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高中英语人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 3 Diver...

更新时间:2023-03-27 浏览次数:19 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 选用方框内合适的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空(每项限用一次)。

    diverse, cheese chips, spicy, souvenir collection, ethnic diversity, fortune, accessory, percentage

    1. (1) makes Britain's culture great. Figures show nearly 40% of Britain's top cultural figures are immigrants or come from minority ethnic groups.
    2. (2) are higher in fat than some other snacks and not recommended for you.
    3. (3) The of women completing high school and college were 95 percent and 52 percent.
    4. (4) Jack didn't like the food in that region. He complained that the dishes were too for him.
    5. (5) In this post I have brought to you 25 travel ideas from a range of travel bloggers and influencers.
    6. (6) They had the good to escape injury when their car crashed.
  • 2. 选用方框内合适的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空(每项限用一次)。

    head to, seek one's fortune, earn a living, a series of, apart from

    1. (1) In 1882, the Maè carried away almost all of the workshops, forcing the valley residents to beyond the mountains.
    2. (2) math, my grades are very good this semester.
    3. (3) She gave lectures at Warwick University last year on British writers.
    4. (4) If you quit your job at the hospital, how on earth will you ?
    5. (5) I'm on the edge of the town now, but I am the centre of it.
三、 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。
四、 根据括号内的提示将下面句子翻译成英语。
  • 19. 语法填空

    Where is Napa Valley?

    Napa Valley wine country is (locate) in northern California, 50 miles northeast of San Francisco. It (know) for world-class wine, as well as beautiful countryside and near perfect weather all the year round.

    Napa Valley is home to more than 400 wineries (酿酒厂) and tasting rooms, and some of the world's best grapevines (葡萄藤).

    Napa Valley is also home to more than 150 (restaurant). There are more than 130 overnight accommodation for you (choose) from in the Napa Valley, including hotels, country inns, and bed and breakfasts.

    Napa Valley Names

    The Napa Valley is is commonly referred to as a wine region. In the United States, the legal term is American Viticultural (栽培葡萄的) Area, or AVA, and Napa Valley was the first area in California to be given such a name in 1981.

    Makers of the Napa Valley

    If you're looking the spirit of the Napa Valley, you'll find it in the creative talents power its businesses — and wineries are just the (begin). There's a diverse community of makers at work in restaurant kitchens, design studios and health centres. The work of these local makers is so

    (attract) that you'll surely be inspired to experience the Napa Valley for (you).

  • 20. 阅读理解

    Every year a community in some part of the world is destroyed by flooding. Indeed, flooding can happen anywhere it rains. There is hope, however. Architects and civil engineers have developed promising technologies for flood control. And yes, engineering can be beautiful.

    The Thames Barrier in England

    The Thames Barrier is the second largest flood defence barrier in the world. Made of steel, water gates on the Thames Barrier are normally left open so ships can pass through. Then, as needed, the water gates shut to stop water flowing through and to keep the Thames River safe. The Thames Barrier has 10 steel gates. The main gates stand as high as a 5-storey building. Each main gate weighs 3,300 tonnes. The Thames Barrier gates were constructed between 1974 and 1984 and have been closed to prevent floods more than 100 times.

    Red Sluice Gate in Japan

    To protect areas on the coast and along Japan's rapidly-flowing rivers, the nation's engineers have developed a complex system of canals and flood-gate locks(水闸). Red Sluice Gate was designed in 1924 by a Japanese architect who also worked on the Panama Canal. It is powered by automated "water-drive" motors. Such motors don't need electricity to run, so they aren't affected by power failures that can occur during storms. It contributed greatly to preventing floods until 1982 when a new sluice gate was completed. The Red Sluice Gate was no longer used but remains an impressive sight.

    The Hagestein Weir in the Netherlands

    Completed in about 1960, the Hagestein Weir is one of three movable dams, along the Rhine River in the Netherlands. The Hagestein Weir has two enormous arched gates to control water and generate power. Spanning 54 meters, the gates are stored in the up position. Dams and water barriers like Hagestein Weir have become models for water control engineers around the world.

    MOSE in Venice

    With its famous canals, Venice, Italy is a well-known watery city. Global warming threatens its very existence. Since the 1980s, officials have been pouring money into the MOSE project, a series of 78 barriers that can rise collectively or independently across the lagoon opening and curtail the rising waters of the Adriatic Sea.

    1. (1) What do we know about the Thames Barrier?
      A . It is the largest water barrier in the world. B . Its water gates are open at a normal time. C . It took more than 10 years to construct. D . Its ten water gates weigh 3,300 tonnes.
    2. (2) What is a special feature of Red Sluice Gate in Japan?
      A . It is still in operation. B . It still works with power cut. C . It is the most impressive sight. D . It was designed by an architect from Panama.
    3. (3) What is common function of the 4 constructions?
      A . To produce electricity. B . To advance technology. C . To promote tourism. D . To control flood.
  • 21. (2021·顺德模拟) 阅读理解

    Norwood, a junior High School student, was driving three friends home in St. Petersburg, when another driver crashed into her from her left and made her car hit the tree. The impact jammed shut the driver's side door, so Norwood climbed out the front window. Two of her friends managed to get out of the car unharmed, but her 16-year-old friend Zarria didn't. She run back to the car only to find Zarria was just sitting there reactionless.

