) to their grandparents who would have spent most of their free time exploring the world outside their front doors, kids these days are more likely to (find) at home. Computer games, television and tablets have replaced stick throwing, tree climbing and hole building as children spend more time indoors.

    (thank) to parental fear and a reduction in green spaces, the time is spent outdoors tends to be parent-led nowadays. Parent-led play is very (difference) from unstructured play and does not offer the same benefits.

    Both (be) important for children's growth, but many families are finding less time for unstructured play. As homework, clubs and groups and screens are competing for our kids' time, unstructured fun is left out in the cold.

    Scientists have even created the term "Nature Deficit Disorder" due to the wealth of health problems that can develop from spending too much time indoors.

    Unstructured play is just important as outdoor play for child (develop). It offers social, mental and physical benefits, as well as just being fun way to kill time.

五、选择(共两节,满分 40 分)
  • 8. (2022高二上·沙坪坝月考) 假定你是李华,暑期刚刚结束了外教Mr. Kidd的网络课程学习。请你给他写一封课程反馈的邮件,内容如下:







    Dear Mr. Kidd,



    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Clayton was a lovely healthy kid with a love of learning-until he started having epilepsy (癫痫) at the age of four. His disease was finally controlled, but the treatment had some unpleasant side effects including aggressive behavior, lack of attention and hands shaking.

    Before Clayton started kindergarten, my daughter Jill spoke with his teacher, Ms. Bonnie, about the problems my grandson faced. Ms. Bonnie promised to let her know how he behaved. And whenever Clayton behaved well. she would reward him with a certificate (证书)

    Surprisingly, after the first day of school, Clayton smiled and handed his mom a certificate that said, "Clayton had a great day. "He brought home three awards that first week, but then suddenly stopped. His teacher explained that Clayton refused to stay at his desk and had trouble even in writing his name.

    Then Ms. Bonnie gave Clayton fitted gloves to help with his holding the pen. At first, Clayton was excited but later he refused to use the aids because he wanted to be just like the other kids. My heart was broken and I was a little disappointed at Clayton's performance.

    Since Jill lived next door, she would drop Clayton off at my house everyday. While prepared him an after-schoo- snack one day, asked if there was certificate in his backpack from his teacher. He shook his head and said, "Grandma, Ms. Bonnie wouldn't give me a certificate. But I think I have tried to perform well in her class." I told him, "It is okay as long as you tried your best."

    Ms. Bonnie tried to help Clayton stay on his task. She made cards describing eyes, ears and a chair to remind him to focus, listen and stay seated. Whenever he misbehaved, she held up one of the cards. As an added encouragement, placed an empty picture frame (画框) on my wall and promised him that I'd frame his next certificate and that I'd teach him to dance.

    As usual, Jill's car stopped in my driveway.




    I rushed outside as Clayton jumped out of his mother's car.


    But one day, Clayton didn't stop by.

