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初中英语牛津版(深圳·广州)七年级下学期Module 1 P...

更新时间:2023-02-17 浏览次数:55 类型:单元试卷
  • 1. 找出下列单词中划线部分的发音与其他不同的单词。
    1. (1)
      A . dear B . bear C . idea D . fear
    2. (2)
      A . cheerful B . chair C . care D . there
    3. (3)
      A . poor B . tour C . sure D . door
    4. (4)
      A . area B . teach C . dream D . breathe
    5. (5)
      A . milk B . build C . feel D . until
  • 2. 找出下列单词中重音位置与其他不同的单词。
    1. (1)
      A . patient B . machine C . return D . important
    2. (2)
      A . postcard B . encourage C . interesting D . modern
    3. (3)
      A . across B . direction C . paragraph D . attend
    4. (4)
      A . natural B . rocket C . butterfly D . successful
    5. (5)
      A . different B . disappear C . engineer D . information
  • 13. 语法选择

    Because of the COVID-19(新冠肺炎), people need to stay at home. Teachers are trying their best1ways to give lessons to their students at home.

    First-grade teacher Katie Ricca of Florida has been giving her Maths lessons every day on the Internet at home.2the same time, she has to take care of the studies of her five little children.

    During one class, Katie found a girl3Hannah was not online. "Our class tried talking to her, but there's4with her." Katie said later. When Hannah left the lesson early, she became5.

    Once class was over, Katie called Hannah's mum to find out what happened to Hannah. Her mum said that Hannah was sad but didn't know6. After7this, Katie decided to visit Hannah the next day.

    "Today her teacher came over and met Hannah for8." Hannah's mum wrote on Facebook. "They talked and read books together. The teacher has five kids at home, but she still cared for my daughter and stayed9an hour to make sure Hannah was OK."

    For Katie,10with Hannah was important." Seeing my student sad, l had to show her I care for her," the teacher said.

    A . thinking of B . thought of C . to think of D . think of
    A . On B . At C . In D . During
    A . called B . was called C . call D . calling
    A . wrong something B . something wrong C . wrong anything D . anything wrong
    A . worry B . worrying C . worried D . worries
    A . how B . what C . when D . why
    A . heard B . hear C . hearing D . to hear
    A . sometimes B . some time C . some times D . sometime
    A . in B . during C . for D . till
    A . spend time B . spend times C . spending time D . spending times
  • 14. 完形填空

    Jamie lives on a farm. There is usually a lot of1for him to have fun. But today is not a fun day.

    At noon, a car slows down on the road in front of Jamie's2. Suddenly(突然), the car door opens. Someone throws(扔)a cat3on the road. Then, the car drives away.

    Jamie is4. Who would do something like that? The cat has no one to take care of it. So Jamie5it home. He gives it some milk. Then he6his father about the cat.

    "Oh, Jamie," says his dad. "The people in that car did something wrong. They may be7the city not far away. They did not want this cat,8they brought it to the countryside and threw it away."

    Jamie feels very sad. He will take care of this unlucky cat. But he wants people to9something important: Pets are our friends. If you want to get a pet, be10to take care of it. It's the right thing to do!

    A . work B . food C . time D . people
    A . seat B . class C . river D . house
    A . out B . back C . up D . down
    A . happy B . sorry C . tired D . surprised
    A . keeps B . shows C . brings D . sends
    A . says B . tells C . speaks D . talks
    A . to B . about C . at D . from
    A . or B . but C . so D . if
    A . forget B . learn C . find D . worry
    A . ready B . easy C . funny D . lucky
  • 15. 阅读短文,回答问题

    My name is Phil and I'm 18 years old now. I'm from Harwich, a town in England. You can see my friend Max and me in the picture when we were at primary school.

    At that time, Max and I were close friends. We had a lot of things in common. For example, we were of the same age. We both liked reading history books. We enjoyed the same computer games. Football was one of our favourite sports. And we often had a great time playing football in our free time.

    However, Max left England when he was 13 because his father got a job in the US. Then we began to write to each other every month. I haven't seen him for a long time. But now I'm very happy because he is coming back to England next month! He's going to study at Oxford University. So we'll meet quite often.

    I can't wait to see him. We'll have lots of things to talk about. I know we'll enjoy our time together again.

    1. (1) What do the underlined words "in common" mean in Chinese?
      A . 亲自的 B . 清楚的 C . 特殊的 D . 共同的
    2. (2) What were Phil's hobbies at primary school?

      ① He liked playing basketball.

      ② He liked reading history books.

      ③ He liked playing computer games.

      A . ①② B . ②③ C . ①③ D . ①②③
    3. (3) Why did Max go to America?
      A . Because his father got a job there. B . Because his family was very rich. C . Because he wanted to look for a job there. D . Because he went to study at a university there.
    4. (4) Max often ______ Phil after he went to America.
      A . Called B . visited C . wrote to D . sent messages to
    5. (5) What can we know from the passage?
      A . Max is older than Phil. B . Phil wants to live with Max. C . Max can meet Phil next month. D . Phil will study at Oxford University.
  • 16. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Blue sports club

    Are you interested In playing ball game? Our club is open now. In the club you can learn basketball, soccer and baseball. The basketball teacher is Alan Green. He's from Africa. The soccer teacher is Paul Miller. He's from Australia. The baseball teacher is Rose Jones. She is American. Join us now! Please call Jack Smith to sign up(报名)!

    Sign up now!

    Fee: 200 yuan for each sport

    Ages of kids: 8-15

    Deadline(截止日期): May 24,2021

    E-mail address: bluesports2021@163.com

    Phone number: (408)504-6970

    July 8-18 (basketball)
    July 19-28 (soccer)
    August 1-10 (baseball)
    August 1-10 (baseball)

    1. (1) ______ teaches soccer in the club.
      A . Alan Green B . Paul Miller C . Rose Jones D . Jack Smith
    2. (2) How much should you pay if you like all the sports?
      A . 200 yuan. B . 400 yuan. C . 600 yuan. D . 800 yuan.
    3. (3) Who can join the club?
      A . A 5-year-old girl. B . A 7-year-old boy. C . An 11-year-old girl. D . An 18-year-old man.
    4. (4) The baseball class is ______.
      A . from July 8 to July 18 B . from July 19 to July 28 C . from May 18 to May 24 D . from August 1 to August 10
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . You must sign up on May 24,2021. B . Jack Smith is a teacher from Australia. C . You can make a call a (408)504·6970 to sign up. D . Jack Smith's e-mail address is bluesports2021@163.com.
  • 17. 阅读填空

    Who is the best teacher in Chinese history? Many would say Confucius(孔子). He was born in 551BC in the state of Lu. He taught about 3,000 students, and many of them became great thinkers, too.

    They read his teachings, perform(表演)ancient dances, and bow(鞠躬)to his picture. Why do people still love them after so many years? His most important ideas are to be kind to others, be honest and have good manners.

    Confucius said that brothers and sisters should love each other. Everyone should be strict with themselves, but be kind to others. Their ideas are always popular in China. People in other places around the world welcome them as well. We should learn from the great thinker.

    A. Confucius was a great thinker.

    B. Young people should look after the old.

    C. That's because his ideas help us in our everyday lives.

    D. Chinese people celebrate Confucius birthday every year.

    E. They believe that his ideas will make the world a better place.