    A lot of people started to gather around to see what was happening. Norwood started yelling, "Back up, back up, she needs space." Norwood pulled Zarria out of the back seat, avoiding broken glass from the window. "That's when I checked her pulse on her neck. I put my head against her chest, and I didn't really hear nothing. So that's when I just started doing CPR on her." Norwood told the reporter. After the 30 compressions and two rescue breaths, Zarria regained consciousness. Ambulance quickly arrived and rushed her to the hospital to receive medical help.

    When Miller, Norwood's high school teacher, learned that Norwood saved a friend just  one day after completing CPR training, she was at a loss of words and so proud. Norwood participates in the school's Athletic Lifestyle Management Academy (ALMA). The program prepares students for various careers in health science. "We do vital signs and they learn how to take blood pressure and check pulse. " Miller introduced. And another one of the skills learned is CPR. "There are two components, a hands-on skills component where they have to demonstrate that they're able to do CPR well, and then there's a written test component, showing that they remember that knowledge."

    Thanks to Norwood's quick thinking, Zarria is recovering well. She also isn't surprised by her friend's actions. "She will always help any way she can, so I wasn't really shocked about that."

    1. (1) What happened to Norwood and her friends on their way home?
      A . They lost their way. B . They suffered a car accident. C . They crashed into another car. D . They were stuck in a traffic jam.
    2. (2) What did Norwood do first when finding Zarria reactionless?
      A . To give her first aid. B . To ask people for help. C . To call ambulance at once. D . To send her to hospital immediately.
    3. (3) What can we infer about the ALMA?
      A . It normally lasts for one day. B . It is for medical students only. C . It focuses on both theory and practice. D . It trains students to live a healthy lifestyle.
    4. (4) Which of the following can best describe Norwood?
      A . Considerate and flexible. B . Kind and ambitious. C . Hardworking and clever. D . Brave and calm.
  • 22. 任务型阅读

    I'm terrible at giving myself grace. I'm a perfectionist, and I have unrealistic expectations for myself at times. I can remember simple errors I made. So often, we let perfection dominate our lives without even realizing it.  And I hope you'll consider doing that, too.

    Realize that being burnt out doesn't mean that you're not good at what you do. I want to do my best in everything. The trouble starts when we overwork ourselves.  That's OK. Taking a break. Most of all, I hope you prioritize your mental health. Take care of yourself. Be gentle with yourself.

    No one is asking you to be perfect. We're all messy humans with strengths and weaknesses. Embrace yours, even when it isn't perfect. When you make mistakes, take responsibility and learn from them. Remember that this isn't the first or the last mistake that you've made. Give in to grace. Something might be a huge issue for me, other people probably won't notice or care.  

    Write it on your heart that whatever you do today is enough. It is easy to emphasize what we've yet to do instead of what we've already done. Yes, there is always room for growth and improvement.  Maybe you made your bed. Maybe you made it to work on time. Those things might not seem big, but they're still victories.

     If you messed up today, you can try again tomorrow. If you succeeded today, you can try again tomorrow. You have to keep moving on into the rest of your story or you'll miss the train to bigger things than this. Start in your worry or your fear or your joy. Start wherever you are and keep going. Start with grace.

    A. Your story isn't finished just yet.

    B. That is meant much of our struggle is internal.

    C. Then I've realized I need a little bit more rest.

    D. You are supposed to aim high and work for it.

    E. But there is room to celebrate the little victories.

    F. I've decided to change that and give myself grace.

    G. Remember that you can be perfect through your efforts.

  • 23. 完形填空

    After getting married, I moved to an absolutely new town. 1 as I was to be in a new city, with various new things to explore, I was still lonely. I was desperate to make friends and establish 2.

    This could explain my enthusiastic "Count me in!" when 3 to participate in a half marathon. Reflecting on my usual 3 miles, I must have been 4 — a half marathon, 13 miles seemed a(n) 5 task.

    After the initial shock wore off, I found comfort in burying myself in 6. I took it slow, one mile, and then two, three, four and five miles. Seven straight miles felt like to climb Everest in my eyes, and soon I became used to that 7. Mile after mile, I managed to step beside my running partners. We talked about our favorite music and 8 funny stories about our children. At about mile 10, the conversations 9. We shared our past and hopes for our future, our fears and disappointments. By the time we were running 12-mile legs, I know that I'd made 10 friends.

    11, the day of the race arrived. At the start line, armed with my friends, I already felt like a champion. My time training had 12. I managed to hold a steady pace and kept up with my 13. Legs shaking and knees buckling, we crossed the finish line together.

    I have participated in multiple races since. Although running started as a 14 of building social ties, it not only provided me with friendships, but with a skill that would benefit me the rest of my life. Though the first pair of shoes is long forgotten, running will never be 15.

    A . Relaxed B . Excited C . Embarrassed D . Confused
    A . reputation B . identity C . connections D . routines
    A . allowed B . asked C . reminded D . required
    A . grateful B . confident C . awkward D . crazy
    A . impossible B . urgent C . rewarding D . pleasant
    A . socializing B . studying C . training D . sharing
    A . high B . climate C . view D . race
    A . listened to B . made up C . spread D . exchanged
    A . stopped B . deepened C . returned D . concluded
    A . new B . more C . lifelong D . demanding
    A . Unfortunately B . Obviously C . Naturally D . Finally
    A . failed B . continued C . paid off D . caught on
    A . companions B . opponents C . coaches D . judges
    A . series B . means C . habit D . tradition
    A . chosen B . forbidden C . spread D . replaced

